Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1630: Pity is the fittest

The soldiers turned around and carried their pity to the transport plane, making Ikki Gumen want to catch up as soon as he took a hurried step. However, Captain Wakura Hidesuke was firmly held back by Captain Hekura: "Gumen, don't be impulsive." Now this situation is a little bit different Carelessness will cause confrontation between the two sides, or even fire. Once such a situation occurs, it will definitely cause huge troubles and even casualties.

"But Captain..." Kudo Ikki eagerly wanted to say something, and felt a hurricane approaching. The transport plane had already lifted off under the push of two huge vector jet engines. At this time, unless it was a shot to knock down the plane, it would be impossible to prevent the transport plane from taking off. Ikki Kudo was very annoyed, and there was a real urge to raise the gun and knock down the plane.

"Gumen, who is that? Is it someone you know? What the **** is going on?" Mitsuhiko Ishibori was very puzzled and asked a series of questions.

The extra-large Diwai gun in Gumen Ikki's hand dropped, he hesitated, and lowered his head and said, "He is Rei, Qianshu Rei, and he is just like Mr. Ji Ya, a man of fit."

"What are you talking about?" Everyone was stunned by the news thrown out by Yihui Gumen. They also saw the young man just now. They looked like an adult, so how could they not be able to compare him with just now. Altman fought desperately to connect.

Shiori Hiraki suddenly widened his eyes, and said in dismay, "Is the manager taking the fit person for experimentation? I want to get Ultraman's data again to restore the deleted Ultimate Ray."

"Absolutely not," Ikki Kudo yelled, "Pity's body can't stand human experimentation. He will definitely die."

"Could it be that he has reached the limit?"

"It's because of pity for myself." Ikki Kudo said the pity situation exactly, the son of Prometheus, genetic defects, etc., all things came out of the tray.

"Go back to the base immediately!" Captain Hekura Hidesuke's face was gloomy. After just saying this, he turned and walked towards the distant vehicle.

In the conference room of the Freedom Castle, Management Officer Matsunaga has been busy turning around, contacting the network technology department to delete all the information about Ultraman, alien animals and TLT on the Internet, and contacting the army to block the area three kilometers near Shinjuku Central Park. No one is allowed to go out, let all the memory police go out to erase the memory, and contact the government to control TV stations and newspapers, and no information is allowed to be revealed...

However, what he cares most is the arrest of the fit. The transport plane is already on the way back. However, after checking the fit, it is found that the situation is not optimistic. The physical condition of the fit is extremely poor, and it is even possible. Without waiting for him to obtain the required data, the subject would die first.

Such a result is definitely not what Manager Matsunaga wants. What he wants is never a dead fit person, or a fit person who died before he got the necessary data. After pondering for a moment, the manager of Matsunaga picked up the phone on the table and said, “Contact me to the Northern Lights Research Institute and ask Yuan Xingye to bring his team over and tell him that I want the fittest to continue the experiment as long as he If it can be done, the experiment funding of the Northern Lights Institute will be doubled this year."

In the last two words, Manager Matsunaga almost gritted his teeth and said that scientific research is always using money as paper. But now things are urgent, even if he pays all the costs, Mr. Matsunaga must push forward his plan and solve the problems. The secret of Terman power to strengthen human power.

Putting down the phone heavily, Manager Matsunaga rubbed his temples very sadly. He felt that the temples at both ends were jumping non-stop, and too much had happened these days. In just a few days, all the secrets of TLT, which had been hidden for five years, were revealed to the public. Even though TLT responded quickly enough to delete all the resources on the Internet regardless of others, they could not delete the images downloaded by people. And information. The appearance of alien beasts, Ultraman and Dark Ultraman in the city today has an irreparable impact. The destroyed city and the dead and wounded humans cannot conceal the past no matter how quibble they are.

The current development of the situation has exceeded the expectations of the Matsunaga management officer and even the headquarters. Now these things are no longer under the control of a small TLT-J third branch management officer. The headquarters has begun to discuss how to deal with the current situation. situation. Management Officer Matsunaga’s current task is to curb the deterioration of the situation and minimize the impact. He doesn’t need to take care of other things, but Management Officer Matsunaga estimates that the current situation is probably only to start Wangchuan.

"The Sea of ​​Forgotten River...Visitor..." Manager Matsunaga sighed, and then stood up and walked towards the laboratory. In any case, he had to unlock the secret of that power~www.NovelMTL. com~ Only those who have mastered that kind of power can truly have the capital to fight the alien beast. The visitor has such a powerful technology and Ultraman still loses. A simple conversion can draw a conclusion that only one Ultraman cannot save the planet. Humans need more Ultraman.

Three cars with the word Northern Lights drove fast on the highway. In front of them was a huge dam like a Wolong dragon. Xingye sat on the co-pilot of the first car, staring at the dam in front of him. Very familiar, but this is the first time I have come here in my own form.

"Re...really going to end." Xingye said in his heart, and he must not be allowed to fight to the last moment like Ji Yajun did, so that...

The car quickly drove into the dam, Xingye headed towards the direction of the laboratory, and behind him were more than a dozen researchers carrying silver suitcases. Such a group of people in white coats walking in the base is very eye-catching. , But the base is so empty that you can’t even see any personal images. Most people have been sent out to deal with Shinjuku’s affairs. It is necessary to seal off all areas where alien beasts and Ultraman may be seen, and to calm the panicked crowd, etc. Waiting for work involved a lot of TLT troops.

When he arrived at the laboratory, Manager Matsunaga had already waited there. He showed a peaceful smile when he saw Starry Night bringing people over, and said sincerely: "Whether or not the secret of Ultraman can be unlocked is very important to mankind. This Shinjuku incident has fully illustrated this point. Compared with alien beasts, the power of human beings is too weak."

"Look at pity first, I will try my best to restore some of his body, the only thing I can do is this." Xingye said and walked in.

"That's great."

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