Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1530: Decisive moment

Koumen Ikki calmly said: "No, that is by no means an auditory hallucination, it is indeed that he told me how to deliver energy to Ultraman."

"Try it, it won't be worse than it is now. I will give you the last shot. Let’s launch with the trust between you and Ultraman." After thinking about it, Kakura Hidesuke decided to try it. , After all, although Altman stood up now, he had no fighting strength at all. If this continues, Mephistopheles will soon be overthrown.


Ikki Koumen put his hands on the launch button, and his mind constantly flicked through the scenes of Ultraman appearing. From the first time he saw Ultraman, he was saved by Ultraman. In battle after battle, Altman saved him and others many times, but he himself was scarred and now he was dying.

"Stand up, Ultraman." Ikki Kudo yelled and pressed the attack button forcefully, and the two giant cannons at the top of Chester hit the top of Chester at super-high speed and fired out two beams of light. Condensed into the ultimate ray, rushing straight down.

Mephistopheles, who was striding towards Nexus, felt the powerful energy attack, and turned around quickly to prepare to defend against the attack from the night raid team. Then he found that the ultimate ray passed over his head and made May Pfister couldn't help but froze for a moment. Who was the target of the attack if he didn't attack him?

Mephistopheles immediately turned around and saw the ultimate ray exuding brilliance accurately hit the energy core in front of Nixus' chest, and the powerful impact pushed Nixus back uncontrollably. , Couldn't stabilize his figure at all, and the energy contained in the ultimate ray continuously poured into Nexus's body.

Even Mephistopheles was stunned by the scene in front of him. Shouldn't he attack him? How to attack Nexus? Could it be that the night raiders have all been modified and are ready to abandon the light?

Nexus struggled to maintain the stability of his body, and his feet could not be pushed back under the impact of the ultimate ray. The ultimate ray disappeared after only four or five seconds after launching, which is far inferior to Nike. Sesna can sustain the ultimate light for more than ten seconds.

The ultimate ray finally disappeared, and Nexus continued to stagger back two steps under the inertia of the impact before stabilizing his body, standing there with his head down and his fists clenched.

"Did you succeed?" Everyone in the Night Assault team watched Nexus nervously, especially Mitsuhiko Ishibori without blinking.

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Mephistopheles became impatient, waving the devil's claw on her right hand, sending out dark red light flares and rushing towards Nexus, and while Mephistopheles attacked, Naik Seth immediately took a step forward and put his left arm in front of him.

The energy core on the chest of Nexus burst out with dazzling golden brilliance spreading towards Nexus. The golden brilliance left strips of golden patterns on Nexus. The original gray and black parts of her body have been replaced by dazzling silver, and strips of silver patterns cut the silver area.

"Ultraman's body color has changed?!" Kudo Kazuki, who is most familiar with Ultraman, noticed the change of Ultraman for the first time, and his brows were instantly delighted as he watched Ultraman's regained brightness. It means that the energy supplement just now is effective, and Ultraman really stood up.

"Noah... see how much your strength has recovered."

Mitsuhiko Ishibori stared at the Nexus below, and at the same time quickly tapped the keyboard in front of him with both hands, turning on all the detectors of the super-sonic strike Chester, and collecting the data below.

The brilliance on Nexus has not disappeared, and Mephistopheles’ attack has already struck. One after another, light bullets hit Nexus’s raised left arm, but Mephistopheles did not expect it. What is that the attack did not splash any sparks at all, and even Nexus's body did not shake.

The energy contained in the light bullets all accumulated on Nexus's left arm, and what is even more bizarre is that these dark energies did not dissipate, but kept gathering. A strong dark energy lingered on Nexus's left arm, dyeing her forearm in dark red.

"A powerful force never exists for conquest, but to protect those who have never given up hope." Following Nexus' words, the dark red energy light on his left arm quickly rose to gold. At first, there was only a touch of brilliance, but the dark red dark energy of the blink of an eye was converted into golden light.

"Haha!" Nexus yelled, and the light energy on his left arm burst out instantly, condensed into a huge ball of light and whizzed back towards Mephistopheles.

Mephistopheles had just launched the attack, and saw that his dark energy was turned into the power of light by Nexus~www.NovelMTL.com~ Then a huge light bomb rushed towards him, Mei Fister hurriedly raised his hand with the devil's claw and slashed fiercely on the ball of light.

‘Boom! With a loud noise, the light bomb that touched the devil's claw exploded, and the burst of energy spread for more than two hundred meters, instantly swallowing Mephistopheles in, and then the impact of the explosion hit Mephistopheles. Flew out, rolling on the ground embarrassingly for a long time before stopping.

Nexus immediately raised his right arm and the energy core in front of him swiped across. The bright water wave immediately enveloped Nexus's body, and then burst into a dazzling red light.

"This Ultraman seems to be different." Saijo wind, who has been paying attention to Ultraman, felt that this Ultraman seemed to be different, but he couldn't say exactly what was weird.

"What kind of guard is really ridiculous?" Mephistopheles stood up from the ground, staring coldly at the red giant standing on the ground, and strode directly towards Nexus at the fastest speed without any hesitation. .

Not to be outdone, Nexus immediately followed and rushed towards Mephistopheles. Two figures, one red and one black, crossed the distance between the two sides as fast as three or four hundred meters and collided together. The two colors The different iron fists collided fiercely, making an extremely loud collision.

The two sides gathered a strong energy collision and the energy shock wave exploded and swept around, don't lift the earth and rocks on the ground, and flew around randomly, falling to the ground with a crisp collision sound.

In this strong confrontation, Mephistopheles staggered backwards, and after more than ten steps in a row, he barely stopped. But Nexus just stepped back a few steps, and rushed up again, continuing to attack Mephistopheles.

ps: Tomorrow your graduation thesis defense, let it be your fate.

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