Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1388: Battle of Shinjuku

"Ma..." Rong Zi looked at the silver-red giant, opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. Nexter lowered his head to stare at Rong Zi in the crowd, especially Rong Zi opened his eyes slightly in his arms. Jimeng nodded to them.

Many people stood up from the ground with shocked faces and looked at this incredibly huge silver giant with their necks up. In front of this huge mountain-like giant, this kind of impact on the soul eclipsed all adjectives. .

Nekster started to put away the barrier of light, and immediately raised his arms to resist a dark blue light bomb coming from flying.

'boom! With a loud noise, the dark blue light bomb exploded on Nexter's arms. The turbulent flame engulfed Nexter's upper body, and the terrifying impact sent Nexter out more than ten meters. , Slammed heavily into the building behind him, slammed the building into half, embedded in the building.

The deafening explosion awakened the people around Nexter, exclaimed, and looked at it. Behind him was the terrifying alien beast, and in front was Nexter embedded in the building. People turned to both sides. Running away, such a trivial human being in the battle of giants is a serious matter to run away quickly.

Nexter immediately raised his right arm without waiting for the alien beast to attack again. The stratosphere blade on his wrist glowed with a silvery white light. Following the swing of Nexter's arm, it sent out a three-day moon shape. Light blade-lambda light blade.

The crescent-shaped blade of light whizzed from the top of the crowd and slashed heavily on the alien beast, ‘Boom! A thunderous roar sounded, and the light blade splashed fierce sparks on the body of the alien beast. The huge force shot the alien beast away, pressing its back on a seven-story building, and the building Crushed to pieces.

Nekster stomped the ground hard with his legs, his body soared into the air and turned over, jumped over the broken hospital building, fell on the ground, and then strode towards the alien beast, not waiting for the alien beast. Standing up, Nexter immediately bent down and grabbed the huge left foot of the alien beast. The legs retreated, pulling the struggling alien beast back to the back. The huge body of the alien beast waded a deep gully on the street, and many spikes on the body slashed the ground.

'Ok! With force with both arms, Nexter directly pulled the 10,000-ton-heavy alien beast from the ruins, and threw it into the evacuated uninhabited area after a few rounds. Although an emergency evacuation order was issued and some areas were evacuated, it is impossible for such a large city to complete the evacuation in a moment. Nexter can only look for an area that has been evacuated, as much as possible. Reduce casualties.

‘Boom! 'The alien beast was waving its limbs wildly in the air, and then slammed heavily on the ground, smashing the neat asphalt road into a huge depression, the alien beast quickly got up with two roars and just lifted it. At the beginning, Nexter kicked him on the head, and the huge force kicked the alien beast's head to one side, and the body staggered a few steps to the side. The ugly body hit On the nearby building, the building was pressed to the side and tilted more than ten degrees.

The load-bearing wall inside the building emits ‘click! Click! With the overwhelming sound, the glass on the surface immediately shattered, and countless pieces of broken glass fell like snowflakes and fell to the ground.

The alien beast twisted its kicked head back, opened its mouth wide and spit out a dark blue light flare, and rushed towards Nexter, who was rushing towards the alien beast, hurriedly stopped. , Bent over and leaned back, and escaped the alien beast's light bullet attack by a few millimeters. The empty light bullet almost rubbed Nexter's chest, and hit a building behind Nexter, blasting the upper half of that building into sky fragments.

Nexter stood straight behind his body, and the alien beast on the opposite side broke free from the building. Amidst the flying glass and cement fragments, the alien beast strode heavy and strode towards Nexter. Coming over, the building behind him, which was tilted more than ten degrees, was slightly distorted toward the ground, colliding with the building next to it, making a real thundering sound.

While the alien beast was walking along with Nexter, its seven or eight-meter-long claws were raised high and swung down towards Nexter. Nekster hurriedly raised his arms and crossed them together, resisting the claws of the alien beasts, and the two sides collided with each other to make a loud sound of metal and iron clashes, and at the same time violent sparks were splashed.

At this moment, Nexter heard a sharp piercing sound from the left, and hurriedly moved his arms to the left, blocking the claws of the alien beast’s right arm~www.NovelMTL.com~ but the alien beast’s left arm His claws had already been swung down, and he slapped Nexter's shoulder fiercely, drawing fierce sparks. At the same time, the tremendous power made Nexter take two steps back.

Before Nexter could stand firmly, the alien beast opened its mouth and spit out a dark blue light bullet directly on Nexter’s chest without gathering energy at all. Knock out. Flying in midair, Nexter quickly raised his arm and quickly condensed a two-meter-long meniscus light blade to hit Nexter's body.

In the two explosions, Nekster and the alien beast all flew upside down, and the distance between each other suddenly increased from more than ten meters to more than two hundred meters.

‘Boom! With a muffled sound, Nexter slammed heavily on the ground. The pain in his whole body caused Nexter to groan. He stood up on the ground with his arms supported, and the mud on his body fell off. Falling on the ground, I looked up and saw that the alien beast on the opposite side had already spit out a dark blue light bullet.

Nexter immediately rolled to the left, avoiding the attack of this light bomb. The light bomb hit the ground. Amidst the thunderous explosion, a white rice rose from the ground. The high flame mushroom cloud, the turbulent shock wave set off billowing smoke and dust on the ground.

Before Nexter could stand up, the alien beast spit out a light bomb again, which forced Nexter to continue to dodge. This time the light bomb hit a building and made that one. The twenty-meter-high building exploded into rubble all over the ground.

Next, Nexter turned his head and looked at the black smoke rising into the sky in the city, as well as the reinforced concrete fragments on the ground in a few blocks nearby. It took less than half a minute for the alien beast to change from ten meters to more than 40 meters. That’s all, but Shinjuku has more than a dozen buildings turned into rubble.

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