Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1808: Final battle (7)

In the dark Lucifer's horrified gaze, Noah's right fist shining with the red lotus flame continued to enlarge in his pupils, until the light emitted by his body was slightly dim and Noah hit his chest with a punch. Above the colored timer hole.

‘Boom! ’

When Noah was about to hit Dark Lucifer with a punch, Dark Lucifer opened his mouth to show a grinning smile at Noah, his expression of horror turned into a sneer, and Noah hit him in the fire of hell. In the 0.001 second before the detonation, the hole in the chest of the dark Lucifer suddenly exploded in time for the energy to be emitted. The huge recoil of the explosion caused the dark Lucifer, who had no resistance, to retreat. At the same time, the hellfire on Noah's arm also erupted forward.

The raging hellfire and the dark energy bursting out of the dark Lucifer collided together. The dark energy offset part of the energy bursting from the hellfire, and failed to attack the dark Lucifer at the first time, and it won 0.5 seconds for the dark Lucifer. time.

With the help of the power of his own energy explosion and the recoil when the hellfire counteracted it, Dark Lucifer's whole person fell like a meteor with his back to Mars. Although the dark Lucifer was suffering, his eyes revealed his pride, although he paid for it. A big price-the chest is like being stuffed into a tomato that has been blasted by firecrackers. It becomes a big hole that occupies two-thirds of the dark Lucifer's chest, almost directly exploding the dark Lucifer into two pieces. Up.

But Dark Lucifer achieved its goal. The energy of its own detonation combined with the energy impact of the hellfire exploding forward, made the distance between Dark Lucifer and Mars almost zero. The man rolled and fell into Mars, and fell directly into a newly formed lake of magma below, splashing magma in the sky.

"Oops!" The hellfire of Noah's right fist slowly dissipated. He didn't expect Dark Lucifer to be so cruel. If the self-detonation just deviated slightly, he would blow himself up. That was definitely the worst. The method of death was gone, but Dark Lucifer still chose to do this, blocking the possibility of a little success, just like the original Dark Zaki, when he was desperate, he directly used the demon disintegration method.

The purpose is to seize the one-in-a-million chance that he can escape from Noah's hands, and the consciousness that was extremely weak due to the disintegration can be restored, and the original strength can also be restored.

The cost of generation is high. Even though hundreds of millions of years have passed, Dark Zaki still has not recovered his original strength. Now it is the turn of Dark Lucifer, but I don't know the meaning of this guy's escape to Mars.

The hellfire on Noah's arm dissipated. After all, this is Mars blasting up with a punch. I am afraid that the entire planet will be burned to ashes. The burst of high-energy particles and various rays are enough to sweep the entire solar system and blow all the planets. Away from the original track.

However, for safety's sake, Noah was still preparing to block this area for a short time. Noah raised his arms and formed an inverted horoscope above his head. Noah's wings on the back exuded colorful brilliance, and then the two rays of light split into one. Fourth, fly to different coordinates. Then the eight light spots emit a colorful brilliance toward the other three light spots, and they are connected to each other. The twelve colorful lines outline a cube with a side length of 100,000 kilometers, and the Mars is firmly sealed. inside.

The six sides of the cube exudes colorful gleams, forming a different space, sealing everything inside and isolating everything out, which is equivalent to this area disappearing from this universe. The gravity of Mars cannot be transmitted, and the gravity of other planets and the sun's rays and gravity cannot be transmitted to Mars.

This kind of blockade simply cannot last for too long. The entire solar system is an extremely delicate structure. There will be problems in one place and other problems. For example, now, Mars'disappears' out of thin air, lacking the gravity of Mars. The other seven planets include The asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt will be affected by this. The orbits of all planets, moons, meteorites, etc. in the solar system will change more or less, and such changes are simply drastic changes for humans. Even a deviation of the earth's orbit is enough to cause all humans to die in an instant, which is why Noah wanted to lead the dark Lucifer out of the solar system before. But now it’s a last resort. Xingye has the final say. Mars is 80 million kilometers away from the earth. He only has 266 seconds to solve the dark Lucifer, restore the orbit of Mars, and accelerate the gravity of Mars with the force of space. Time to other planets, so as to fill the gap in this period of time when Mars lost its gravity.

After Noah completed the space-time blockade, he lowered his head and looked towards Mars~www.NovelMTL.com~ It only took a second. The breath of dark Lucifer moved from the surface of Mars to the interior of Mars, and it continued He drilled towards the core of Mars, and when Noah discovered the dark Lucifer, he had already reached the core of Mars composed of iron and nickel under super high pressure.

The thousands of degrees in the inner core temperature of Mars cannot break through the energy shield of the dark Lucifer body surface, and can only continuously consume the energy of the dark Lucifer, but he can swim in the liquid core of Mars before the energy of the dark Lucifer is exhausted. Two laps.

After desperately running all the way to the inner core of Mars, the dark Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his head and had red eyes spanning millions of kilometers of airspace and Noah in outer space through a layer of thousands of kilometers thick. Look at each other.

"What's the matter? Why don't you attack? It's not bad to have a planet buried with you, hahaha." Dark Lucifer grinned and looked at Noah floating in the universe coldly: "Ultraman Ah, savior, if you have the ability to destroy this planet together, if you dare to move, I will directly blew up and blow up this planet. What kind of human hero? What do you want to do?"

Noah glanced at the dark Lucifer in the inner core of Mars, and said in a very calm tone: "Do you threaten me with a dead planet? It's too naive. If it was Dark Zaki, he would definitely run away desperately. Even if there is a planet with countless lives next to him, he will not fly towards the planet, because he knows it is useless. If you are a member of the super civilization of the ancient times, you would not do it. .Because the life I have destroyed is enough to fill up one universe, the planets I blow up with my own hands can fill up three universes. Do you think one Mars is a big bargaining chip?"

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