Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1583:

Nexus raised his left arm and clasped his right fist on the left arm of the Nexus bow and arrow weapon. A gem on it immediately lit up with a bright light, and endless energy radiated from it, condensed in Nexus. Above the right fist of Si.

"You don't want people to see your fight, but I just don't want to be as you wish." The policeman holding the memory of the dark evolutionary stood under a big tree, looking up at the man who almost merged with the blue sky and white clouds. The machine said with a smile: "What interesting things will happen when you are exposed to the eyes of the world? It's really exciting."

Following his words, the alien beast opened its mouth abruptly. It had no energy storage and directly ejected a hot beam of light, whizzing towards Nexus, and Nexus who was about to launch the beam saw the purple The light beam hurriedly rolled to the left. The light beam rubbed the shoulder of Nexus who was tumbling. Nexus completely escaped the attack of this light beam by a few millimeters.

Before Nexus stood up, the alien beast had already strode over, the five sharp claws on his right hand and the sharp blade on his left arm waving wildly, making a sound of ‘huh! call! At the same time, the mouth of the alien beast opened again and spouted a hot beam.

Nexus hurriedly rolled again. This hot beam bombarded the ground, ploughing the earth into a deep ravine like an iron plow. The soil rolled over and the trees fell to the ground with their roots.

In the sound of this rumbling blast, a scaly fish stood up quickly, and stomped his feet on the ground forcefully. The weight of tens of thousands of tons of Nexus plus his own strength suddenly reduced The ground stamped out a deep depression, and Nexus took advantage of this recoil force to rise into the air, turned over in mid-air, and slammed his right foot down with the help of this recoil force. Now the situation is obvious. This alien beast with the ability to attack employees will not let him expand the field of Meta at all. Nexus must first hit him temporarily before he can take the opportunity to expand the field of Meta.

While Eisuke Wakura, Saijokaze, and Shiori Hirami were rushing here, they let the fighters rush to the place where Ikki Komon was at full speed while carefully investigating the attack methods of alien beasts.

"This alien beast can emit energy beams." Captain Hekura Hidesuke thought of this for the first time. Although some alien beasts that have appeared in the past have long-range attack capabilities, they are all condensed with combustible gas. Fireball, or tentacle or something. There has never been a mature energy beam attack method like this alien beast, but immediately and Captain Kureisuke thought of the alien beetle more like a beetle than a scorpion. The valve and the root of the tail can fire. Energy light bomb, and now this alien beast can emit energy beams.

"Alternative beasts are indeed evolving... they are not stagnating or degenerating, but always evolving." Hekura Eisuke boldly came to this conclusion. Although the previous alien beasts were difficult to entangle, but But it was not as horrible as Ji Shi's quasi-period, especially after the Night Assault team successfully killed an alien beast with its own power, the alien beast's weakening was suddenly and clearly exposed.

But now Captain Kura Hidesuke feels that the alien beast has not weakened, but has changed the direction of evolution. In the past, it has been constantly evolving in the physical aspect, from the soft jelly-like alien beast to the super high speed of sound. An alien beast that can't hit the beam.

Now that the alien beasts have changed, they have begun to evolve a variety of attack forms. From the first appearance of the alien beast that can emit energy light bullets from multiple parts of the body, to now directly emit energy beams, the evolutionary speed of the alien beast has not Slow down or degenerate.

Wakura Eisuke shuddered when he thought that he might face the alien beast with a strong body and capable of emitting various energy light bullets and beams. You can't hit him, but the other party can hit you with a long-range attack, which can increase destructive power. Compared with pure physical destruction, energy attack is basically a sky and an underground.

But even thinking of this is useless, he is unable to stop the evolution of the alien beast, all he can do is to get there as soon as possible and then eliminate the alien beast. This is not only his job, but also his duty, and it is the only thing he can do.

Here, the Delta piloted by Ikki Koto has slowly landed on the ground, Ikki Koto quickly jumped out of the cockpit, and ran to the still smoking Alpha with all his strength, until now Ishibori Mitsuhiko didn't reply, he didn't know his life or death, which made Kudo Ikki extremely anxious.

Behind him, Nexus somersaulted in the air, and with the help of his whirling force, his right foot slammed on the head of the alien beast, ‘Boom! The muffled sound of ’echoed in the empty and lonely valley, especially loud. Even if the alien beast was hit by this blow, its body sank suddenly, where its huge feet stood~www.NovelMTL.com~ the earth broke apart immediately, and the soles of the alien beast's feet were caught by Nexus. Smashed into the earth abruptly.

Immediately, Nexus quickly followed up with his left foot, kicked out, kicked his left foot on the neck of the alien beast, and directly kicked the alien beast staggered backwards, and Nexus took advantage of the force. Taking off again, a backflip steadily landed on the ground.

The alien beast staggered back several steps and almost didn't plant it on the ground. Without waiting for the alien beast to stand firm, Nexus immediately strode towards the alien beast after landing. Every step of his heavy body made the earth lift up a burst of fierce dust, but he ran away in three or five steps. Arrived in front of the alien beast.

The alien beasts supplemented with dark energy did not react slowly. The blade of the left arm lifted up and quickly slashed towards Nexus. If Nexus continues to run on the current trajectory, it can attack the alien. The beast, but inertia would also make him hit the blade, but if he dodges, he can't attack the alien beast.

Facing the blade swayed by the alien beast, Nexus did not stop running, staring at the front with shiny eyes. In this instant, he raised his right arm, and the jewel on Nexus's bow and arrow was bright. The dazzling brilliance immediately condenses into a shining golden light blade.

Nexus bends his right arm and then slams it out forcefully. The light blade of his right arm slashes out with Nexus' movements, colliding with the sharp blade of the alien beast's left arm, splashing fierce sparks. .

The inertia brought by the stride of Nexus and the strength of Nexus itself, without any reservation, were transmitted along the lightsaber to the left arm of the alien beast. The huge power made the alien beast’s left arm. The arm couldn't help but fell back, slammed heavily on the chest of the alien beast, and said'Boom! A muffled sound.

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