Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1548: Who catch who

Xingye raised his head, looked at Lian's smiling face, and nodded slightly: "Okay."

"Wait a minute, I'll bring it to you right away." Lian said, walking quickly towards the store.

Starry night stared at Lian's happily running figure and couldn't help but laughed. Suddenly Xingye felt two different eyes looking at this place, sitting there calmly, pretending to appreciate the playground scenery, indifferent. Looked in the direction of the gaze.

The first thing I saw was a girl sitting on a chair next to the flower bed and holding a book pretending to read, but her gaze was constantly glancing in Lian's direction, obviously monitoring Lian.

"This is..." Xingye took a closer look at the girl, feeling as if she had seen it somewhere, she had an impression, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it. From this point of view, it should be the people of TLT. After all, they have rarely left the base. If you have the impression, you must have seen it in the surveillance video, but you didn't pay attention. After all, so many people in TLT can't pay attention to everyone.

But then the girl stood up and hurriedly ran towards this side, as if she had discovered something, but the other gaze that was watching here suddenly disappeared, Xingye immediately turned her head and looked over, a figure flashed away. , And disappeared into the chaotic crowd.

The girl seemed to know that so many people couldn’t find that person because of her, and stopped chasing. Before she could return to her surveillance post, Lian walked out with ice cream, among the crowds. I saw this girl at a glance.

Rei stepped forward and put the ice cream on the table of the starry night, and hurriedly walked towards the girl. The girl panicked when she saw Lian watching her, and hurriedly lowered her head and hurriedly walked outside.

Rey followed the girl in desperate pursuit, and kept asking: "What is your name? Hey, wait a minute, what is your name? My name is Qianshu Rei... Is this your first time here? Do you want to play?"

No matter how you look at it, it was a stalker and adolescent boy who wanted to strike up a conversation. Ruisheng panicked under a series of questions. He didn't know how to answer or how to deal with this kind of thing.

It was the first time that she performed a surveillance mission, and the result was only ten minutes after she was discovered by the surveillance subject, and now she is still entangled, making Ruisheng's heart full of fear and forgetting that the most normal method can be adopted-like an ordinary woman. The child scolded each other like that.

Lianyi asked several times without getting an answer. The other party completely ignored him and just walked forward with his head down blindly, and Lianyi's behavior second only to the "idiot" also attracted the attention of people around him. Looked at this stalker who wanted to strike up a conversation with a strange look.

"This guy... is it really the product of the Prometheus plan?" Starry night looked at Lian's behavior and felt his eyes twitching, even if he had a good impression of a girl, he shouldn't rush forward so hastily. Use this kind of tough method of accosting, so that the only result after rushing up is to be blocked directly, maybe they will call the police directly. Pity this low EQ is simply outrageous.

Rei also realized that this was wrong, so she stopped and tilted her head to look at Ruisheng who was hurried away. Suddenly she turned her head and walked aside. After whispering a few words with an employee who is acting as a plush doll, the two people He walked to the changing room not far away.

"Oh!" Xingye shook his head and stopped paying attention to Lian. The memory policeman who was in charge of monitoring Lian was obviously a rookie. Under Lian's series of questions, he lost the most basic judgment and calmness, and just walked with his head down.

No matter how you look at it, it is not threatening, but... Manager Matsunaga did not send any guards this time. Instead, he sent an inexperienced memory policeman to watch Lian. This is simply funny. Starry night is more concerned about another watcher. Yes, he is obviously an experienced veteran. He can see Ruisheng in the crowd and know from the other party's actions that she has discovered the fact that she has found herself, and then immediately fled in. He escaped the crowd and used the crowd to cover his escape.

"Could it be that this memory police is just a cover, and the real watcher is someone else? But isn't this a superfluous act?" Xingye frowned and was puzzled. The current situation is really getting more and more complicated, let alone pity. Like Ji Yazhun, he didn't even want to summon Stone Wings to heal his injuries. Because he has his own life, and is not a vagrant like Ji Yanjun.

Lian's progress here is also rapid. He changed into a plush doll costume and solved many problems at once. For example, Ruisheng couldn't find him close, and he even detected Ruisheng's name.

But Rui Sheng was horrified to find that she had lost her target, and hurriedly found it all over the playground, but she never found anything. Anxiously, she did not even find that the plush doll was always following her~www.NovelMTL.com~ Until dusk approached, Rui Sheng, with a face full of anxiety and trouble, sat on a chair, unwillingly scanning the surrounding people, hoping to find her mission goal, but her heart was extremely depressed, the goal found her Maybe she has escaped now, and she is already hesitating whether to report the matter to her superiors.

At this moment, an angry young man's voice rang in her ears: "Ruisheng..."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He took it down and waved at Rui Sheng with a pity.

That made Ruisheng look at Lian in astonishment, and then realized that there was indeed this puppet following her before, but when she was busy looking for the target person, she felt that this was the staff of the amusement park and did not care at all. The target person she painstakingly searched for was by her side, and from knowing her name, the target person heard a lot of useful information.

The monitored target turned to monitor her and heard a lot of useful information. This reversal made Ruisheng feel full of disappointment. She has begun to think about whether she really failed so much and was monitored by the monitored object. This matter can be said. Make people laugh out loud.

"It's so unprofessional." There is only one thought in Ruisheng's mind now, and he sat there blankly and even forgot to stay away from the target person.

And Lian, who was dressed in a chubby plush outfit, sat down to himself, and talked to Ruisheng about his experiences in this playground. If Ikki Gone was here, I would find Lian now. What he said is exactly the same as what he said yesterday.

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