Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1513: doubt

"Oh!" Xingye sighed deeply. Ji Yazhun's obsession was heavier than he thought. After he lost Serra, he had lost his direction in life. Although Ultraman's power allowed him to temporarily find The direction of the effort has been made, but that can’t replace Ikki’s belief in life.

"Explainer," Komito Kazuki stared at Starry Night with angrily eyes, and said in a questioning tone: "Is Mr. Ji Ya been caught in this base for the experiment? Why do you want Ultraman's power? Mr. Ji Shi has been fighting desperately to protect the world, why treat him like this."

Starry night stared at the puzzled and puzzled Kudo Ikki, and sighed in his heart. Kudo Ikki has not yet recognized the darkness of this world, no matter which world is useful to the ruler, even if it is Heroes dare to slice it to you, heroes or criminals only see if they need it.

"You'd better be silent about this matter, this is not something you can mix in, the lone team member, otherwise you will swallow you without leaving any bones." Starry night warned: "And you have to tell the Ishibori team members. Some information inside the base needs permission to browse, and if he does that, he will be sent to a military court."

When the starry night finished speaking, the holographic projection dissipated, leaving only the unhappy Gumen Yikki standing there. At this moment, the voice of Saijo Kaze sounded behind Kudo Kazuki: "Kudo, what he said is right, if you insist on continuing, no one can say the consequences."

Kudo Kazuki turned around anxiously, and said angrily: "I can't understand, why? Why is this? Mr. Akimei Hime has fought so hard against alien beasts for the earth and for humans... .."

"Sometimes the world is just so unfair," Saijo said in an extremely cold tone: "Some people have lost all their lonely lives since they were young, while others can live in a warm family; some lose Beloved, some people can stay together for life...This world has never been absolutely fair to say, Ji Yajun’s affairs must involve the headquarters, don’t get involved, understand?” Saijokaze said in the final tone They are already extremely serious, and they are involved in the high-level struggle. No matter whether they win or lose, they may not even have a scum left. The best end is also regarded as a scapegoat.

"Mr. Hime... why on earth?"

At this time, Ji Yazhun was in a daze through quantum entanglement, unconsciously opened a space transition channel, Jin Guangyi flashed Ji Yazhun immediately appeared in an empty Linhai Park, and then fell directly to the ground.

"Papa!" With a sound, Sakuta Megumi, who was standing in front of the railing and looking out at the sea in the distance, was alarmed. She couldn't help turning her head and widening her eyes, and said aloud, "Ji Ya-kun?!"

She wiped her eyes in disbelief, and made sure that the naked-chested man lying on the ground was indeed the Ji Yazhun she was thinking about. She hurried over, and tried her best to lift Ji Yazhun up in her arms, shaking. Ji Shijun shouted: "Ji Shi-kun, Ji Shi-kun..."

But with her eyes closed, Ji Ya Jun seemed to have lost consciousness. No matter how she called, she didn't have any response. She originally arrived here according to the agreement with Gen Raijinzo to hear him talk about Ji Ya Jun, but she didn't expect it to be just He wanted a piece of bread, but God gave her a cart of cakes and directly sent Ji Ya Jun himself to her.

Sakuta Megumi looked around anxiously. There was no one here at night. In desperation, Sakuta Megumi tried his best to lift Ji Ya from the ground, and took two steps to rest for a while, spending half an hour to help him. When I got to the side of the road, I found a taxi and drove towards my home. The surprised and anxious Megumi Sakuta had completely forgotten the roots of her appointment to meet here.

But the situation at the moment where the forgotten roots are hidden is not so good. He found himself once again found by the people of that organization.

After all, no matter how much he hides, he cannot avoid not appearing under the surveillance probe. As long as he appears once, those people will immediately lock his position and come to the door.

For this reason, Genlai Jinzo has been forced to abandon his car and hide in crowded places to reduce the chance of being discovered. The peekaboo game between the two parties has lasted for two hours. Genrajizo has also taken off his original coat and put on a cap, but his fat body shape cannot be changed.

Now he is hiding next to a newsstand, bowed his head and squeezed beside a few people, pretending to read a newspaper, but in fact his eyes are looking at the two people in black uniforms who are more than ten meters away, until they reach each other. He was relieved after leaving.

Looking around, the night falls on the city lights, and the field of vision becomes shorter, which means that the chance of him being found is smaller, and the chance of him finding the other party is also smaller. At this time, the test is the luck and vision of both parties.

"It's really an annoying group of flies, but I will never be caught by you. Let me wait." Genlai Jinzo said viciously, tightening the shoulder bag with the camera on his shoulders, and then turned to leave here. When I turned around, I saw a few middle-aged men looking at him with a smile, scared and hid, before he could ask why these people were here~www.NovelMTL.com~ the other raised his hands. The newspaper he was holding said with a smile, "You are the Mr. Genlai who wrote this report."

Although the other party was asking, but the tone revealed a rather doubtful certainty, especially that the newspaper in the opponent's hand was the photo of the alien beast and the night raid fighter plane taken by Gen Lai Jinzang published by the Sports Today today.

"You are..." Genlai Jinzang said, turning his eyes dishonestly, looking for a way to escape.

"Don't worry, we are here to help you get rid of those guys, please come with us." The short, fat man in the lead was wearing glasses, smiling at the roots and said to Jin Lai Jinzang, then glanced around: "Okay. , Let's go quickly, maybe they will find it after a while, those people have very good noses."

Gen Lai Shihzo weighed it up and decided to follow these three people. After all, although he is still avoiding the people of that organization, he is getting more and more dangerous. He can't be sure whether he will be caught by the other person in the next second. Then I was subjected to the amnestics mentioned by Kudo Ikki, completely forgetting the truth that he had finally discovered, and shuddered at the thought of this root hidden.

After these three mysterious guys got into a car with reflective film on the window glass, the car quickly started to merge into the traffic. These people are very familiar with the terrain here, and every time Before meeting the inspection post, they drove into the alley where they barely passed the car and hid.

It's a fluke to avoid the police once, but many times it shows that they really know where these police will appear, and if these policemen were sent by the organization to look for him under the name of car inspection, then do these people know that organization? Does it exist? Genlai Jinzo was taken aback by his own thoughts. ()

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