Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1821: Bemunstein

The Helios plunged into the thick cosmic barrier, and a thin layer of space-time power was deployed on the hull of the ship, instead of the previous energy barrier, which reduced the energy consumption of Helios. At the lowest point, and the speed of shuttle through the barriers of the universe is also seven or eight times faster, but after a while, he broke into this new universe.

‘Huh! ’

The ship window filled with gray and white suddenly opened up, and the dark universe was filled with bright starlight. Each point of starlight represented a river system with a diameter of a million light-years. Then I looked back at Helios. Behind the number is still full of stars, there is no barrier to the universe.

This made Xingye frowned. When he entered the universe before, he could see the boundless cosmic barrier after passing through the cosmic barrier, but the nearest galaxy was also very far away, but now he passed the cosmic barrier. It is no longer the edge of the universe, but the gap between the river systems.

Xingye believes that if he goes out again and rushes in through the barriers of the universe, he might appear at a different location. He will appear in a certain position in the universe completely. If this is the case, I am afraid that the barriers of the universe are no longer visible. Even at the edge of the universe, the barriers of the universe cannot be observed. It is like a mirror reflecting the light of the universe, and it looks as if there are countless river systems on the other side. If space-time barriers are arranged there, it will be hundreds of times more difficult for a new civilization to break through the cosmic barriers than before. Much.

After all, you can't observe the barriers of the universe, and naturally you can't generate curiosity. Just as humans in ancient times, if they couldn't see the stars in the sky, they would naturally not be curious about the stars, so they began to explore the universe ignorantly. , So that it flies out of the narrow earth and soars in the vast void of the universe.

Starry night understands why the big universe opens the star gate, a convenient and quick way to cross the universe, because if there is a convenient and quick way to cross the universe, then living things can only travel through different universes along the plan of the big universe. , And the big universe can change the coordinates of the other end of the star gate at any time. Maybe this second is this universe and the next second is another universe.

Just like every country on the earth is keen to control the main strait passage, and even if there is no one, it is necessary to dig one, because such a strait passage is equivalent to a passage of life, even if it is charged with tolls every day. And once a cross-universe civilization wants to explore the scene outside the universe, then the big universe can easily separate the civilization by closing the star gates leading to these universes, thereby allowing the civilization to fall apart. The development of technology has stagnated and even regressed.

And with convenient and fast ways, creatures will never study troublesome ways of passing, just like human beings are used to car passing, they will never study how to make horse-drawn carriages run faster. In this way, the enthusiasm of living creatures for exploring the scenery outside the universe can be reduced by countless times. Even if one or two strange flowers want to study, they will not get any support. After all, if a civilization has developed to the edge of the universe, then absolutely I have begun to travel across the universe. I am afraid that all the energy of civilization is thinking about occupying the resources of another universe. Studying what is outside the universe is no less than that of Europe during the great voyage. Instead of buying a ship to make a fortune at sea, it takes pains to study spacecraft. The'brain damage'.

Coupled with the "invisible" barriers of the universe and the inaccessible barriers of the universe, the possibility of civilization entering the universe has been reduced by more than a billion times. It seems that the universe has also adjusted its own rules during this crisis. I just don’t know if this has anything to do with the King of Otto. What Pete has always insisted is not to interfere with the development of civilization, but to let civilization explore the universe by itself, only when civilization is threatened by outsiders and cannot face it. Will intervene, the Kingdom of Light has always followed the idea of ​​the King of Otto, and sending planetary observers to the living planet to observe the progress of civilization will not disturb the development of civilization unless it is unavoidable.

"Perhaps... Lei Jiedu's integration into the universe just wants to talk to the World Tree, let the World Tree know our thoughts and concepts, and then make changes, now it seems that it has succeeded." Xingye silently Thinking about it, although the World Tree also showed its shape just now, it still didn’t communicate with Noah, and even everything was observed by Noah himself. This is how the World Tree will not talk to you anytime, just The obscurity supports all the universe.

Just thinking about it, Mayumi sat over and leaned against Xingye’s shoulders, stretched out her hand to caress Xingye’s frowning brows, and said curiously: “What are you thinking about? My brows are all frowning, and the frown will get old. ."

Xingye threw the thoughts in his mind aside, and said in a particularly relaxed tone: "I hope I will grow old. Now both of us are immortal monsters. It's really forever."

"Hehe!" Mayumi laughed twice, hugging Starry Night's arms, looking at the stretched starlight outside the ship window, tilting her head and said, "Is there something going on in this universe? Anyway, the universe you go to is absolutely absolute Something will happen."

"I don't know, but this time the movement is definitely bigger than before~www.NovelMTL.com~ So do your best." Xingye also has some worries. This time it involves the ancient survivors, billions of years and even The big universe, which hasn’t changed for a long time, even opened the star gates. I don’t know if this huge change is good or bad. I think that Starry Night here is a little envious of the previous life on the earth. Just manage the scientific research department. There is no need to think too much.

Now, I’m not thinking about the universe or the universe. I’m really tired. The time spent with Mayumi for such a long time is not as much as that on the earth. I always run around, and go to this universe tomorrow. Going to that universe, the distance between the two was lengthened without limit.

I was just thinking about it, the starlight outside returned to its point shape, and it had already broken away from the superluminal flight mode and returned to the normal flight mode. At the same time, a small voice sounded: "The photon entanglement detector found that there was a light energy response three light years away. , The same kind of information was not found in the database, it may be light quantum lifeforms in other universes, and a strong energy response was detected there, and battle may have erupted."

"Let's go, go there and have a look." Following Starry Night's order, the Helios immediately turned on the space engine and instantly disappeared in place using the space transition. When it reappears, it is already in a meteorite zone, countless large and small. Meteorite blocks are scattered throughout this vast airspace, more than a hundred times denser than the asteroid belt of the Earth.

The Helios probe was turned on at full power, and quickly surveyed the surrounding conditions. Soon the virtual screen in front of the vocalist showed the giant cosmic monster Bemunstein half-hidden by a meteorite. .

The Helios was appearing on Bemunstein's left side. From here, it could be seen that the suction cup on Bemunstein's abdomen had opened, absorbing the bright blue light crazily.

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