Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1527: Path of Glory

The two people on the ground were playing lively, and the air was no exception. The Delta and Assault Chester flew towards the stone pillar at a slow speed. The weapons and equipment on the two fighter jets were aimed at the one that bound the Ultraman. Root tentacles, ready to blow up all these things.

'call out! call out! call out! "Laser beams were fired from the laser cannons of two fighter jets suspended in mid-air, hitting one by one tentacles one after another, "Boom! Bang! Bang! The explosion sounded endlessly, and the tentacles that were hit burst into dazzling fire, and several tentacles were directly broken.

Before the Night Assault team organized the second attack, the small stone pillar behind quickly poured out countless tentacles and entangled with each other, condensing into Kutura with a twisted ghost face.

‘Wow! Whoosh! 'Kutura immediately spit out two tentacles, and precisely entangled the two fighters suspended in mid-air. The sudden attack broke the balance of the two fighters. If the body was not strong enough, it would be enough The fighter was squeezed into pieces of iron.

But even so, the joysticks of both the Delta and the Assault Chester became heavy, and Ikki and Saijo, who were in charge of the control, couldn’t pull the joysticks even if they tried their best. Reluctantly let the fighter plane levitate in the air, swinging with the tentacles like fluttering in the wind.

Wakura Hidesuke did not panic, his brain was spinning fast, thinking quickly how to solve the current situation: "Each fighter, aim all weapons at the alien beasts, and use attacks to distract the alien beasts."

"Understood!" The two fighters immediately attacked the alien beasts. Even though the fighters couldn't aim accurately because of the unceasing swing of the fighters, even if the attack fell beside the alien beasts, the splashing dirt and smoke reached The purpose of interfering with the attention of the alien beast.

Starry Night flew and kicked on the shoulders of Mizulu Mujinya, and the huge force directly kicked Mizulu Mujin too, and flew out more than ten meters before she barely landed on the ground, but even so, she staggered. It took a few steps to stabilize his figure.

"The tone is not small, but the strength is not good." Xingye said mockingly, but his eyes glanced at Ji Ya Zhun from time to time. He is now fully delaying time waiting for Ji Ya Zhun's light to turn on, although the hope is small but if If Ji Yazhun's light of the soul is turned on, it will greatly shorten the time for light transmission.

At this moment, Ji Yazhun felt like he was falling into the abyss of ten thousand meters. Suddenly he didn’t know where he was or where he would go. He didn’t know how long a clear and sweet girl's voice rang in his ears: "Zheng, Zhan "

In the voice of "Serra", Ji Yazhun's vague consciousness suddenly woke up, and suddenly opened his eyes. A lush dense forest caught Ji Yazhun's eyes, and the sun shined on the ground through layers of occupations. Projected on the ground as one bright spot after another.

However, Ji Ya Jun didn't mean to appreciate the beauty in front of him. His attention was completely attracted by the girl standing in front of him, and he squeezed out two words from his teeth: "Serra?!"

Xingye waved his hand to wipe out the several light bullets sent by Mizo Lu Mujin, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously: "The seeds of light are blooming."

Ji Yazhun slowly got up from the ground, half-kneeled on the ground, looking at the girl in front of him with surprise.

"Zhen, have you taken a satisfactory picture?" Serra smiled happily, bright as a flower, but this smile made Ji Yazhun's heart bursts of pain.

"My photos are meant to capture the real world, but in the end it has no effect at all except to record the moments of people's deaths," Ji Yazhun lowered his head in frustration, "I even let Sierra you and me. It's terrible."

"No, quasi, I like the photos taken by quasi the most. The photos that are accurate are proof that I live in this world. If it is not accurate, no one will know about my death, but because the quasi world knows about me, really Thank you very much." Serra still looked at Ji Yanjun with a smile: "The time with Zhun is really happy. Zhun made me see the glory of this world."

"No, Serra, you led me to find this light," Ji Shi took the Evolution Truster in his hand, staring at the bleak Evolution Truster and said: "I'm fighting with all my strength. This battle makes me painful and painful. My body is so scarred that it can at least slightly alleviate the guilt in my heart. I want to atone for my mistakes."

"Quiz, you are not wrong. This light does not exist for punishment. I did not guide you to find the light, but the light chose you."

"Just chose me? Am I qualified?"

"Quasi~www.NovelMTL.com~ Your heart is very warm. You can't see people hurt, so you will have a sense of atonement, but this light exists for protection, and the meaning of life is not repentance. Spent in the middle, but focus on a better future." Serra's body gradually faded into light particles in the sky and disappeared, but her voice constantly echoed in the empty woods: "Quasily , Use the light in your heart to illuminate the future, and use this power to protect the person you want to protect."

"The person I want to protect" Ji Yajun whispered, and the face of Megumi Sakuta could not help appearing in her mind. It was she who kept with him and encouraged herself to live during the most painful time when she came back. If Without her, I'm afraid I would have died in pain long ago, instead of living like a lingering life.

"Ji Ya-kun, if you are tired, you must also need a place to rest well." Sakuta Megumi's words are still in my ears, and the prayer contained in the voice made Ji Ya Jun's heart unable to calm for a long time, but he felt that he did not deserve this. Love, but now she is still outside, and because of him, she is in crisis.

"My battle is not over yet," Ji Shi quasi stood up a little bit, and shouted at the evolution truster: "I still have someone to protect. This time she will never be hurt again."

'call out! ’Endless light radiated from Ji Yazhun’s body, illuminating the surrounding like a small sun, ‘huh! Goo! The evolutionary trustee also shines with tricolor brilliance, which echoes the light on Ji Yazhun's body. The strong light floods into the evolution trustee, making the light of the evolution trustee more brilliant and brilliant. ()

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