Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1550: Happy mask

Xingye put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, folded his hands together and patted them together: "I'm full, thank you for the hospitality."

"Uncle Needle Nest's dishes are really unforgettable." The tail rubbed his belly and spread out on the chair, with a satisfied expression on his face.

After a little chat, after cleaning up the leftovers, Xingye also officially bid farewell to them: "I am really happy today, I am going back."

"I want to fry." Uncle Needle Nest said enthusiastically.

"I'll see him off." The tail said as he walked towards the starry night: "It's very dark at night here. I'll take you out."

"Thank you so much."

Xingye waved his hand to Uncle Needle Nest and Lian, and then walked towards the gate of the amusement park with his tail. After more than 20 meters out, Xingye casually looked at the lampposts erected on both sides of the road and said casually. : "Do you have anything you want to tell me?"

"Uh..." Wei Bai nodded in a daze, and asked hesitantly: "That... are you a pity friend?"


"A couple of days ago, there was someone who claimed to be Lian's cousin, but he didn't seem to know much about Lian," the tail nodded and said with some anxiety: "I accidentally saw Lian's passport before, which says Da Yang. In Dallas on the other side, Lian ran from so far away and worked alone in this playground. For almost two years, no one had come to see Lian. Lian felt like an orphan, although he had always been very happy. But Uncle Needle Nest and I felt as if he was hiding something sad."

Xingye didn't speak, and quietly listened to Obai's words: "Rei has never chatted with anyone for an afternoon, and even forgot about his work. He has always been a person with a strong sense of responsibility. You must be his best friend. , Can it be fired if possible?"

Starry night stopped and looked up at the sky and said: "Pity, he... is indeed an orphan. Yes, he used to live and study in Dallas, but there he can’t get the life he wants. If you don’t know the place, then you might forget the things that can’t be changed. So pity, at Fort Worth Airport in Dallas, he just picked a place and bought a ticket, so he got on the plane that flew here and came To this place."

Oshiro opened his mouth and didn't say anything in the end. He just lowered his head and felt the sadness of pity, but he couldn't imagine the kind of sadness that made Pity give up everything and come to a strange place, just to forget it. sad.

"But... it's right for pity to be here. He is very happy here and enjoys every day." Xingye turned around with a smile to look at this playground that has been hidden into the night: "He is here It’s enough to make friends who care about him and live so happily every day.”

Wei Bai felt that Xingye avoided the reason why Pity had to abandon everything to come to a strange place, but in the end he did not ask the reason for this question. From Xingye's words, he felt that this must not be a happy thing, otherwise Pity would not. I have been defending here.

"Okay, don't think too much," Xingye turned around and walked towards the road, with his back to Wei Bai waved his hand: "Just send it here, I will be fried, tell Uncle Needle Nest Prepare my meal."

"Well, I'll tell Uncle Needle Nest. Goodbye!" Wei Bai waved his hand at the fading figure of the starry night, then raised his head and glanced at the sky full of stars and sighed, clearing up his mood and pressing everything to the bottom of my heart. , Ran in the direction of the ice cream shop.

Although it was night, Ikki Gumen hadn't slept yet, sitting in front of the computer in the room, frowning and looking at the computer screen in front of him, he was trying to query Lian’s identity data, but he didn’t expect all of Lian’s identity. The information is all encrypted, and his level is not enough to query.

He only knows that Rei is related to an organization called the PP group. However, the information of the PP group is also encrypted and cannot be queried at all. This makes Kazuki Kazuki more certain that Rei’s identity must be unusual, otherwise, why the identity information is encrypted of.

But now Ikki Kudo is more willing to pity for being an ordinary person, so that he can inquire about these information. He was thinking hard about how to inquire about this information. He knew that his level was not enough to see. The Night Assault team's words and Captain Kurosuke's level were the highest, but what did he say?


"Are you inquiring about Qian Shurei's information?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Kudo Ikki, scaring Kudo Ikki with a big jump, almost not being surprised by the sudden sound~www. NovelMTL.com ~ Illustrator? ! "Ikki Komen looked at the white-clothed man standing behind him in amazement. The faintly glowing appearance indicated that it was just a holographic projection, but... Ikki Komen turned his head and looked at the four corners of the room. What is his room? When is the holographic projection system installed?

Yoshizawa Ryoyu saw Kazuki Kazuki’s doubts, and said, “The holographic projection device installed on this base is different from the holographic projection in the general sense. It uses the principle of quantum entanglement. Even at a long distance, As long as you manipulate one particle, another particle will change accordingly, so..."

Seeing Yoshizawa Ryoyu's intention to make a big talk, Koumon Ikki hurriedly stopped and said, "Qianshuren...Do you know him?"

Yoshizawa Ryoyu stopped the scientific explanation and looked at Ikki Kudo and said seriously: "It is better to stay away from him, otherwise you will be implicated. This is my advice to you."

"Why?" Ikki Gumen stood up puzzledly, and asked anxiously: "Why do you say that? Is anyone trying to deal with pity?" Ikki Gumen had already made up for Ji Yazhun's mind before. Encounter, and pity that smiling teenager might also be treated like this.

"In short, don't get too close to him." After Yoshizawa Yoshiki finished speaking, his figure faded away and disappeared. He did not give Gumen Ikki a chance to ask again, making Gumen Ikki's heart more anxious. But there is no way. In a highly hierarchical organization like TLT, it is impossible for you to see relevant information without the corresponding authority. Lian’s identity is not currently accessible to him, unless he has more than the entire TLT firewall. Powerful hacker ability, directly bypassing the defense to steal data.

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