Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1651: resentment

"Is this guy sent to test my strength? Then please satisfy you, let you see my true strength." Nexus clenched his right fist, and the brightness of the golden blade on his right arm rose again. Up a step.

Mephistopheles roared and waved his right arm. The devil's claws pierced the air and struck towards Nexus. With a screaming noise, Nexus immediately waved his right arm diagonally from bottom to top, golden The blade of his arm collided with the devil's claw, and fierce sparks were splashed.

Almost at the moment of the collision, Nexus and Mephistopheles raised their free left arms at the same time, and the red iron fists and black and red fists crossed and hit each other's chest at the same time.

‘Oh! ’

‘Boom! ’

The two muffled sounds almost connected together echoed in the field of Meta, and the powerful forces that struck each other caused Nexus and Mephistopheles to retreat involuntarily, pulling apart a distance of one to two hundred meters. .

At this moment, in the aurora belt in the sky, there was a hint of agitated water-like ripples, and then two fighters of different styles burst in from it, and flew high in the sky, howling.

"I have entered the realm of the Mita," the science analyst of the night raid team Ishibori Mitsuhiko immediately analyzed after entering this alien space. After the subconscious report appeared, he raised his head in surprise, and then turned to look at it. Mephistopheles below said in dismay, "It's still the Mita Realm, and it has not been converted into the Dark Realm G!"

"No." Shiori Hiraki was equally surprised when he heard this. When he broke into the past, this alien space had been dyed into a dark realm, but this time there was no change, which was incredible.

"Attack the demon Mephistopheles and support Ultraman!" Hekura Hidesuke didn't think too much about why. He has quickly entered the role of battlefield commander and started to coordinate operations.


The Assault Chester and Delta dived down quickly, and the aiming ring caught Mephistopheles, who had staggered and retreated a few steps on the ground, and then lasers and missiles flew out of the two fighters. , Whistling and threw down.

Mephistopheles' sensitive hearing made him immediately discover the attack from the air, and hurriedly raised his left arm, the strong dark energy quickly condensed into a translucent barrier, blocking him.

Several lasers and dozens of missiles bombarded the translucent screen unfolded by Mephistopheles, exploding, ‘Boom! The explosion sound is endless, and the burst of flame light almost illuminates the bleak Mita realm.

At this moment, Nexus waved his right hand, and a crescent-shaped golden light blade flew out, whizzing directly at Mephistopheles.

"I was prepared for a long time." Mephistopheles yelled a little triumphantly. With a violent wave of his free right arm, the devil's claws slashed precisely on the golden light blade, cutting the particle feathers into pieces. The two halves, scattered into countless golden light spots, disappeared.

At this moment, a red iron fist passed through the scattered golden light spots in the sky and expanded in the pupils of Mephistopheles. The devil's claw on the right arm was still swung to the other side according to inertia, there was no The space and time of rotation.

Mephistopheles just saw this scene. Before he could react, the red iron fist hit Mephistopheles fiercely on the face. The huge force knocked Mephistopheles out, and his body was almost slanted. The ground flew out parallel to the ground.

The huge body was sliding on the bumpy ground, and the rough earth and rock dragged Mephistopheles' body, wading into a deep gully until his head hit a hill that was thirty or forty meters high. Even if he only touched this hill slightly, he knocked the hill out of several deep gaps and nearly collapsed.


Nexus flicked his right fist lightly. The powerful force of that punch and the high-speed impact of Mach's movement made Nexus almost lose intuition with his right fist, so that his right arm was not moving smoothly. , I’m afraid I’ll lose combat power with my right arm first two times.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Mephistopheles, who got up from the ground with a gray head, roared a few words in a row, and his scarlet eyes stared at Nexus angrily. Then, with a wave of his right arm, a black whirlpool appeared on the ground. A huge shell-like alien beast rose from it, it was Megaforrash that was previously hidden under the ground.

Mephistopheles squinted angrily at the two fighters flying in the air, and pointed to the high altitude: "Kill them to me."

The plume on the tip of Megaforrash immediately flashed dark red energy rays, and then launched two dark red destructive rays, traversing the void and hitting the two Chrome Chester fighters in the air.

When the feathers on the tip of the alien beasts below shone light~www.NovelMTL.com~ Ikki and Saijo, who were responsible for driving the two fighters, pulled the joysticks almost at the same time to make the assault Chester and Delta Number one rolled from left to right, quickly moving away from the previous position, letting the subsequent destructive light hit a void.

"Rectangular light, launch!" While rolling, the aiming ring on the NR helmet goggles worn by Kudo Ikki's head had caught the alien beast, and he immediately pressed the attack button.

Four rays flew out with a whistling, two rays hit the alien beast's body, the other two hits around the alien beast, splashing fire and dust in the sky, and almost swallowed the alien beast. .

‘Moo! 'The alien beast roared in anger, and the vents on both sides sprayed out two strong air currents, blowing away the nearby dust, and then the feathers at the tip of the spiral shell unceasingly drove towards Ikki. The Delta launched a destructive light, letting the solitary door dodge uncontrollably.

"Don't forget, there are us!" Shiori Hiraki said, pressing a few buttons quickly, gathering the energy of the ship body to the weapon launching port, and aiming the sight ring on the goggles at the alien beast. Immediately pressed the attack button: "Assault ray, launch!"

A dazzling beam of light was launched from the muzzle, and it instantly crossed a distance of three to four hundred meters, bombarding the lower head of the alien beast, exploding with blazing flames, and the severe pain suddenly interrupted the attack of the alien beast. Up.

However, when the flames dissipated, there was not much damage on the alien beast. The attack effect just now was almost zero. The defensive power of the spiral shell on the alien beast was too strong, relying only on the assault chester. Its firepower can't break through the carapace on the surface of the alien beast, and its attack effect is limited to a few sparks.

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