Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1812: Go back

Kakura Hidesuke and the others felt the ruins under their feet move. Before they could feel it clearly, they saw the masonry and rubble floating out of thin air. They looked at the surroundings in amazement. The ruins area seemed to have lost its gravitational force. All the masonry and rubble floated up, not only these but also dust, floating soil, etc.

Countless bricks and shingles were quickly put together to form an intact building. A huge amount of dust, floating soil, asphalt residue, etc. fell on the ground, quickly combined into a smooth road...

This seemed to be a dreamlike scene that caused everyone to lose their voices collectively. This violent world smashed their three views and slammed 10,000 feet on the ground. A group of people stood silly on the spot, looking at the broken and unimaginable ruins as if going back in time, the masonry and rubble turned into bright and clean high-rise buildings. They were standing on the ruins just now, but now they are all standing on the smooth road. The street lights on both sides, the green belt in the middle and the white lines on the road are all exactly the same as before. The city... is back? !

This scene is not only in this city, but all the cities all over the world that have been destroyed by alien beasts or affected by the aftermath of the battle between Ultraman and Dark Ultraman are like this. They are restored as new in just a few seconds, and many injured. The injuries on the human body have all disappeared. If it weren’t for the dead and not resurrected, then humanity really feels that time is going backwards.

"Ultraman..." Hekura Eisuke stood on the overpass, looking up at the high-rise buildings on both sides and the crossing roads below, and then looking at the Ultraman standing on the street in front but tens of meters away. , I was so excited that I didn't know what to say.

Saijokaze stepped forward and shouted at Ultraman, "Really...Thank you so much!"

Kudo Ikki also yelled at Ultraman: "It's really great to meet you, I will remember it all my life."

Shiori Hiraki waved his arms at Noah, "Goodbye, I must be back when I have time."

Noah nodded gently, then raised his head to look at the blue sky, his body suddenly accelerated in less than three or two seconds, and he flew into the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight, but people still desperately Waving their arms at Ultraman, shouting words of thanks, wanting to pass on their first gratitude and excitement to Ultraman, even though Ultraman can no longer see, but their hearts will never Remember that this silver giant saved everyone in the critical moment of the earth and mankind.

"Gumen..." A gentle and familiar voice rang in Gumen Ikki's ears, making Gumen Ikki startled, his eyes widened suddenly, his neck stiffly turned around, and he saw a man dressed The girl in the white dress stood several meters away in front of him, with a gentle smile on her face, looking at him with watery eyes.

"Li... Son?!"

At the Northern Lights Research Institute in Tokyo, the huge plaza slowly opened, revealing the bottomless underground base, but this time the apron did not rise, instead it opened from the middle along with the steel gate. Sliding to the side revealed a huge space below.

Hidden inside is a streamlined spacecraft that does not know how long it has stayed. Now this spacecraft is rapidly replenishing the lost energy with the help of the Max power system in the underground base. The more than 300-meter-long hull is radiating everywhere. Light.

The spacecraft flew slowly towards space, the huge hull made pedestrians could not help but stay and look at the spacecraft that was constantly flying towards the sky. The spacecraft continued to accelerate in less than ten seconds before disappearing from everyone’s sight. in.

Naturally, this series of changes cannot be concealed from human beings. Manager Matsunaga looked at several videos repeatedly played on the home screen. The broken city reappeared, Ultraman flew into space, and the visitor’s spacecraft also flew into space. Images taken from outer space show that Ultraman and the visitor’s spacecraft flew side by side to the outside of the solar system. As their speed continued to increase, humans completely lost their traces after half a minute and could no longer detect them.

"Ultraman... the visitors... all left. The earth must be protected by humans." Manager Matsunaga stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and picked up a copy of the title on the table titled'Earth Joint Defense The organization’s document has moved towards the holographic video conference room. In this dark Lucifer crisis, mankind finally understands that the crisis is never for a country, but for all human beings. The organizational structure like TLT has fallen out of date. This discussion is about the establishment of a global elite team, selecting the most elite troops, driving the most advanced fighters, and fighting the most vicious enemies. It is not a defense of a region or a region like the original TLT but a global defense organization.

