Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1802: The final battle (1)

Dark Lucifer quickly stabilized his body, and continued to rush towards Noah with a grinning grin. He was extremely fast. Almost when he was about to hit Noah, Noah used his spatial ability to get himself out of place, and then appeared. In the stratosphere of the earth, bowing his head and turning his right arm, facing the darkness Lucifer is a Noah Spark.

The dazzling blade of light swept across the dark Lucifer, but when it was still halfway, the dark Lucifer had already rushed up. The five black and red fingers flicked vigorously, bringing out five blood-red energy lights. The collision on the Blade of Light directly smashed Noah Sparks, and continued to rush towards Noah unabated.

"Come on, anyway, it's okay, take a walk for you first." Noah whispered, flying into the outer space, his body was radiating with pale golden light, turning into a bright streamer and rushing out of the atmosphere towards the dark universe. Fly away.

"Don't even want to run!" The triumphant dark Lucifer followed Noah's back. The posture was to stop Noah in one effort.

You chased me and flew away from the earth in the blink of an eye. The silver-gray moon swept past tens of thousands of kilometers, but in just two seconds, they had already crossed the moon’s orbit towards the outer solar system. Flew in the direction.

Noah looked back at the dark Lucifer who was chasing after him, and nodded silently. The crimson energy core on his chest bloomed with dazzling brilliance, enveloping Noah in its entirety, in this light with time and space correction power In the middle, Noah's degree instantly accelerated from matte to light, double light, and stopped increasing until five times the light, maintaining such a fast degree to fly toward the outer solar system.

He wants to draw the dark Lucifer away from the earth as much as possible, otherwise, if he fights against the dark Lucifer, the explosive energy impact may have a great impact on the earth. When he first hit the ground, the dark Lucifer was only It's just a small test, the strong light collision hasn't started yet.

Dark Lucifer followed behind and grinned: "Do you want to lead me away from the earth? It's hard to protect yourself, and I still think about those humble humans, who are really qualified saviors."

"You will catch up with me first." Noah pretended to be disdainful and flew to the forefront all the way, turning his head from time to time to shoot a blade of light at the dark Lucifer behind him, but was easily avoided by him. Past. Although this guy is not comparable to the Dark Zaki of the Primordial Age, he is still very powerful. The power of Dark Zaki and Noah in the Primordial Era was beyond the imagination of Dark Lucifer, but after the disintegration of the two sides, 99% of their energy and abilities were lost. Before his death, the dark Zaki was only an outline of his figure, and his strength was far from being restored to its heyday. Even Noah himself is the same. Even though he has unfolded the wings of time and space many times, it is a pity that he wields less than one-thousandth of Noah's heyday. In contrast, the world tree that gave them four such powerful powers Its strength can be imagined.

"Toad sitting on the well and watching the sky!" This is Noah's definition of dark Lucifer. This guy in this remote universe, seeing the current darkness of Zaki and Noah, he thinks he is a strong person. He does not know that it is dark compared to the ancient times Lucifer's current strength is really not enough. Those civilizations destroyed by Noah and Regeddo can easily eliminate the half-finished dark Lucifer.

Just thinking about it, the darkness of Lucifer suddenly increased, and instantly in the darkness of the universe, he jumped directly into the mirror space, and reappeared in the next second, already blocked in front of Noah. The oncoming Noah was a dark shock wave. The strong shock wave from his right fist struck forward, and even the space he passed by was shattered, splitting long and thin gaps.

The high-flying Noah immediately used the power of space and disappeared in place before the vibration wave that was enough to separate the space hit, and when it reappeared, he had appeared in the void that was a million kilometers away from the dark Lucifer.

Dark Lucifer and Noah both stopped and hovered in the dark cosmic void. At a distance of only three million kilometers from them, there was a reddish-brown planet, which was the fourth planet of the solar system, Mars. .

"Do you still want to run? This is your burial place!" Dark Lucifer twisted his neck left and right, and then instantly added the light and rushed towards Noah, and Noah also rushed towards Dark Lucifer not to be outdone. .

The silver streamer and blood-red light pierced the void of the universe, and instantly collided together. A light brighter than a new starburst burst from the collision point and swept everything around. The intense flow of high-energy particles melted away all the nearby dust scattered in the cosmic space ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ Nothing was left, and it didn’t take long for this shock wave containing a strong flow of high-energy particles to arrive. On Mars orbit.

The high-energy particles and rays carrying strong energy blow away the atmosphere of Mars in an instant, and then act on the surface of Mars. A large amount of energy flooded into Mars, causing the temperature of the surface of Mars to rise more than ten times in an instant. The desert on Mars The gravel was melted and stuck together in an instant. In many places, even raging fires ignited, but they were immediately extinguished due to the lack of combusting agent. Even so, the surface of Mars was full of magma flowing freely, and the entire Mars took only five seconds It became a purgatory, and it was only the aftermath of the collision between Noah and Dark Lucifer.

And the fists of Noah and Dark Lucifer, who caused all of this, came together, a huge amount of energy was continuously delivered through their fists, and they madly collided with the energy of the other party, releasing a huge amount of high-energy particle rays sweeping. The universe is empty.

The two sides held a stalemate for only a few seconds, and Noah was knocked out by the dark Lucifer, rolling back in the universe for nearly a thousand kilometers before reluctantly stopping. Just as he stabilized his body, he felt an extremely strong dark wave. Struck.

Noah immediately looked up, a blood-red light mingled with black lightning whizzed, and the speed made Noah even have no time to mobilize the power of time and space, so he hurriedly raised his hands to prop up the Otter barrier.

'boom! ’

Dark Zom's light bombarded the Otto barrier, igniting violent sparks, and the dark power contained in it continuously eroded the Otto barrier composed of light, and the powerful impact made Noah unable to back up.

"Hahaha, die for me." Dark Lucifer grinned grinningly, and continuously gathered the energy in his body and converted it into dark Zom light.

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