Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1810: Back in time

Noah did not answer Shiori Hiraki’s question, staring at the Martian fragments flying crazily around his body, slowly raised his right hand, the endless power of time and space emanating from the wings of time and space behind, following Noah’s movements Everything in this cube-like different time and space: time, matter, energy, etc., all stopped flowing in an instant, as if the pause button was pressed.

And the cube that constructed this different time and space also received the signal, and began to slowly shrink and gather towards the middle, wherever it went, it touched the Mars fragments, bursts of energy, and bursts of energy, like the mirror surface of the cube’s six light films. The rampant cosmic storm and so on all disappeared, and then appeared in the original position of Mars, and the endless energy was quickly converted into various elemental matter.

First, fragments of fragmented rock appeared there one after another, like a jigsaw puzzle pieced together little by little, and then the explosive energy was converted into matter or what should be called an element, filling the puzzle piece by little, starting from nothing. Yes, from small to large, from rough to delicate... the destroyed Mars actually appeared in the cosmic void little by little, giving the impression that it’s like a reverse flow of time and space, first an outline and then you can see clearly The specific shape is covered with dense cracks, and then these cracks quickly healed until they are completely integrated.

In less than twenty seconds, a planet with a diameter of 6,700 kilometers and a weight of 6,4.2 million megatons appeared in front of Noah from scratch, following the original 1.85061 degrees. The angle is turning, but the difference is that the surface is not an endless desert, but a tuft of rocks like volcanic rocks after the cooling of volcanic magma. The ice and snow at the poles have also disappeared and replaced by strips of the size of the planet. Different rivers.

Shiori Hiraki looked at this even more amazing scene. The whole person was dumbfounded, her eyes grew wide and her mouth grew wide. She even forgot to breathe in surprise. His brain was blank and she couldn't use her at all. Thinking to understand the scene. The vocabulary stored in her blank brain could not allow her to express her inner feelings. In the end, she could only use the pale vocabulary ‘awesome’, and said blankly: "Okay... so amazing."

However, Noah's work is not over. The Wings of Time and Space at the back flashed with colorful brilliance again. It was a complete leap forward, reaching 30 million kilometers in one second, and then transmitting the gravity of the new Mars here. , And Noah still maintains such a situation, until the gravity of Mars naturally reaches there to fill the blank area before the power of time and space can be revoked.

The cost of human intervention in the operation of the universe is so high. Noah can't change this situation even if he is eager in his heart. He is worried that Shiori Hiraki's body will not be able to support such a long time. After all, Noah's power is full. It's a joke.

"This is not going back in time," Noah started to popularize cosmic knowledge to Shiori Hiramu: "Going back in time shouldn't exist. No one can do this in my cognition anyway."

"Oh, but the sparks are clearly..." The monk Shizhi Zhanger Hiramu couldn't figure it out, and stared blankly at the unscathed sparks.

"Look carefully, there are still traces on Mars from the aftermath of my previous battle with Dark Lucifer." Noah sighed and said, "I just intercepted the elements that make up Mars in this area, and then used these elements to form matter. , And then re-formed Mars. It seems like it’s going back in time. Actually, I played this with Pete and the three together a billion years ago, and reorganized the remains of several universes into a galaxy. This is not magic but science. In fact, when human science and technology develop to a certain level, you will find that it is not difficult to make planets from scratch. The 3D printing that humans now play in ancient times seems to be God’s handwriting. In fact, it doesn’t matter what it is. It can be reorganized in this way, except of course life with soul. After all, a bunch of carbohydrates is not life..."

Starry night here teaches Shiori Hiraki, but here the earth is in panic. After learning that the battle between Ultraman and Ultraman Dark is starting near Mars, facing all the observatories on the side of Mars Just point the astronomical telescope here, and the same is true for the Hubble telescope.

Hundreds of thousands of people are paying attention to the fighting situation, although the photos taken are blurry and need to be processed twice and explained by related experts to get a general understanding of this light spot is Ultraman, and that dark spot is Dark Ultraman.

However, this does not prevent the high level of humanity from paying attention to this battle. However, it is only concerned about it. Even because the two sides are too small relative to the universe and the speed is too fast, humans have not been able to take consistent photos~www. NovelMTL.com~ What they do is to know who loses and who wins for the first time, and then make a speech to tell the people to celebrate the victory or to bid farewell to their families and quietly enter the end.

However, when the observation of Mars entered the third minute, both the Hubble telescope and the astronomical telescope found that the trace of Mars was missing at the same time, and it was really disappearing. This surprised everyone who knew astronomy and repeatedly said it was impossible. This is a planet. How could it be said that it disappeared and disappeared?

Mankind is frantically looking for the traces of Mars. The mainframe computer repeatedly calculates the orbit of Mars, trying to find out the planet, but with the passage of time there is no progress, and the anxiety in the human heart has become more and more high. Feeling desperate. It is impossible for Mars to disappear for no reason. The only guess is that the battle between Ultraman and Dark Ultraman has spread to this planet and made it disappear.

This powerful force that can change the universe makes mankind feel so powerless and desperate. Many people give up struggling and sit on their chairs, waiting for the judgment of fate. Anyway, no matter what they do, they can't change the situation of the battle. After all, if it is really perished If they do, they can't stop it.

However, this news is only spread in this small area, and the time is too short to spread out on a large scale. On the other side of the earth, Eisuke Wakura, Kaze Saijo, and Ikki Komito, wearing night raid uniforms, were busy in the ruins, because the streets were full of ruins, making large equipment fundamental I can’t get in, I have to clear a way little by little, but life can’t wait. For this reason, a large number of volunteers and professional paramedics walk into the ruins of the spreading aurora with tools, digging, shoulders, etc. Come to save the lives buried under the ruins, even if there are too few people to survive.

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