After that nightmarish global alien beast disaster, humans passed a peaceful time without alien beasts and Ultraman, and soon humans came out of the original grief. However, the peace did not last long. The alien beasts reappeared two years later, just a few micro alien beasts, not even a few meters of small alien beasts.

It’s just that human beings will no longer panic this time, and orderly evacuation measures are implemented. People can run to the refuge along a fixed route, and there are black and blue chrome Chester fighters flying in the sky constantly attacking and flying. Alien beasts in the sky, on the ground, night assault team members wearing blue uniforms attacked the alien beasts in the sky and on the ground with guns, covering humans, everything is in order, without panic and disorder. There were no casualties.

Soon these alien beasts were wiped out, the bitter air defense sirens died down, and the night raid team also breathed a sigh of relief, lowering the large Dwyer gun held high in their hands. Gumen Ikki pulled up the goggles and glanced around with a smile. Not far from the ground, there was an alien beast that had been hit to pieces.

Gumen Yikki looked at the blue sky and thought silently in his heart: "Starry night, no, Ultraman, human beings can already protect this planet with their own power. No matter how difficult the future is, it is absolutely impossible. Give up, I will tell the next generation of players what you say."

And in a star system in a galaxy in this universe, a silver giant and a streamlined spacecraft slowly stay in the middle region of the two planets in this galaxy. Noah looked at this large area of ​​dust spreading hundreds of millions of kilometers. This was the remains of the previous explosion of aquamarine stars. However, the dust added together only weighed a million tons, which looked like a nebula. It looks very big, but the quality is extremely slight.

Noah glanced at the visitor's spacecraft next to him, and then raised his silver right arm. The colorful streamer flew out from the wings of time and space behind him, and quickly rotated around Noah's right arm, Noah low. Give a shout: "Noah Galaxy!"

The colorful streamer disappeared out of thin air and appeared on the meteorite belts of other star systems. The meteorites of different sizes were transported to Noah's side. In a short while, there were millions more nearby. Small and small meteorites. Noah then stopped Noah Galaxy.

Then raised his arms, the wings of time and space on the back exudes a dazzling brilliance, wrapping the meteorites in them. The meteorites are immediately crushed and restored into elements, and then quickly arranged and formed according to Noah’s consciousness. Noah is like a match. Like building blocks, the endless elements are recombined together~www.NovelMTL.com~ In just one minute, the endless elements are combined into a planet with water everywhere.

Then Noah used the power of time and space to adjust the star system, repairing the distorted and damaged planets due to the impact of the water blue star explosion as new, replenishing the lost mass of the star, and a series of delicate and complicated tasks.

This work lasted for a few minutes before it was over. The entire galaxy has returned to what it was before the Mercury Blue Star exploded, but although there are some slight deviations, it does not affect the normal operation of this star system.

The only one hundred visitors left in the spacecraft said with consciousness to Noah who was on the side: "Thank you, Ultraman!"

"No, I should apologize," Noah said softly, looking at the blue planet in front of him and said: "This is your future home, and no one will disturb you anymore."

After the visitors thanked the visitors again, the spacecraft slowly started to fly towards the planet and dived directly into the bottom of the sea. The spacecraft disintegrated and quickly recombined into a cone-shaped urban building for these jellyfish life forms to live and live in. Multiply, the planet is exceptionally quiet, and there are no intelligent creatures except them.

Noah nodded to Aquastar, then turned around, ‘huh! With a sound of'flying to the dark universe, the wings of time and space flashed behind him, and a colorful time tunnel appeared immediately in front of Noah. Noah rushed in, and the time tunnel closed and disappeared. The darkness The void of the universe was calm again, and the starlight in the distance was still so calm, as if none of this had happened.

PS: Xiao Nai has officially finished writing, and the rest will write the theater version of Ultraman in the new era. TV will choose guest appearances and participation, which is equivalent to an outside editor. At the same time, Xingsha began to prepare a new book with the subject of Marvel fellow.

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