Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1589: Past

Amidst the flames, Nexus suspended in mid-air despite the burning of the flames. He clenched his right hand and placed a fist on the colored timer on his chest. The dim energy core immediately gleamed with a bright golden brilliance. The energy gathered on the Nexus bow and arrow armed on the right arm of Nexus, condensing a bow of shining golden light.

Nexus raised his left arm and placed his right hand on the bow and arrow of Nexus. A thin golden string of light immediately condensed from the five fingers that were close together. Nexus pulled the string of light away, golden The ray of light immediately filled the place where the light string opened. After the light string reached its limit, Nexus sent five fingers away, and the light bow flew out instantly, carrying a forward-looking imposing momentum to directly cut into the boundless sea of ​​fire. In half.

Whether it’s the night raid team or Gen Lai Jinzang, they or even the alien beasts just saw a golden streamer flashing past, and then the alien beasts felt a pain all over and lost consciousness. Only Jin Shunyi barely saw the whole process: A golden streamer flew in the sky and instantly smashed the alien beast's body. The alien beast's scales, which are countless times harder than steel, turned out to be like paper in front of this streamer, and were directly chopped from head to toe. After the two halves, the light blade still bombarded the ground unabatedly, cutting the ground into a bottomless gully, and splashing a 100-meter-high wall of dust behind the alien beast.

The wound of the alien beast that had been cut in half with a single blow was surrounded by golden brilliance, eroding the body tissue of the alien beast.

‘Boom! Boom! Two dull hits that were almost connected to the ground sounded, and the alien beast that had been divided into two smashed onto the ground, splashing clouds of dust. At the same time as it fell to the ground, a strong ray of light burst into the body of the alien beast. The huge body was broken down into small parts, scattered in the wind, and quickly disappeared.

Nexus steadily landed on the ground, and the bow of light in his hand disappeared. At the same time as the bow of light disappeared, the color timer of Nexus also shone brightly. In this light, Nexus glowed all over, and his huge body immediately disappeared into the air.

"Disappeared!" Yamada Taiichiro said blankly, and the roots on the side were the same, nodding blankly. Shinichi Maki's voice came from the side: "Hey, how long will you stay here? I'm leaving now."

"By the way, let's leave quickly, those people must be coming soon." Genrai Jinzo and Yamada Taiichiro turned around and prepared to leave as if they were awakening from a big dream, but then they were dumbfounded. They are now. The location is a valley, full of dense vegetation and covered rocks, not even a small road.

Nekui Jinzo and Yamada Taiichiro looked at the circle of fat on their stomachs, and then at the smooth rock walls towering into the clouds and the valley full of thorns. They didn't look like they could go out.

I was excited just taking pictures and patrons, and I didn't pay attention to this. Now I noticed that the place where Ultraman placed them is very safe. If safe people don't even want to walk in, they don't even want to go out.

"How should we go out?" Genlai Jinzo was desperate. He wanted to say, ‘Didn’t human activities destroy the earth’s environment? Is there an isolated valley here for Mao? ’

"It seems that it is only called a rescue helicopter, but in this case... it is simply a snare." Yamada Taiichiro sighed and said in a desperate manner: "I don't think we need to call for help by ourselves. For a while, the memory of that organization The police will come and take them out and erase their memory by the way. Damn it, I'm really unwilling."

Maki Shun raised his head to look at the darkening sky, then smiled and shook his head: "Do you think that in such a sky, helicopters will risk coming? It is estimated that the organization you are talking about does not have this ability in the terrain. Rescue in complex mountainous areas. You must know that at night, the air flow between heating and cooling, and the airflow near the ground is changeable, it is a natural helicopter killer.

"Then we will be staying here tonight. Alas, there won't be venomous snakes here, right." Gen Lai Jinzang is very uncomfortable. This feeling of waiting for death is really bad. It is already caught by that organization. It's a matter of course, but before the memory is erased, I have to spend the night in this valley with a primitive appearance. This is not a joy to die.

"Who knows? It is better to die here to erase the memory." Yamada Taiichiro also gave up struggling, and it was going to be dark soon. They didn't bring any lighting equipment. Even if they could climb out, they could not climb. Just rush to reincarnation.

"Did you give up so soon?" Maki glanced to the west. The sun had been blocked by the towering mountain walls. Some parts of the valley had been obscured by shadows, and the sky became dark. It will be completely dark in half an hour.

Yamada Taiichiro looked at Maki Shunichi very guiltily at ~www.NovelMTL.com~ with a full apologetic tone: "I'm so sorry, Maki-kun, it's my cause that made you tired, so you got involved, really very sorry."

Maki Shunichi jumped off the big rock and stood in front of Yamada Taiichiro and asked, "Why do you want to take photos of Ultraman and Alien Beasts? Is there any benefit to you to expose this hidden truth?"

"Ultraman?" Gen Lai was taken aback for a moment, and he glanced at Jin Shun with some doubts: "Is that the giant?"

"Ultraman is a good name," Yamada Taiichiro nodded, and after hesitated for a moment, he said seriously: "Actually, all this started five years ago, when I, Takeo Hirokawa and Yasuo Aoye were still affiliated with the FBI. The search officer of. We have a colleague Alan K. Kudo. The four of us are the best partners. We have completed many tasks together. It can be said that we are brothers who share life and death. But one day five years ago, Alan K. Kudo was called To perform a secret mission, it’s gone forever."

"Then...for about a month, I received a brief communication from Alan on the four secret channels we used to communicate. The above mentioned TerrestrialLiberationTrust, visitors, the source of light and darkness, and potential barriers. Wait a minute, there has been no news of Alan since then, and it didn’t take long to receive news of Alan’s mission failure and pension." Yamada Taiichiro looked up at Gen Rai Jinzo and said, “I know this from the root. But there is one thing I didn't say. Alan has the ability that ordinary people don't have. He can sense the thoughts in people's hearts. Although it is incredible, it is true. Alan is telepathic."

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