Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1558: Pioneer

The Delta with only two engines left in the sky can no longer reach the speed above Mach. Ikki Koumen looked outside through the glass of the cockpit, and towering trees passed under the belly of the plane. , He wants to know how Pity is, but the damage to the Delta's fuselage has caused problems with the optical camouflage. He must go back to the base for repairs, not to mention that there is Saijo wind here. He can only pity himself in his heart. Worry.

And at the Lichuan Branch Air Force Base, which is very close here, the radar station caught an unidentified flight signal. The news was immediately reported by the radar soldiers, but the radar soldiers were surprised that there was no response after the news was reported. Did not take off to investigate. Immediately he was notified that the radar had malfunctioned, which was a false alarm.

On the Internet, a message followed a massive data flow to all over the world, and was finally received by people in more than a dozen places, including a company named "World UFO Research Institute" in the northern suburbs of Edogawa District. the company.

He has been'missing' for nearly a month, sitting next to his computer, quickly browsing all kinds of information transmitted from all over the world, many of the messages are useless, he only records those messages with special codes, but this kind of information Information may not be discovered for several days.

Now he has completely lost the demeanor he had when he was a reporter. He sat peacefully at the computer desk full of instant noodle buckets and quickly tapped the keyboard. He likes to be here now. Before, he only knew that the mysterious organization was a huge organization, but to what extent, he didn't know anything.

But now he knows a lot. Taiichiro Yamada, the former FBI investigator, spent several years through his network and found a large number of like-minded comrades who are committed to publishing TLT information. Although most of these people are small people, some are Radar soldiers, some are policemen in charge of public security, and some are test tubes of the Institute of Biochemistry...They all exchange information on an equal footing with each other through the Internet, and they call themselves "pioneers".

It is these insignificant little people who have revealed a lot of information. For example, today Gen Lai Jinzang found another marked message: "There are many birds flying outside the window every day. Today I found a bird I have never seen before. But they said I was wrong."

Gen Lai Jin Zang showed a smile on his fat face. He converted this message into binary, and then translated it with a special algorithm. After removing useless characters, it was converted into English and recombined. Finally, he came up with a message: "Dayueshan , Unidentified aircraft, radar malfunction, mysterious organization."

"Radar found an unidentified flying object in Dayue Mountain, but it was concealed on the grounds of a radar failure. It seems that it was the unknown fighter I photographed." Genlai nodded vaguely. The photos he took are from now on. The most straightforward proof of the existence of TLT and alien beasts, not to mention the photos of Nexus taken in Yoyogi Park later, but shocked the pioneers all over the world, they did not expect this world except monsters and Outside the unknown organization, there is even more shocking silver giant.

Therefore, they have strengthened their belief that all the hidden truths are unearthed. They desperately want to know what the silver giant is and where it comes from? Why do you want to fight the alien beast.

"It's new information," the chunky Hirokawa Takeo walked over with joy and nodded: "It was the fighter of that organization that was dispatched. If it is discovered by radar, it seems that it was damaged in battle against alien beasts. As far as we know, their fighters have forward stealth capabilities and can block all current radar waves."

"I also have a new situation here. It's big news." Yasuo Qingye shouted from the other side with great excitement: "It was from a newcomer who joined in half a month ago. He is working at TLT's Kanto base. Provides a lot of useful information."

"Really?" Taiichiro Yamada, the owner of the World UFO Research Institute, was also startled. He hurriedly walked over and looked at the computer screen in front of Aono Yasuichi, muttering: "This is an unprecedented breakthrough. We Finally opened a gap in that solid barrier. This is a great victory."

But after being happy, Yamada Taiichiro calmed down immediately and said hurriedly: "Kangichi, you tell him to be careful, and you would rather have less information than to expose yourself. It is more important for him to keep it hidden, and don’t tell him about it. Other pioneers, the more they know, the more likely they are to be exposed."

"Understood!" Said Aoye Yasuichi and opened the intelligence transmitted by the newcomer, which described TLT's operational forces and their respective responsibilities in detail. Let Yamada Taiichiro's eyes shine brightly, and he whispered the words on the screen: "TLT has multiple departments. The night raid team is responsible for fighting alien beasts and has science fiction fighters. The guards blocked the roads near the battle scene. Prevent people from entering the battle scene; the memory police erase the memories of witnesses to prevent information from leaking out..."

"This is definitely what the insiders know about it. It's really precious." Yamada Taiichiro walked around the room ecstatically, then he said in a hurry, thinking of something, "Get your notes now. Come down, and then delete the record immediately, leaving nothing at all. This kind of precious information must never be connected to the Internet."

"Yes!" Others also reacted and hurriedly picked up paper and pen to transcribe it~www.NovelMTL.com~ After finishing all this, Yamada Taiichiro let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "With so much information, We can begin to expose this organization, and reveal the information bit by bit."

"Will it be too anxious, what if it is discovered?" Gen Lai can't help but frowned. TLT is very powerful. Don't look at their so-called pioneers who have existed for several years. That's because TLT does not know their existence. Once they find people like them, it is easier to crush them than to crush an ant.

"No, of course it's not straightforward to say it. The same measures must be taken." Yamada Taiichiro's chubby face showed a smile, and he started to operate on a computer behind him and posted a post: "World There was a man-eating monster named Banib. He had come out of the seal and began to attack humans, swallowing people from start to finish. Behind Banib’s attack was a one-eyed bird. , If someone sees Banib, the one-eyed bird will erase their memory and prevent people from discovering Banib. The recent frequent unexplained explosions, fires and accidents are actually due to Banib. If you don’t believe me, ask The survivors of the accident, none of them have any memories of the accident, because they were erased by the one-eyed bird..."

Yamada Taiichiro wrote hundreds of words eloquently before stopping, then turned his head to Gen Kojizo, Hirokawa Takeo, and Aono Yasuichi and said, "Like this, cover up the truth with strange talks."

Genlai Jinzang nodded, but then he sighed and said regretfully: "In fact, if he can come, he will definitely know more about the truth."


"Ji Shizhun!"

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