Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1580: Darkness Resurrection

In the blue sky, dotted with a few white clouds, the bright and shining sun set extremely slowly towards the west horizon, and the air was surprisingly fresh, but the ugly corpse of a huge stone mountain below was an alien beast. But it was a terrible scenery, extremely inconsistent with the surrounding green mountains and green waters.

About four to five kilometers away from this blocked area, a small tourist plane is moving along the scheduled sightseeing route. Aono Yasuichi and Hirokawa Takeo sitting in the back seat are busy, using one for shooting. Drones are released to work.

"That's okay." Takeo Hirokawa was a little worried. Although it is a small propeller airliner, it is also extremely fast. Just throwing the drone out like this is a free fall experiment.

"Don't worry, this is what I modified, and the internal program has been set up, it will automatically restore the balance and then go to the predetermined location to shoot the picture. I modified the remote control signal that I manipulated into a channel to transmit the image, Yamada and the others only need to approach The captured image can be received within the signal transmission range, and there will be no problems," Qingye Yasuo assured him with a pat on his chest.

Yiping, who was driving the plane, turned his head and looked at these two busy people. Especially the president agreed to modify the plane and opened a port under the belly of the plane. This is definitely not like the company that got home. Long can do things.

Yiping looked at the speedometer, and then shouted to them: "The speed will reach the lowest point in three seconds. You have to hurry up. If this low speed can only be maintained for five seconds, you must increase it. Otherwise, the plane will have to Falling down, I don’t have the superb skills of Senior Manaki."

"Understand!" Yasuo Aoye made an OK gesture, and then picked up the drone, which is no more than three or four times bigger than a slap, while Takeo Hirokawa put his hand on the pull ring of the delivery port and gave a flat gesture. After that, Takekuma Hirokawa immediately opened the latch of the injection port and opened the 30-centimeter-square injection port. The density difference between the inside and outside of the cabin immediately sounded a whirring hurricane in the cabin, and at the same time the airliner trembled, and he felt it immediately. The joystick suddenly became heavy.

Aono quickly pressed the start button, and immediately threw the drone in his hand along the launch port, and then Takeo Hirokawa immediately closed the launch port to stabilize the trembling aircraft.

The eight-axis propeller on the drone that was tumbling and falling quickly turned, and the internal program quickly restored its balance, and then flew towards the predetermined location according to the GPS navigation signal.

On the sight-seeing plane that was going away, Takeo Hirokawa and Yasuo Aono cheered as they looked at the drone that was going away. Their plan has been half successful, and the most difficult delivery of drones has been completed, so the rest will fail. The problem, they will soon be able to get the most favorable evidence to expose the truth hidden by TLT, so that everyone in the world can know the real world.

In front of the drone flying at only 30 to 40 meters per second, in the blue sky, the Alpha and Delta were swooping down from slowing down, revealing their bodies at a distance of 100 meters from the ground.

This time, Ishibori Mitsuhiko and Kazuki Kazuki came to perform the task of disposing of the corpses of the alien beasts, because only these two Chrome Chesters are equipped with guided missiles, and the other Beta and Gamma are powered by high-energy lasers. Bundles dominate.

In order to deal with the body of this alien beast this time, the Chrome Chester Alpha was equipped with ultra-high temperature napalm and blasting bombs, while the Delta’s missile enclosure was filled with fire-fighting bombs to extinguish Forest fire caused by.

"Gumen, there is only one special missile used to eliminate the cell activity of xenobiotic beasts. It must be aimed at." Ishibori Mitsuhiko shouted at Gumen Ikki while preparing the blasting bomb.

"Of course, I'm optimistic, I won't miss it." Kudo Kazuki said. The aiming halo in the goggles on the NR helmet has been aimed at the corpse of the alien beast on the ground, the missile system on the left. When the flap opened, the robotic arm slowly came out with a missile marked with a special symbol.

In the dense mountain forest below, a man wearing a memory police uniform stood there, looking at the fighter in the sky with a grinning smile, then raised his right hand, holding in his hand is the dark evolutionary who once belonged to Mizulumu .

'call out! 'A strong black flew out from the Dark Evolver, and instantly surpassed a distance of more than a thousand meters. From the head of the alien beast, the blink of an eye changed from a black spot to a reverse The dark vortex rotating by the hour hand.

Kudo Ikki was about to press the launch button when he saw this dark vortex appearing in the blue sky, his eyes widened and he shouted, "This is the dark domain G?! Unknown hand... ."

In the counterclockwise dark vortex ~www.NovelMTL.com~, a light beam suddenly rushed out and hit the alien beast lying on the ground. The dark energy contained in it quickly merged with the alien beast. The silent beast suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes had become blood-red crimson. Dark mist leaked from the pores of the alien beast, wrapping the alien beast inside. Quickly transform all parts of the alien beast's body.

The rock-colored skin has turned into a dark hard cuticle, and the sharp right claw is now sharper, faintly reflecting light under the sunlight, and the blade of the left arm is the same, becoming Silvery white with steel texture.

All the upright spikes on the back stood up, none of them were bent, even the ones that were crushed before are now growing up. Compared to the previous more prominent head, the red eyes have increased to six, and two huge horns have grown rapidly from presence to absence on the shoulders. The originally very large body is now blowing balloons. The same rose by more than one-third.

Before Kimon Ikki and Ishibori Mitsuhiko had reacted to the shock caused by the resurrection of the alien beast, the alien beast on the opposite side opened a mouth full of sharp teeth at the side of the alien beast. The two of them clearly saw The lingering light in the wide open mouth of the alien beast.

Kudo Ikki was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Ishibori, get out of the way!" While yelling, Kudo Ikki immediately pulled the joystick and pressed it quickly to start the accelerator jet engine. The Delta instantly changed from a parallel state to flying vertically on the ground. The heavy pressure brought about by this extreme manipulation made Kudo Ikki unable to move on the flight seat, but he still pulled the control lever forcefully and did not relax.

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