Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1592: Moral high ground

Bright searchlights spread all over the surrounding steel walls, illuminating this place as day, but it is shocking that there is no human being seen here, there is nothing but cold steel, empty and terrible. .

Xingye quickly tapped his hands on the virtual keyboard several times to fix the aircraft on the tarmac, and then said to Maki Shunichi without looking back, "Maki, do you want to go back or visit, you I can take Ji Meng over. Although I'm not sure, it can always slow down his condition, and maybe he can be completely healed in a while."

"Really?" Jin Shun showed a hint of surprise in his eyes. He retired to be able to accompany Jimeng through the last moments of his life. The rare diseases Jimeng suffered have also been onset in the past five years. Several times, although every time I survived miraculously, no one knew whether the next attack would be the last moment.

"Alternative beast factors can create more than just monsters, just like uranium can be used to make nuclear bombs can also be used to generate electricity. Many things depend on how you apply it." Starry night said with a smile: "I took a sample from it. This kind of special particle is used to strengthen the human body. Recently I am studying how to strengthen the human immunity. Following the dream, it is just right."

"Extracted from the alien beast?!" Jin Shun was stunned immediately, the disgusting and terrifying appearance of the alien beast involuntarily appeared in his mind. When he thought of the monster's body being injected into Jimeng's body, his heart There was a slight strangeness immediately, and I always felt a little uncomfortable.

Starry night saw Shinichi Shinichi's hesitation, and smiled and said, "Today's alien beast is different from the original THEONE. THEONE is a dark aggregate, but the alien beast is not. It is the earth infected by the dark factor. It is a biological mutation, think about it, such a weak creature can become such a powerful alien beast. This degree of increase is simply horrible. It is only the increase factor inside, and the content in the medicine is less than 0.0001%. , Don’t worry, it’s okay."

"Thank you very much," Maki Shunichi said with sincere gratitude, bowing deeply at Xingye.

Listening to the dialogue between Shunichi Maki and Starry Night, Genkujinzo and Taiichiro Yamada saw the situation outside through the wide open hatch, and at the same time the thought came up in their hearts: "If you don't do anything, it will be too late!"

The two quickly glanced at each other, and then the two bloated fat guys rushed to the starry night, left and right at the same time, preparing to catch the starry night and forcing him to let them leave here. They finally took a picture enough to expose this. How can the evidence of the truth of the world be erased at the last minute?

The sound of the wind behind made Xingye turn his head, glanced at the two roaring'Roshan', gently lifted his right hand, and with a random wave, a strong wind rushed towards him, all of a sudden. The two of them flew back backwards, rolled out from the open hatch on the left, and rolled on the ground two times before stopping.

The pain of the collision between their bodies and steel made them wailing on the steel tarmac, and they were unable to stand up for a while.

Two huge mechanical claws came out from under the tarmac, and then they firmly grasped the poor recuperation cabin and took it out of the cabin. Only then did Xingye walk out from the cabin and looked condescendingly on the ground. Two people from, said in a flat tone: "Before the MP arrives, you had better not act rashly, otherwise you will lose more than just memories."

"Why do you want to kill me?" Gen Lai stood up from the ground with a grin, his eyes were filled with unrestrained and stubbornness, and he stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Rather than being erased, you might as well kill. It’s me. Memory is proof that I’m alive. Losing the memory is equivalent to erasing my past. I will never allow such a thing."

"Yes, you erased a personal memory so easily, hiding the truth of the matter, isn't there a little guilt? You don't have the right to do this," Yamada Taiichiro also stood up and stood facing the aircraft. The starry night next to him shouted loudly: "Have you ever thought about the feelings of those whose memories have been erased? Somehow they lost a memory that belonged to them, which would simply erase their lives."

"Speaking is very high-sounding, everyone can say that you can only see a little bit of facts to make a conclusion. It is really ridiculous." Xingye said, walking to the side of the console, and tapped a few times on the virtual screen. , The projected picture immediately appeared on the wall on the left. In the rooms on both sides of a long corridor, the alienated human beings were raging crazily, even though the room was empty and there was nothing to destroy.

"What is this?" Maki Shun looked at these "people" who were totally inhumane, and Yamada Taiichiro stared at the projection screen~www.NovelMTL.com~ There was a flash of inspiration in his mind as if he understood something. Angrily shouted at the starry night: "TLT is actually experimenting with humans?"

"Haha," Xingye pointed to the alienated people on the screen and said in a flat tone: "They are the ones who should protest, and they are the ones who should hold the injustice. These people are all elite fighters of TLT. They are different because of fighting with alien beasts for a long time. Infected by the beast factor, you became like this ghost. You... don't deserve to protest, know?

"Who knows if what you said is true or not?"

"It's not important," Xingye tapped the button, turned off the projection, and said indifferently at the two of them: "I don't want to care about your sneaky, rat-like behavior, but if you encounter it, just handle it. Well, the truth is concealed for its own reason, your so-called so-called everyone has the right to know the truth...Oh, why didn’t you inform the FBI when you were a FIB investigator? What about the world? Double standards are really hypocritical."

"I..." Yamada Taiichiro opened his mouth and was speechless. It is true that the FBI and the CIA are the big heads when it comes to information secrecy. TLT just hides the existence of alien beasts. Evidence, the amount of intelligence cannot be compared with intelligence agencies like the FBI. After all, people are professional. Yamada Taiichiro, who was once an FBI investigator, knew about his family affairs. When asked about this, he didn’t know what to do. How to answer.

A sneer smile appeared on Xingye’s face: "What’s wrong? Didn’t you just stand on the moral high ground and criticize others with domineering? Why don’t you speak now? Come on, use your great principles to persuade me, you can leave Up."

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