Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1798: hope

The continuous mutations finally caught their attention, and then they received a report from the unit responsible for attacking these alien beasts: "Ultraman appeared and eliminated the alien beast."

This report surprised the senior officials in the morning session. It was hard to believe the news. The three alien beasts were wiped out in just over ten seconds? This...this...this is really great.

Then the images taken by the remaining fighter jets at these three locations were transmitted to the command room. I saw huge monsters walking in the city full of flames and ruins like hell. Suddenly a silver light flashed, and the silver giant was like a savior. Appeared in the city, and then wiped out this terrifying alien beast with just one blow.

The same is true for the image transmitted in the next segment. Ultraman suddenly appeared to destroy the alien beast with a single blow and then disappeared again to another city.

Within half a minute of watching this video, four more red dots disappeared from the map on the main screen of the command room. The alien beasts in the Kanto region were captured in just one minute. Terman wiped out half.

The hearts of the people shrouded in desperate clouds flooded with hope. Ultraman wiped out an alien beast in five seconds, so it seemed that it would only take 10,000 seconds or less than three hours for 2,000 alien beasts around the world. It can all be wiped out. Although such a long time will make most cities into a pile of ruins, at least humanity will not perish. As long as the race can continue, no amount of sacrifice can be tolerated.

This is like the ant colony in a forest fire, forming a ball into an ant ball and rolling out of the fire area. Even if the outer ants will be scorched, they can continue the colony. This is more important than anything else.

Human beings will not become history like visitors, and human beings can continue to survive on earth. This thought was lingering in everyone's minds, and the management officer Matsunaga was full of blood on his face. The big ups and downs made his heart tremble, and his lips trembled and said, "Immediately...I will announce this news immediately. Tell the citizens that we still have hope and humanity will not perish."


A resounding and powerful answer echoed in the command room, sweeping away the sluggish atmosphere and the clouds of despair just now, and seeing hope to bring people to life, full of joy, with a smile on his face, and devoted himself to the intense work. , To spread this news to the world.

At this moment, Noah had already arrived at the foot of the Great Wall. With a heavy fist, he smashed a pangolin-like alien beast to the ground, and then grabbed the alien beast's front leg with his right hand and threw it upward. The alien beast weighing tens of thousands of tons was thrown high like a stone.

Noah's right arm was bent at his waist. The intense energy gathered on the right fist and emitted a red flame like a flame. Then Noah's right fist was swiped towards the alien beast in the sky, shooting out a high-temperature destruction light. , The red light is surrounded by a flame-like aperture, which looks exceptionally brilliant.

Noah Flame caught up with this alien beast in an instant. In this terrifying flame, the alien beast was burnt to ashes and disappeared without a trace. Immediately, Noah used the power of space and disappeared in place, appearing on the Bund in Shanghai. An alien beast like a tyrant took a heavy step, crawling in the human city extremely slowly compared to other alien beasts. .

Since landing, the body of the alien beast, which is more than sixty meters wide, is like a giant bulldozer. The buildings along the way have been pushed to the ground, moving all the way towards the center of the city. Fighters in the sky and tanks on the ground frantically attacked this huge alien beast, but this alien beast moved unhurriedly, letting them pour out firepower.

Missiles and shells exploded on the alien beast, but the power that was enough to smash a small mountain hit the alien beast with only a few sparks and disappeared, even to the alien beast. Tickling is not enough, no matter how you attack him, still move this step.

At this moment, there was a flash in the front of the alien beast, and then a silver giant jumped out of it, throwing a right fist and a Noah fist and slamming it on the alien beast's head.

‘Boom! With a muffled sound, the terrifying force carried by the violent gravity-fighting must-slay fist directly slammed the seventy-eight-to-eight-ton-heavy alien beast's four feet back for hundreds of meters before stopping. Four deep ravines were drawn on the ground.

The head of the alien beast was sunken in a large piece, and it looked like a squashed eggplant. Under the heavy blow, the dizzy alien beast lay directly there, and it hasn’t been relieved for a long time, let alone. Speaking of counterattack~www.NovelMTL.com~ So awesome! "The fighting troops besieging the alien beasts were stunned at the alien beast that had been punched by Ultraman a hundred meters away. Just now they desperately attacked the alien beast, and tons of missiles hit the alien beast. He couldn't cause even the slightest damage to the alien beast, but Ultraman sank the alien beast's head into a big chunk with just one blow.

Many people who were escaping, and the surrounding buildings had no time to escape, looked at the scene in front of them, extremely excited, Ultraman is here, the alien beasts can no longer act recklessly, they are saved.

A young man on the 20th floor of the building on Noah's left stopped running downstairs, and shouted at Noah: "Come on, Ultraman!"

His voice echoed over the city. Even the crackling and burning ruins of the city could not hide his voice. A second ago, he still felt he was dead. The building he was in was advancing by the alien beast. On the road, according to the speed of the alien beast's progress, the building will be flattened in more than ten seconds.

And he only had two choices, one was to watch himself buried under the rubble and die, and the second was to jump from the stairs to let this suffocating fear end earlier.

Before he was desperately desperate to make a decision, a silver body stood in front of him and punched the alien beast that silence had brought him death back. He was at a height even higher than Ultraman. It's a little taller, completely overlooking, you can clearly see Noah's figure.

Following the shout of this man, another voice rang under the building: "Come on, Ultraman!"

A shout of shouts rang out one after another, spreading from the building to the surroundings, but the whole city boiled over a short while, and almost everyone Hesdiri cheered for Ultraman.

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