Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1384: Active

"Maki, she is" Rong Zi glanced at the female officer, then looked at Maki who was aside with an inquiring look.

"Bcst, Suwon Saro," Suwon Saro introduced himself expressionlessly, did not go to see Yoko at all but stared at Shinichi Maki: "Can you go now?"

Maki Shun bowed his head, nodded silently, and said to Rong Zi with some guilt: "I'm sorry, I will be back soon, when Jimeng is over, I will take him on the plane I flew."

"Dad, I will work hard to get better. I must leave me a pilot's seat on the plane." Ji Meng on the hospital bed opened his eyes and said very weakly.

"Jimeng" Maki rushed to the bedside, holding Ji Meng's small hands tightly with both hands, and said a little choked: "Daddy is not going anywhere, just here to guard you."

"The highly toxic bullets made for theone have been completed, and every minute delay will make theone evolve a bit more" Suwon Sharo said indifferently, and was roughly interrupted by Shinichi Maki before he was finished, who was angry. Yelled: "My son is still in the hospital bed, and I will not go anywhere."

"You can't help me." A calm male voice came from outside the door, an officer in uniform walked in, and two soldiers with automatic rifles also walked in. The muzzle of the guns was pointed at Ma Shun who was sitting on the bedside. One.

"You" Jin Shun glared at these people in irritation, and stood up violently. The three who came in couldn't help but backed up a few steps, and directly hit the wall. They were the soldiers who had survived. , But saw Ma Mu Shunyi turned into a ten-meter-tall giant and couldn't take care of the life of beating Theoe fat. The few of them were not enough for each other's teeth.

‘Om! A sound like a clear stream of water suddenly rang in the room, shocking everyone, looking around in confusion and wondering where the soft noise came from.

At the same time when Maki made this sound, Xingye's eager voice rang in his ears: "Maki, I feel a strange beast, and he is under the hospital."

"What are you?" Maki Shun's face was full of shock, and then turned to look at his son who was lying on the hospital bed. Here, the hospital is full of patients. The appearance of the alien beast here is simply a disaster.

"What's the matter?" Suwon Saro hurriedly asked Maki, "What did you find?"

"He's here, theone is here," Shinichi Maki said to Suwon Saro immediately: "He's right under the hospital."

"What?" The officer who came in widened his eyes, his eyes were almost out, and he directly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Immediately dispatch the first to seventh teams, and notify the hospital for an emergency evacuation. be quick."

Rong Zi stood up with a face full of confusion, looked at the panic-faced people, looked at Maki and asked, "Maki, what happened on earth? What theone?"

'call! 'Maki has not had time to answer, the picture in front of him flashed, and a black and white blurred perspective appeared. He walked staggeringly in the dark basement, surrounded by various thicknesses of natural gas, water pipes, and cables. The angle of view turned to the upper side. He slammed into the ceiling.

‘Wow! There was a loud noise, and there was a sudden sound of cracking the floor outside the ward, as well as the screams of the passing crowd. Several people hurriedly ran to the door. They just ran out and saw the originally smooth floor more than ten meters away. There was a huge cave-in. Several patients collapsed to the ground. The nurse in white medical uniforms hurriedly helped the patient up and stayed away from the cave-in.

‘Pop’ an arm soiled with mud suddenly came out of the cavernous mouth, firmly grasping the edge, and then the other hand came out, and then a person crawled out of the cavernous cavernous mouth.

His naked upper body was stained with mud, and even his face and hair were covered with mud. He was wearing only a piece of torn pants, which was unclothed. This person raised his head and looked at Shinichi Maki, staring at Suwon Sharo with blank eyes, and said tremblingly: "Sarosaro, I'm so hungry, why am I here?"

"Moved" Suwon Sara opened her mouth, looked at this familiar person, her lips quivered, lowered her head to look at the suitcase in her hand, and silently opened the suitcase in her hand, revealing A pistol with a special shape and more than a dozen bullets in the box.

"Moving expensive text?" The young officer looked in astonishment when he took this familiar figure~www.NovelMTL.com~ and turned into a monster. It turned back to a human appearance, just like this nextt next to him. Thinking of this, the young officer suddenly became vigilant. At first, he chose to cooperate with then because thenext can restore the appearance and sanity of human beings, unlike hteone, which completely loses sanity, but now it seems that there is no difference between the two of them, and they can be transformed back into humans. , Then this thenext

Thinking of this, the young officer couldn't help but glance at the real wood next to him, and he couldn't help but increase his vigilance in his heart.

"What's going on?" You move your text trembling step by step towards this place, his tone full of doubts: "Why am I here? Sharo, tell me what happened? Where is this place? "

Suwon Sharo's face has always been extremely indifferent, but now it is full of sadness, with red eyes drooping his head and looking at the pistol in his hand: "There is movement, this is heaven!" Suwon Sharo violently lifted Raising the gun in his hand, aiming at You Guiwen and pulling the trigger without hesitation.

'boom! The sound of a gun echoed in the corridor for a long time. The loud gunshot shocked the entire hospital. Many people who were in the room hurriedly opened the door and looked outside, wanting to know what happened. It's up.

'Uh! 'The movement of the precious text solidified, and he lowered his head in disbelief, looked at his chest, a bullet stuck in his muscle, and then there were a few more gunshots, and bullets came over. , But without exception, they were all stuck, unable to penetrate the moving body of Guiwen.

You move Guiwenka looked at the bullets on her chest, suddenly raised her hand, directly pinched a few flying bullets, let go, a few bullets fell to the ground and made a "cang" sound .

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