Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1534: Ended

With Shinjuku Park as the center, the cities within a kilometer of nearby are all plunged into darkness. Compared with the brightly lit city in the distance, this area seems to be two worlds, and what is even more bizarre is not just the buildings. Lights, street lights, etc., even flashlights, car lights, candles, and other things that can emit light, can't emit even a trace of light.

Even more weird is that even if it is something that can emit light, as long as you enter this dark place, it will immediately lose the light, even if you leave here, it will not regain the light. Like Feng Yu, the darkness has lasted for ten minutes, and the residents in the dark area are in a panic. The whole family gathers together in the dark, waiting for the trial of fate in fear.

In contrast, those who fall asleep early appear to be extremely happy and don't care about the darkness at all, so it is not unreasonable to say that going to bed early is good for body and mind.

Suddenly there was a light on the edge of the dark place, a silver-white ball of light suddenly appeared in an open place, and then the silver-white ball of light dissipated, revealing Megumi Sakuta who was wrapped in it. Silhouette.

Sakuta Megumi looked around blankly. The familiar high-rise buildings and street lamps beside the street told Sakuta Megumi that this is a human world, which is completely different from the desolate and deadly place just now.

"Ji Ya-kun..." Megumi Sakuta looked around very anxiously, but she didn't even know how she came out, let alone the route and method of going back. She could only stand anxiously here, silently preparing for Ji Ya in my heart. Pray, as long as he can return safely, she will no longer expect Ji Yan to stay with her.

In the end of the war, Nexus and Mephistopheles have already hit a kilometer high in the air. The speed of the two sides is so fast that human eyes can barely see two streams of different colors.

The five members of the Night Assault team can’t do anything except just watch. Whether it’s Nexus or Mephistopheles, they have lost more than one street in terms of speed and flexibility. The super high sound speed is strong. Hit Chess especially said that if you can't catch up, it's probably a delivery.

"Fast speed." Shiori Hiraki looked up at the two streamers in the sky that collided at a frequency of more than ten times per second. She could barely tell that the streamers were almost mixed together. Nothing else can be seen.

Nexus flew up and threw a punch, but Mephistopheles dodged him sideways. At the same time, Mephistopheles' devil's claw pierced towards Nexus, but only halfway through. , Nexus quickly raised his left arm and blocked it with the stratosphere blade on the side of the arm.

The two people raised their legs and kicked towards each other at the same time. The red and black legs staggered across, wiping fierce sparks, and kicking on each other's body at the same time. The huge force caused the two to separate immediately and back to each other. Hundreds of meters.

"Huh!" Mephistopheles looked at Nexus with a cold face. The power displayed by Nexus is no longer inferior to him. You must know that this place is farther away than the suppression of the dark realm. , But Nexus's combat effectiveness is still very strong, which means that if it is fair, he will be completely abused by Nexus.

"Huh!" Mephistopheles stretched out his arms, and the dark energy in his body rushed to his arms continuously, causing extremely strong dark energy to condense on his arms, even if the energy fluctuations are far apart The detectors that hit Chester at super-high speed were all spotted immediately.

"Do you want a decisive victory? Let's come." Nexus did not have the slightest timidity or hesitation, arms spread out parallel to the left and right, all energy concentrated on the energy core of the chest, the dim energy core Immediately shining with golden brilliance, even the color timer with azure blue light was hidden from view.

"Go to hell." Mephistopheles yelled, arms together, a powerful destructive light intertwined with dark red light—dark light·wave, whizzed towards Nexus.

"Haha!" Nexus slammed his arms, gathering strong energy so that the light emitted by the energy core was as bright as a scorpion sun, and the endless energy gathered into a core pulse with a core temperature of over 100,000 degrees. The beam of light rushed to Mephistopheles frantically.

The dark red light and the golden light ran across the void, and they collided with each other in the blink of an eye. The collision point of the two lights splashed violent sparks, spreading for a full kilometer of light, and the light emitted was like The sun was as dazzling as the sun, suddenly illuminating this dark endland.

'boom! ’The thunderous explosion sounded one after another ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The spreading flame swallowed Mephistopheles in, and he was approaching in the direction of Nexus.

Nexus lowered his arms and glanced at the super-high-speed sonic smashing Chester that was slowly flying below, and then rushed directly to the depths of the sky of fire, where Mephistopheles gathered his body like a dying struggle. The last energy still wanted to compete with Nexus.

"Ultraman... Mr. Ji Ya..." Under the gaze of the night raid team, Nexus rushed straight into the sea of ​​fire hanging in the sky, and the scarlet figure was swallowed by the tongue of fire. No matter how you look for it, you can't see him.

Nexus staring at Mephistopheles ahead, a huge black energy ball lingered between his hands, which was Mephistopheles' last energy.

"Your daydream will be crushed by me." Niksus yelled, bending his right arm, and rushing towards Mephistopheles as fast as she could touch Mephistopheles. , Nexus's right fist slammed out forcefully, and the right fist lingering in the scarlet energy hammered fiercely on the dark ball of light in Mephistopheles' hands.

After adding the light power of Nexus, the originally stable dark light ball was like throwing a torch on gasoline. The dark light ball exploded in an instant, and the terrifying impact suddenly smashed Mephistopheles and Nye. Kersus swallowed them all in.

"Uh!" Mephistopheles only had time to let out a scream and was swallowed by an explosion close at hand, and then Nexus did not swallow this terrifying blast wave in, the terrifying explosion burst out. The light is more than ten times more dazzling than the sun shining on the earth. Even the super-sonic strike below the night raid team in Chester is unable to see because of this dazzling light.

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