Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1373: THEONE

"Could it be..." Maki instantly raised his head. The only thing worthy of them was the mysterious incident that happened during his last flight. ? Read a book????·?????·

Maki Shun suddenly became uneasy. He knew the weird things that had happened to him recently, and he would suddenly lose consciousness, and large sections of strange memories would appear in his mind. Shinichi Maki is now very suspicious whether he was infected with an unknown virus during the collision with the UFO that was suspected to be an alien spacecraft, or something more unbelievable, that he would go into such a big fight.

"No, how could it?" Maki Shunyi was frightened by his own thoughts, panting hard, comforting himself very uneasy, but his heart couldn't calm down. He felt scared for the first time, even the time he saw the horror of the Shura Field in the playground. He was afraid that he would never be able to return to a normal life, would not be able to see Rong Zi and Ji Meng again, what should they do if they lost themselves?

"Uh!" Maki Suddenly felt his brain swell and pain, the darkness in front of him suddenly changed, and there appeared a strip of light like aurora, and then in the darkness in front of him appeared a huge y-shaped glowing red. A shining gem, a huge silver figure can be vaguely seen. Before Maki Shunyi had time to see clearly, the armored car he was sitting on was bumpy and Maki Shun almost didn't fall to the ground, and the silver giant figure in front of him also disappeared. Gone.

"What...what is this?" Shinichi Shinichi put his hands on the cold steel, and his inner anxiety was even more walled. He felt that this silver giant seemed to have seen him before, but there was no memory of him at all. . ?????? Reading the book??·??· And Maki Shunichi was even more puzzled about how he might have seen such a huge giant, let alone where the familiarity came from.

It didn’t take long for the armored car to stop. The door opened. Maki jumped off the car slowly and found himself in a huge room surrounded by rough concrete walls. There were several in the room. A thick concrete pillar supported the ceiling, and more than 30 soldiers stood scattered around the armored vehicle with automatic rifles, their muzzles all pointed at Shunichi Maki who got off the vehicle.

"Where is this place? Why did you bring me here?" Maki Shunyi shouted at them, but no one answered. All the soldiers were holding their guns nervously like an enemy.

"Damn it!" Shinichi Maki looked at these soldiers angrily. He estimated that several hours had passed, and he must have found that his plane had not returned according to the normal procedures after not returning to the company for so long. He also promised that Ji Meng would take him on the plane, and that if he didn't go back, he would definitely worry Rong Zi.

Maki Shunyi was escorted by these soldiers all the way, until he walked into a very large room. There were rows of computers and various instruments in the room. Maki Shunyi was pressed on a chair in the middle of the room. The steel shackles on the armrests and chair legs tied him tightly, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Jin Shun looked at the two steel shackles on his arm that were more than ten centimeters wide and three centimeters thick: "Why did you do this to me? What mistake did I make?"

Suwon Saro came in, through the thick glass, staring coldly at Maki Shunichi who was sitting on the chair. A group of people wearing chemical protective suits walked into the room and put a big on Maki Shunichi's body. There were piles of unknown instruments, and lines extended out to connect with various testing instruments in the room.

"Maki Shunichi, we have been monitoring you for a long time," Suwon Saro said: "You have been monitoring since the day you collided with the UFO, and sure enough, you also collided with the luminous body."

Maki's eyes widened suddenly. He never said that it was a luminous body that collided with him, because he himself could not be sure what was colliding with him. How did this woman know about this?

"Because you are not the first to come into contact with the unknown luminous body," Suwon Sarah looked at Shunichi Maki blankly: "Three months ago, a blue unknown luminous body fell into the Pacific Ocean and was ordered to be dispatched. A submarine under investigation lost contact after going deep into the bottom of the sea. The hull recovered from the deep sea was seriously damaged, as if it had been attacked by a behemoth of the deep sea."

Following Suwon Saro’s words, the screen on the left of Maki Shunichi lit up, revealing a photo. The submarine inside was torn a huge gap in the hull, as if a giant tore it abruptly. The same.

"Giant?!" A silver-white giant suddenly appeared in front of Maki Shun's eyes~www.NovelMTL.com~, glowing silver all over, looked down at him, but the giant just passed away in a flash, as if it were The phantom disappeared quickly.

Suwon Sharo’s voice came to Maaki’s ears: "The operator moved Guiwen and survived this situation, and there was no major injury, just as incredible as you who survived the air crash. ."

"Same as me..." Shinichi Maki's heart suddenly picked up. Although he is an air force, he also knows how much pressure in the deep sea is. A submarine with such serious damage is definitely filled with water. I am afraid that people are inside. He couldn't survive for a second, and he was immediately crushed to death by tremendous pressure. But this moving precious article persisted alive until the rescue arrived, and there was no injury.

"According to his description, it was an unknown blue luminous body that destroyed the submarine," Suwon Saro continued expressionlessly: "However, a week after that, there has been a huge change in your text."

Two photos appeared on the screen on the left of Shinichi Maki. One was a handsome guy in a military uniform, and the other had an ugly face that looked like a toad, and only a human-shaped monster could be seen vaguely.

"His genes and body have undergone great changes. It is presumably affected by the blue luminous body." Suwon Sharo pressed the button again and opened a video: "On the second day of his mutation, he Assimilated a gecko, had the ability to climb walls and other geckos, and then ran away."

Makishun looked at the image reflected on the screen with great horror. He saw this terrifying monster, jumped up and grabbed the gecko on the ceiling, and then the light glowed with his right hand. The gecko blended in like water. In his body, it was as if they were one body. (To be continued...)

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