Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1627: Battle in the Dark Field (3)

The orange light beams converged by the energy pillars emitted by the shoulders of the alien beasts lasted more than ten seconds before they stopped due to the lack of back force. The Nexus at the end of the beam impact weakly fell towards the ground.

‘Boom! 'With a loud noise, Nexus slammed his back on the ground, crushing a hill, and the flying gravel drew a curve of different arcs, and fell randomly on the surroundings. On the ground, he stopped moving after a few bounces.

Without waiting for Nexus to stand up, the launch port in the abdomen of the alien beast roared, and light bullets flew out one after another, bombarding Nexus's body and surroundings, and a burst of flames rose. The strong shock wave moved a large amount of dust to the sky, like a sandstorm.

The violent flames and smoke swallowed Nexus lying on the ground in the blink of an eye, but the alien beast still did not stop, and continued to pour the light bombs crazily, reaching a speed of 20 per second. , It is simply a mobile fort.

This attack lasted for twelve seconds, until the launch hole turned into a dark red alien beast due to overheating. The high temperature of the launch hole increased the nearby air by more than ten degrees.

The place where the alien beasts attacked has become a sea of ​​fire with an area of ​​thousands of square meters. All the reefs and hills in this area have been completely shattered and turned into a hollow pit, with wanton flowing everywhere inside. Crimson magma.

And in the center of this magma pit is Nexus, half-kneeling on the ground with arms crossed in front of him. The deep blue like the ocean looks very deep against the surrounding dark red magma, just like a desert. Like a green cactus in the depths.

‘Ding Dong! Ding Dong! The colored timer on Naxus' chest flashed red light rapidly, reflecting the blue body of Naxus. Except for a few rocks under his feet, the others have been completely shattered and then melted into magma by the heat and flames.

The ten sharp fingers of the alien beast tightened sharply, and the armor on the abdomen did not close, but continued to open to dissipate heat. A weak point of the alien beast was suddenly exposed, and the gems on the tentacles of the shoulders also shone slightly. , The energy accumulated in it has obviously been emitted, even if the alien beast never stops sending energy into it, the energy that can be transported is limited because of the limited diameter of its antennae, and it cannot meet the energy required to emit the beam for a while.

In the combat information center, Yoshizawa Ryoyu leaned on the back of his chair, sat in a very comfortable posture, and looked at the situation in the dark area G projected on the screen in front of him with a smile on his face. Seeing the embarrassing situation that the extremely powerful alien beast was facing, Yoshizawa Ryoyu curled his lips in disdain: "Idiots also want to learn how to make a compound alien beast. The parts of the monsters are randomly put together, and the alien beasts created are just showing their appearance. They look very powerful, but when they really fight, they will be found to be just paper tigers."

Yoshizawa Ryoyu was talking and tapping the keyboard at will, disassembling the parts of the compound alien beasts from different alien beasts on the screen, and displaying them on different screens, besides these aliens. Detailed explanation of the data of animal parts.

"However, it can be regarded as a good test product, which can make my strongest alien beast more perfect." Yoshizawa Ryoyu's mouth curled up and said in a very relaxed tone.

On the screen, facing the alien beast whose attack method had been exhausted, Nexus straightened his right leg slowly, supporting him and stood up, staring at the opposite alien beast with shiny eyes. Not a lot of energy in the body gathered, Nexus kicked his feet **** the opposite side, and amidst the sound of rock crashing under his feet, Nexus body jumped into the air, and instantly leaped across the wide sea of ​​fire. Rushed to the alien beast that had nothing to do.

The alien beast turned the little energy gathered on the tentacles of its feet into two short beams of light and rushed towards Naxus in mid-air. Before the light beam attacked Naxus, he was in mid-air. Seth had already raised his right arm and circled the energy core in front of his chest, and the dim energy core immediately glowed with golden light. Endless energy gathers on the Nexus bow and arrow armed on the right arm of Nexus, and condenses into a shining light bow with the golden shining gem as the core.

Nexus raised his left arm, his five fingers grasped the bowstring of the light, and then pulled the bow of light forcefully. After the bowstring was pulled to the maximum, Nexus' left five fingers sent away, and the bow of light was immediately After flying out, it was like a golden thunderbolt that directly split the two beams of light into two halves, and then cast an unabated bombardment on the chest of the alien beast~www.NovelMTL.com~Boom! With a loud bang, endless flames erupted on the alien beast, swallowing the alien beast at once, and the turbulent flame immediately melted the rock surface near the alien beast into magma.

Nexus straightened his right arm, and the golden light condensed bow arms on both sides of the Nexus bow and arrow arms on the side of the arm were still open, and Nexus slowly landed on the ground with the light bow in his hand. Staring at the flame in front of him, his right arm looped to his chest, the bow of light immediately dispersed into countless golden light spots and merged into the energy core on his chest.

The flames rolled for seven or eight seconds before finally extinguishing, revealing the alien beast still standing inside, causing the somewhat weak Nexus to immediately raise his arms and put out a fighting hand against the alien beast.

It’s just that the appearance of the alien beast now looks very miserable. The twelve launching ports neatly arranged on the chest that was hit by the beam of the bow and arrow have been completely destroyed, and even the armor plate on the chest exploded in this terrible way. It was distorted and distorted in the bomb, and the body of his chest was almost carbonized, turning into a dark one with wisps of black smoke.

An ordinary person’s injuries will definitely die immediately, but this alien beast doesn’t seem to feel much. It’s just that the distortion of the armor affects the actions of the alien beast, making the less sensitive movements even more severe. Sluggish.

Nexus clenched his fists and looked down at the flashing colored timer on his chest. With a low drink, he strode towards the alien beast. He wanted to continue fighting as long as the alien beast did not fall. He will never fall first.

The alien beast faced Nexus who had strode, raised his arms and rushed towards Nexus with his sharp fingers. The distance between the two huge objects was shortened rapidly.

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