Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1355: Dark invasion

"Why are you afraid of me?" Nexus stopped, and stood there looking at these lifeforms who lived on the bottom of the sea in doubt, and clearly helped them eliminate the monsters that harmed them. Why would they be afraid of themselves? Are you worried that you, stronger than monsters, will harm them?

Nexus looked a little amused at these jellyfish lifeforms that were not as big as a human slap. For them, the buildings with a diameter of only a kilometer were huge buildings built with all their best. .

Altman is a huge creature that is more than fifty meters high. For these creatures that are more than ten centimeters in size, they are simply incredible creatures.

"Is this to give them some insight?" Nexus couldn't help thinking in his heart, but he didn't mean to come forward and talk to these jellyfish lifeforms. Although the battle was not fierce, it still consumed Nexus. With a lot of energy, such a little battle made Xingye feel deeply tired for the unrecovered.

'call out! 'Nexus glowed with a strong light, turned into a dazzling silver streamer and flew towards the sea. On the endless sea, the wings of stone flew out of the void and landed slowly, but only a few seconds. The silver streamer flew into the Wing of Stone, and then the Wing of Stone was pulled up and flew towards the sky, and once again rushed into the void and disappeared.

In the empty sea of ​​consciousness, the dim light flickered to condense Xingye's figure, Xingye's eyes closed and suspended in mid-air, and his consciousness had entered a deep sleep.

In the battle against Zaki Darkness, Noah almost exhausted all his energy and exhausted all means, and finally eliminated most of the body of Darkness Zaki in the dimensional gap.

It's a pity that at the last moment, Dark Zaki used his own light, and the power of self-detonation, with the terrifying force of the collision of darkness and light to blast a crack in the dimensional gap, and then fled to this unknown universe.

Noah also rushed into the dangerous dimensional rift. After finally reaching this universe, all the energy in the sea of ​​light was exhausted. In order not to let the dark Zaki explode, the scene billions of years ago was staged again. Starry night condensed the power of time and space from his own source energy into the wings of time and space. Even though it only lasted more than ten seconds, he succeeded in setting the darkness to the base. Into the dimensional gap, and wiped out the body of Dark Zaki. However, the price paid was also very heavy. Not only was the power of the original energy time and space left little, but also caused a lot of losses to the starry night, and even the construction of a space channel sufficient to cross the universe was temporarily impossible.

It takes a lot of time and space power to shuttle through the space channels of the universe. The only time and space power that is left can maintain the existence of the starry night, and the power is even worse.

However, Xingye believes that Dark Zaki will only be worse than Noah, and even the entity may not be able to condense, and it is very likely that it will be shattered by the dimensional storm in the dimensional crack, and the remaining dark breath will leak into this universe. In, accidentally infected the life on this planet, which led to the emergence of monsters with dark Zaki aura, and instinctively swallowed other lives, so as to absorb the fear and despair that these jellyfish life forms before they died. Strength to grow.

The drowsy starry night fell into a deep sleep without thinking too much. The surface of the body was covered with layers of crystal-like light, which wrapped the sleeping starry night inside, leaving only a trace of almost instinctive consciousness monitoring. With the breath of dark Zaki, once the breath of dark Zaki appears, the starry night will wake up. Starry night is going to stay on this planet for three revolution cycles, if there is no movement, then leave here to go to other life planets to find traces of Dark Zaki.

Although Nexus has left, the impact on this water-blue planet is spreading wildly. This planet is very similar to the Earth. From the outside of the planet, it is aqua blue. However, 99% of the planet is the ocean, and there are only large and small islands scattered in the ocean. The largest one is more than a hundred kilometers away, and the smallest one is only a tiny bit out of the sea.

But the only advantage is that this planet has no satellites and cannot cause tidal phenomena, so the oceans of this planet are still very calm. These jellyfish lifeforms living on the seafloor do not know how long it took to evolve on this planet before they evolve to their current posture. They obviously live on the dark seafloor, but they are shimmering like fireflies.

If anyone can come here, then they will definitely be attracted by the densely packed light spots on the seabed like the Milky Way~www.NovelMTL.com~ Numerous light spots are scattered on the seabed, flowing slowly and orderly, as if It's like a living picture.

‘Gum! Hum! 'A loud cry resembling a yellow oriole bird echoes on the bottom of the sea, making people indulge in this melodious singing voice. The communication between these living entities is not based on this cry, but on Contained in the call is like a wave of mental power. Each living body sends out information like a radar, and can also receive information from other living bodies, and the efficiency of transferring information to each other is very high.

Many different fluctuations sounded from all over the planet. The countless jellyfish-like life forms walking around in every corner of the planet were sending messages to each other, but after a while, the image of Nexus spread throughout the entire planet. On this planet, all life forms have learned that the dark mist that is constantly devouring life has been wiped out.

The cheering and joyous fluctuations of these life forms spread across the entire planet, and they haven’t dissipated for a long time, but in the deepest trench of this planet, there is endless dark mist. The trenches tens of thousands of meters deep are almost the forbidden zone of life, even these jellyfish. Life forms cannot survive here either.

"Have you chased here? It's really lingering!" An extremely angry voice came from the pitch-black trench, but then the voice was a little cheerful: "These wonderful guys seem to yearn for your power. Then let you be their savior, and hahaha!"

With dark Zaki’s cheerful laughter, wisps of dark mist floated up from the deep trench, like a black sea snake, moving around the bottom of the sea, spreading out towards the planet The various gathering areas of the jellyfish lifeforms swim, like animals looking for prey in the dark jungle.

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