Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1604: Alienator

"Takatsuki." Seeing that Takatsuki had begun to push the soldiers, Shiori Hiraki hurriedly pulled Takatsuki who was full of anger aside, and then explained to him diligently: "You are also an old policeman, you should know some places. It's confidential. You have seen the mutation in Qiuzi...In short, I can only say that this is the only place that may save Qiuzi."


"I will take good care of Qiuzi. She is my best friend." Shiori Hiraki left this sentence, turned and walked towards the elevator, and got into the elevator with Ikki Gumen and the others, and the elevator doors gradually closed. Then, he covered up the anxious and puzzled Takatsuki.

The elevator began to move up, and Shiori Hiraki's eyes dimmed in the slight vibration. The anxiety once belonged to her, but now everything is different and everything has changed.

‘Ding Dong! 'When the elevator door opened, a few people walked out and immediately felt that this place is different from other places. Other than that, people who communicate with each other are'doctors' in white coats. There is no patient or family member of the patient. The building in front, which is only thirty or forty meters apart, is completely different.

A researcher holding a folder hurriedly came over, looked at the few people of Gumen Yihui, then looked at the folder in their hands, as if confirming their identity, and then said: "Please come here. "

Although Ikki Gumen is unknown, they still followed this person to the left corridor. The researcher said as he walked: "You are also from TLT, so I don’t need to say more. This is a highly confidential area. Running around is better."

Along the way, all the rooms were sealed, and no windows and doors were found. The reason why I knew that they were all rooms was because the walls on both sides of the corridor were stuck with the same house numbers.

After walking to Room 511, the researcher stopped, picked up the ID card pinned on his chest and placed it on the wall. Then a door was slowly opened on the smooth wall, and it was still an alloy door ten centimeters thick. Ikki Gumen was very surprised, and they didn't understand why this iron gate was set up here, which was comparable to a bank vault.

"You are here." Xingye's voice came from the room. After a few people entered, they realized that the space inside was still very large, so large that a fully sealed glass room could be built.

In the center of this glass room is Qiuzi lying on the hospital bed. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is weak, and a touch of green can be seen on her neck, and the mutation has spread to the shoulders and spreads all over the body.

Xingye was manipulating the robotic arm. At the end of the slender robotic arm was a needle flashing with cold light, which directly pierced Qiuzi's infected left arm, and then the blue medicine inside was injected into it.

Just after the injection, the green color on Qiuzi's neck quickly faded, and the original green arms quickly returned to the appearance of a human, but there was still an ugly mutant green that was more than ten square centimeters.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Shiori Hiraki couldn't help but couldn't help himself. Unexpectedly, the cause of the disease could not be detected in the previous hospital, but Qiuzi recovered more than half of the time when he got down here.

Xingye stood up from the control desk, then turned to look at Shiori Hiraki who was full of joy, and poured cold water on her: "Don't be happy too early, this is just suppressing the mutation, the source of the mutation. It hasn't been eradicated yet."

"It's just a small piece, just cut it off." Shiori Hiragi gritted his teeth and suggested.

"If it was really that simple, then those people would have left here long ago." Xingye shook his head.

"Those people?" Rui Sheng keenly grasped the point, and asked with some surprise: "Is this girl not the only disease?"

"I should have seen Gumen," Xingye glanced at the Gumen Yikki who stood aside, staring at Xingye, "There are many people, and it's much more serious than this girl."

"Aren't they in the outskirts?" Ikki Gumen yelled out of his voice. What I saw under the secret base in the suburbs was something Ikki Gumen could not forget so far, where he really felt the alien life for the first time. The horror of the beast does not lie in the powerful power and huge body of the alien beast, but the ability to infect other creatures to produce mutations. Those terrifying alienated people are as scary as nightmares.

"No, they were transferred here three months ago to receive related treatment," Xingye said softly, "Didn't you see those rooms all the way?"

"Those... are all?!" Shiori Hiraki felt that her voice was beginning to tremble. There were so many rooms just in this corridor on this floor. There were as many rooms as there were in this building. Mutant~www.NovelMTL.com~ She once again realized that there are still too many things that she didn’t know in this world, just like this biological research institute and this mysterious hospital building, she hadn’t listened to it before. I said that TLT has such a department.

"What the **** is going on? Why did Qiuzi mutate?" Shiori Hiraki couldn't help asking, and then he thought of something, "Is the guy who attacked Qiuzi also an alien? Then he ran out from here." Is it?"

"Whether that monster is alienated from humans remains to be discussed. Gumen has seen those alienated people before, and it is still very different from that monster."

"Yeah!" Ikki Kudo nodded heavily, and then said: "I was once taken to a secret base by the memory police, and I saw many mutants there. The different parts of those people were mutated. A little bit of human appearance, the mutated department is no different from the xenobiotics. Captain Suto told me that these mutants were all TLT people before. They have been in contact with xenobiotic cells for a long time, resulting in xenobiotic factor infection, so the body produces Mutations."

"Wait a minute, if that's the case, wouldn't we..." Shiori Hiraki suddenly thought that their work often deals with alien beasts, and often they will be shot down by alien beasts. Or it blasted the alien beast into pieces, and it flew into the air.

Starry night put his hands in his pockets, and said in a flat tone: "Let me explain in detail. In fact, the earth’s atmosphere contains xenobiotic factors and a substance called factor R7, and xenobiotic factors can infect the earth. The organism mutates and becomes a sound, and the R7 factor can resist the invasion of alien animals. It can be said that one is a virus and the other is a vaccine."

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