Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1602: Invalid R Seven Factor

"Shiori, what happened? Why did Qiuzi become like this?" Takatsuki walked up and down the corridor very anxiously.

Shiori Hiraki pursed her mouth. She didn't know how to tell Takatsuki about this. The existence of that monster was probably related to the alien beast, but the existence of the alien beast could not be known to ordinary people. Even if you know it, your memory will be erased like the last time. The two of them had witnessed the existence of alien beasts before, and then she joined TLT and Takatsuki was erased, and at the same time, it erased what Takatsuki had said to her. Love makes the two people who should have been walking together suddenly become two parallel lines.

Shiori Hiraki still remembers those three words that Takatsuki said to her in that dark warehouse that day. At that time, her heart was full of happiness, even though that full of sweet happiness lasted only half a minute, But she still couldn't forget that moment.

"Shiori, Shiori." Takatsuki's shout awakened Hiraki Shiori from the memory. When she raised her head, she saw Takatsuki looking at her angrily, even though Hiraki Shiori knew that the anger was not directed at her. But her heart still hurts.

Shiori Hiraki took a deep breath, raised her head, and said calmly to Takatsuki, "I will figure out a way, and I will never let Akiko get into trouble."

With that, Shiori Hirami stepped aside, took out the armed Bereg, reported what happened today to Freedom Castle, and then told Akiko's affairs, and asked Captain Kureisuke to find a way. Contact the research institute that can help Qiuzi.

"A monster disguised as an adult, but still in the city?" After listening to Shiori Hiragi's report, Captain Kakura Eisuke felt bad. In the past, the alien beasts were always outside the city. , So they can use all kinds of weapons of mass destruction unscrupulously, and they can come as much as they can. But if you are in a city, you must be more cautious. After all, if one shot goes down and empty, the loss will be the same as the loss of a truck to the crater.

"By the way, you said that a young man called the white sweeper and pulled the monster away," Ishibori asked with a frown, "Do you know who it is? If there is a photo, I can check it. Since the other party has the monster If you take it away, you will definitely study it. Your friend is most likely infected by that monster, and the other party may have a solution."

Shiori Hiraki was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly sent the photos she took with Bereg with his arms.

"Unexpectedly young." Ishibori looked at the starry night half-length photo projected on the big screen, and said with some surprise, but the movements in his hand were not slow, he quickly imported it into the computer in his hand and started to inquire stand up.

Looking at this familiar figure on the screen, Koumen Ikki stood up involuntarily in shock, and blinked vigorously. The photo on the screen did not change and it was still starry night. Together with Ji Yajun, he pulled him out of the darkness, and the first part Time appeared at the young man beside Lian.

"Northern Lights Biological Research Institute?! He is the person in charge, can't he?" Ishibori looked at the information he inquired in amazement, and put the information on the screen in twos or twos. At this moment, Ikki Gumen shouted out: "Northern Lights..."

"Yeah! That's it. His name is Yuan Xingye, and he is the person in charge of this Institute of Biology." Ishibori looked at Ikki Gumen very strangely, tilted his head and asked, "What's wrong with Gumen? You are surprised. He looks like, do you know him?"

Koumen Yikki did not speak, and the silver suitcase he found under Lian's bed appeared in his mind, with the words Northern Lights inscribed on it. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the research institute in charge of the teenager, and he appeared in Lianshen. Is it because of those medicines? What use are those medicines? Does it have anything to do with the status of the son of poor Prometheus?

A lot of messy thoughts rushed out of Kudo Ikki's mind, making Kudo Ikki's brain chaotic, as if facing a messy thread, completely impossible to start.

"Then contact this Northern Lights Institute of Biology, and ask if the other party has a solution?" Captain Hekura Hidesuke nodded, then turned his head slightly, looked at Gumen Ikki and said: "Gumen, you are peaceful The wooden team members are responsible for this."

"Yes!" Gumen Yikki nodded, and then ran towards the door, he wanted to figure out what was going on as quickly as possible.

In the highest-level biochemical laboratory of the research institute, Starry Night stared coldly at this sturdy humanoid monster bound by several iron rings connected to the ground through glass eyes.

More than a dozen researchers, under the direction of the starry night, injected a number of medicines of different colors and specifications into the monster's body~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then observed the monster through more than a dozen instruments connected with the monster Reaction.

‘Crack! 'The door of the laboratory opened, and a researcher came in and leaned in Xingye's ear to say a few words. Xingye frowned as she listened to it. The woman rescued an hour ago had a monster similar to this one. The variant symptoms. This news was reported by the night raid team and requested technical support from the Institute of Biology.

Xingye groaned and said, "Send someone to take the infected person, but don't send it to the research institute, just send it to the affiliated hospital."


Xingye then turned his attention to the monster that was locked in a closed biochemical laboratory. If the woman who was attacked was also mutated, could this monster also be a human mutated? This possibility is not without it. Could it be said that xenobiotic factors have begun to erode humans with R7 factors? If this is the case, it would be a disaster for humans. The reason that humans have not undergone large-scale mutations is because the R7 factor of the Nexus light can resist the alien beast factor, but once the R7 factor If it fails, then there will be a large-scale mutated population of mankind. In that case, human society will definitely collapse, and the human population will soon disappear on the earth, just like the original visitors.

"This must be verified immediately. If it is true, we must immediately find a countermeasure." Xingye nodded silently, then walked to the cabinet to the side and found a set of biochemical protective clothing. With the help of several people I put it on my body and walked directly into this biochemical laboratory sealed with several layers of high-strength glass.

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