Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1402: Yoshizawa Ryoyu

The Prometheus project succeeded. This boy is one of the sons of Prometheus, Kira Sawayu, and he is also the human with the highest light synchronization rate. The newest Kira Sawa Yu is now almost able to carry the power of the shining form of Nexus. Starry Night only needs to modify Kira Sawayu's body with light. Maybe it can carry the power of Noah, but Starry Night also There is no power of Noah to carry him.

"It's you, the silver giant I often see in my dreams," Kira Sawa said to Starry Night in a calm tone: "I saw you become a silver giant in a fragmented dream. ."

The Prometheus project was promoted by the starry night, just adding some light to those cell culture dishes. When these embryos with root light factors grow, they will constantly absorb light particles and dust in the air. The original starting point is higher than others, coupled with acquired'effort', naturally has a higher optical synchronization rate than ordinary human beings.

"Dream..." Starry night frowned and nodded clearly. It should be Yoshizawa Ryoyu's body that unconsciously absorbed the light particles and dust, and simultaneously read the light particles and dust. Some memory fragments of Nexus.

After all, the light particle dust is composed of Nexus' body fragments, and there is more or less a memory of Nexus in it. However, these memory fragments are too weak. People can't feel it when they are awake. They only appear in the form of dreams when their consciousness is asleep.

"Have you talked to anyone?"

"No," Yoshizawa Ryoyu gently shook his head, with a quiet smile on his face: "I have seen the Prometheus plan that made us. It was a plan that was impossible to succeed, but now I am Standing here. Coincidentally, the eighteen sons of Prometheus had more or less strange dreams. The higher the light factor in their bodies, the more frequent their dreams. Some dreamed that they were in the universe. Dreams of fighting with countless space warships, some dreams of themselves on the bottom of the sea, and pity dreams of flying in the air the most...they created us, in fact, the real maker should be you, ult."

"Yes, I influenced Prometheus to achieve a goal." Starry night nodded, and then turned to look aside, Yoshizawa Ryoyu also followed to look there. In the boundless sea of ​​consciousness, ten suddenly appeared. Many apocalyptic pictures: some are the ruins of cities burning with raging flames, some are underwater cities destroyed by countless monsters, and some are brick houses like primitive tribes... But without exception, there is one of these pictures. The dark Altman covered in red and black stripes, the scarlet energy core on his chest was particularly eye-catching.

"Dark Zaki, he is Diablo, the source of evil that destroys all life, and now he is on earth. The body I used for combat disappeared in the big bang of the planet that humans call the visitor, so I must use Only human bodies can fight. My influence on Prometheus’ plan is to create humans that can fully carry my light..."

"You come to me, it seems that I am the most successful." Yoshizawa nodded clearly, Xingye was about to say something, suddenly raised his head, his face was full of astonishment, Miu Lumu's light It has completely disappeared from the ruins, which means that it has lost the qualifications of the fittest.

"How could this happen?" Xingye said in a low voice in consternation. The fittest have been selected four years ago, and have been absorbing light particles and dust. How could it be possible to remove the light particles and dust in the body at once? Is it completely emptied? After all the impossible is eliminated, there is only one correct answer.

"Dark Zaki..." Xingye shook his fist in irritation. It was definitely the ghost of Dark Zaki, but I don't know why he did it, but now it seems that Dark Zaki should have recovered part of his power. So he woke up. I just don't know how his power has recovered. It seems that I can't continue to fall asleep, and I have to pay attention to the movements of the dark Zaki at all times.

"Dark Zaki? Did he show up?" Yoshizawa nodded clearly, staring at the starry night, spreading his hands: "So, are you going to receive the results?"

"Your consciousness still exists. We are one heart and one body. I need a suitable identity and a mobile body to do something," Starry Night said to Yoshizawa Ryoyu: "Humans alone cannot deal with alien beasts. It needs more power."

"Okay, then, let me see how powerful it is~www.NovelMTL.com~Yoshizawa Ryoyu smiled and nodded, then felt the darkness before his eyes, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the room, Yoshizawa Ryoyu opened his eyes, the silver brilliance in his pupils flashed, and then disappeared. Yoshizawa Ryoyu stepped to the side of the computer desk, turned on the computer, and quickly tapped on the computer with both hands. Hit it up.

A large amount of information flow quickly followed the Internet and crossed the ocean to the Freedom Castle of the third base of tlt-j. Without much effort, Xingye found what she wanted.

For the 154th mission of the night raid team, there was an abnormal phenomenon in the factory at 124 o'clock in the third area. It was suspected to be a new species of alien beast.

After Xingye found what she wanted, she immediately withdrew from the invasion, and then her consciousness flew out of Yoshizawa Ryoyu's body, leaving him with a sentence: "I will wait for you in Kanto, where everything is going on. The beginning will end there."

Then the starry night flew directly to the high sky, consciousness was integrated into the stone wings, the stone wings shining with silver light like a silver meteor, shuttled above the white clouds at a very fast speed, and the surface layer was flickering. The silver ray cut off all detection, even though it traveled halfway through the earth, no one found it.

The sun deviated at a speed visible to the naked eye. From hanging in the sky to the sun slanting westward, it took less than half a minute for Stone Wings to enter the eastern hemisphere in the dark. The Wings of Stone flying in the sky at an altitude of 5,000 meters can clearly see the ocean of city lights like the vast sea of ​​stars, composed of countless lights distributed on the dark ground below. It didn't take long for Wings of Stone to fly downwards. The goal was directed at a factory in the suburbs, far from the urban settlements and there are few people around. (To be continued...)rw

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