Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1608: Weird situation

This is neither at night nor fixed at one location. It is just that there are more than 20 mimicry aliens discovered now, distributed in different districts of Kyoto, and they are still moving. If the site is cleared, it is necessary to evacuate the residents within at least 100 meters nearby. Such continuous clearing does not mention the time required and how to explain to the citizens. The rumors caused by such a large-scale and wide-range evacuation of residents may be troublesome enough. Yes, the relevant departments in Kyoto did their best, but they still couldn't evacuate all the residents, so that there are so many residents here that they have not had time to leave.

"Check the equipment and enter the battle site immediately!" Hecang Hidesuke gave the order and ran to the blocked area with the team members. In the empty area, except for them, there was only the wandering mimetic alien beast.

The clean-up work in the Kyoto area went smoothly. Although these mimics had the ability to cause coma, they were really not enough to see in front of the heavily armed night raid team. One by one, the mimics were wiped out one after another. It was pulled away by the white-clothed sweeper following him, leaving no trace. Therefore, although there are different opinions on the sudden blockade of Kyoto and the mysterious troops on the Internet, they are all random speculations by netizens. No one guessed that they were close. Therefore, many people paid special attention to this news, so that later After the night assault team's combat area was exposed by nearby residents, it attracted a large number of people exploring the secrets. If it hadn't been for the night assault team had left, it would have been blocked.

The inconspicuous black car was driving through the crowded crowd. Ikki Koumen looked at the bustling crowd outside through the one-sided glass, and said with great pleasure: “I was almost blocked by these people. What's so beautiful, it's dangerous, why don't they listen?"

"No way, people are always curious about unknown things," Shiori Hiraki said lazily, spreading out on his seat, "It's probably been a long time since Kyoto has been so quiet, it will naturally arouse people's curiosity. ."

Ishibori Mitsuhiko looked at the computer in his hand worriedly, and raised his head very worriedly and said: "But it doesn’t matter what information is circulating on the Internet, is it really good? Now, we are talking about our mysterious force everywhere, and there are many sudden sudden changes in Kyoto. The reason for the blockade is really too risky. I have also found a lot of our photos and videos, some of which can see our face..."

Captain He Cang Yingsuke frowned, and he faintly felt a strange smell. In the past, the night raid team would be tightly sealed for several kilometers in the vicinity of the battle, and even a little information was never allowed to leak out. But this time, he hurried into the fight without completing the evacuation work. This can also be explained by reasons such as the tight time and the avoidance of the spread of the alien animal factor.

However, the photos and videos circulating on the Internet are not controlled at all. Let the information that may leak the existence of the night raid team be circulated for the majority of netizens to watch and discuss. This way, no matter how you look at it, it does not conform to TLT's style of behavior.

This mission lasted for seven hours. From noon until the sun's westward slope, it finally wiped out all the mimics that could be detected. A total of forty-two mimics were wiped out. This is more than double the number of mimics discovered at the beginning. The reason for this is that half of the celestial eye system in the Kanto region has been mobilized. In the process of annihilation, new mimics are constantly being discovered. Seven mimics were wiped out in an abandoned warehouse.

The five members of the night raid team were busy with their feet, and they rushed to the next place when they wiped out the mimetic alien beasts in this place. They could only drink some special drinks to replenish physical strength and moisture in the car, but even so everyone was exhausted. Now, Ikki Komen feels the upper and lower eyelids fighting.

Wakura Hidesuke looked at the exhausted team members and sighed silently, and ordered Saijokaze to drive the car back to the base. In this case, even if there are mimic alien beasts, they can't attack, otherwise it's probably not. To annihilate the alien beasts, get the team members in first.

The vehicle drove quickly across a long bridge. He Kura Hidesuke inadvertently looked out and saw a couple standing beside the bridge. Among them, the big boy stared at the car they were sitting in. The girl gave him a very familiar feeling, but before he could see clearly, the fast-moving car left the couple behind.

Lian stood by the bridge and watched the night raid team's vehicles go away. Although there was a reflective film on the car glass, that didn't stop Lian's eyes from seeing Gumen Ikki inside, which made Lian startled and worked hard. After thinking about it, it seems that I haven't seen them attacking in a car? Are there any weak teams in the world that drive cars? No way~www.NovelMTL.com~What's wrong? pity! "Ruisheng on one side probed the probe and looked strangely at a car.

"I just saw the lonely family. Did something happen?" Lian said with some concern, but he didn't feel the breath of the alien beast at all, not even the slightest strangeness, so Lian had a kind of loss of this speciality. Feeling of ability.

"Really?" Ruisheng hurriedly took out his mobile phone, quickly tapped a few times on the screen, and called up the task briefing, but nothing was found. Only then did Ruisheng remember one thing. The captain seemed to have not given her a long time. It is the task of erasing memory. If it weren't for the money on her salary card this month, Ruisheng felt that she had been fired by the memory police.

It seems that she has been coming to ask for mercy on a regular basis these days. The two have already become friends who talk about everything, and they are moving in another direction. Moreover, the surveillance mission report seems to have not been submitted for a few days, but Manager Matsunaga did not urge him at all, as if he did not care about Ruisheng's report.

"What the **** is my mission?" Ruisheng suddenly felt extremely confused. She now doubts that she is still a member of the memory police. After all, she has no other missions besides contacting Lian. , I also chat with Rei, stroll around, and occasionally help Rei’s work in the ice cream shop. Although Uncle Needle Nest will prevent Ruisheng from doing this every time, and plausibly said, "Girls sit and watch boys are busy. That's it'.

"Hey, what are you thinking of Ruisheng?" The words of pity awakened Ruisheng from his contemplation. Ruisheng nodded and expressed the worry in his heart, especially the laissez-faire attitude of Manager Matsunaga.

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