Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1400: Dream forest

However, Captain Wakura Hidesuke did not ask too much. TLT itself is a top-secret organization, which is divided into many departments. All he knows is his NIGHTRAID (night raid team) responsible for destroying alien beasts and for eliminating victims. The MemoryPolice of memory, the PICKUP white cleaners responsible for the recovery of alien beast cells, and these are only exposed departments. More departments cannot be known without certain authority, and even these departments are in this base. Can't find it or get in.

Here I want to say that the base where Captain Wakura Hidesuke is located is disguised as a huge dam to conceal people’s eyes. The real base is located in a secret base built under the water, but Captain Wakura Hidesuke vaguely knows that there are more hidden in the deeper underground. Big secret base, but there is no access without permission.

People working at TLT also strictly follow a principle, don’t go where you are not allowed, and don’t ask questions you shouldn’t ask. People who like to explore will come from here after a curious adventure. Disappearing, obey orders and obey orders. This is TLT's code of conduct.

Within a few days, two huge boxes were transported from the headquarters. Commander Matsunaga brought the night raid team during the running-in period to the hangar to take a look at the fighter jets to be piloted in the future. The surface of these two brand-new fighters is blue, and they look extraordinarily deep.

These two fighters do not look very different from ordinary fighters, except that there are no wings on either side, instead of weapon launch ports. One of the tapered fighters is equipped with missile enclosures on both sides, and the other fighter is flanked by two huge drum-shaped laser cannons.

Manager Matsunaga walked over and said with a smile: "These two fighter jets are the Chrome Chester Alpha and Chrome Chester Beta delivered from the headquarters. They are the latest high-tech crystallization of mankind, and it can be said that they are on the earth today. The most advanced fighter that can be manufactured. It is equipped with an anti-gravity levitation system and a high-speed engine that can accelerate to supersonic speed. The weapon is equipped with high-concentration energy missiles and large laser cannons. During the test, it is fully fired and destroyed in ten seconds. A hundred meters high mountain."

"It's amazing!" Ishibori stared at the garden, looked at the three fighter jets parked in the hangar below in dismay, and said in disbelief: "Humans have invented the anti-gravity system. It's amazing. "

Manager Matsunaga said with a smile on his face and a hint of pride: "Human power is much stronger than you think. Everyone should practice hard to fight with Chrome Chester as soon as possible."


Saijo Kaze looked at the fighters below with full eyes, and said with great joy in his heart: "It's great, such a powerful weapon can definitely destroy more alien beasts...absolutely."

Manager Matsunaga walked toward the front and said to Captain Wakura Hidesuke: “Right, there has been new news from the headquarters that the global R7 factor concentration has indeed decreased, but according to the current reduction rate, It will take one thousand and two hundred years to completely return to zero, so there is no need to worry about this issue."

"Really? That's really great." Captain Hekura Hidesuke couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, his face showing a few smiles.

"There is also good news. In view of the unusual activity of alien beasts in the Kanto region, the headquarters has decided to strengthen our combat effectiveness," the manager of Matsunaga continued to tell the good news to boost morale: "The casualties of the night raid team have been mostly Because of the lack of understanding of alien beasts, it is impossible to conduct effective operations in time, so the headquarters is ready to send us a combat staff who understands alien beasts to guide the night raid team operations, thereby improving the combat effectiveness and survivability of the night raid team. "

Hidesuke Wakura couldn't help but stunned: "Combat staff?"

Management Officer Matsunaga said with a smile: "Well, but the headquarters did not say who it is. It seems that it will take a while to be dispatched here, so don’t worry about this for now. Your task now is to get acquainted with Chrome Chester as soon as possible. The manipulation of Chromium Chester joined the battle."

"I understand."

The Night Assault team did not spend too much time mastering Chromium Chester’s manipulation methods. Soon Chromium Chester also joined the battle against alien beasts, possessing a horrifying and destructive chrome cutter. Stur, the night raid team does not need to descend to the ground to destroy the alien beast.

Unless it is in the outskirts of the factory area, or the area close to the city, where such a crowd is concentrated, using fighter jets will cause a lot of movement ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ can only continue to use Dwight guns outside of combat. Others, such as the wild and the no-man’s land at night, used these two chrome golden chesters to attack alien beasts. After more than ten missions, the night raid team had no casualties reported. This result is no matter whether it is the night raid team or the TLT. The headquarters are very satisfied, and they have increased their research on Chrome Chester in order to develop stronger fighters to deal with the increasingly active alien animal disasters.

The night-shrouded sky is dotted with countless stars. In a room in the TLT-J Freedom Fort, the deputy captain of the night raid team, Mizulu Mu, has fallen asleep on the bed. But his face was full of fear and fear, and he fell into an extremely real dream.

He felt like he was standing in a dense jungle. This place was his hidden residence hidden deep in memory. He used to be a special force and was often sent to some places to perform tasks. It was in this forest that he almost died here, the desperation of running out of ammunition and food without support, so that Golumu will never forget.

Here he lost everything, including morality and conscience, and finally survived after exhausting everything. He left there and never talked about the dense forest again, but now he is here again.

"Why? Why am I here?" Mizulumu looked pale and looked around, as if something was chasing him deep in the dark dense forest. Golumu walked in one direction and walked in fear for a long time. He didn't even see the edge of the dense forest, which seemed to be endless.

Early the next morning, Mizuromu walked into the war room with a blue complexion, and Captain Hekura Hidesuke saw him like this and asked with concern: "It's okay, your complexion doesn't seem to be very good. Are you tired recently . Give you a good rest for a few days off, don’t force yourself too much."

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