Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1349: Zaki and Noah

A silver ray and a black-red ray are chasing crazily in the universe. Sometimes the silver ray will catch up with the black-red ray. When passing by, one head hits the black-red ray and splashes fiercely. Sparks. However, the black and red light will catch up with the silver light and collide with him.

Two rays of light are chasing me in the vast universe, constantly accelerating and constantly colliding. The aftermath of each collision will break the space into small gaps, and with the passage of time, the power of collision will continue. The increase.

"Uh!" Noah gathered the energy in his body again, like a silver-white beam of light hitting the dark Zaki's body. The crazy force knocked the dark Zaki back tens of kilometers, and his body was lingering. The dark mist that was falling was much dispersed.

"Damn it!" Dark Zaki was holding his abdomen in pain, then gathered all the dark energy in his body and rushed towards Noah at the fastest speed. Instead of evading, Noah gathered the light energy in his body and hit Zaki head-on.

The silver streamer and the black-red streamer pierced the void of the universe and rushed towards each other at an extremely fast speed, just like two high-speed planets colliding together.

'boom! ’

The impact point erupted like a supernova explosion to instantly illuminate the dark universe, and the surrounding cosmic space immediately collapsed into a large area, revealing the completely empty space inside, except for the turbulent flow of time and space, there was nothing. .

The silver-white energy and the black-red energy collided with fierce sparks, like two hemispherical masks, which respectively enveloped Noah and Dark Zaki, standing in the turbulent time and space. In the meantime, despite the time and space storm scouring, it stays still.

Noah and Dark Zaki can no longer see the others, they only have each other in their eyes, and the energy in their bodies is constantly being transported out. The light emitted by the silver-white mask and the black-red mask is becoming more and more dazzling. The ever-increasing energy makes the collision more intense, and the space around the collision point becomes more and more intense under the impact of this increasing energy. Unstable.

Finally, after the energy has accumulated to the limit that the space can support, ‘Boom! A more violent explosion sounded, and an extremely large cluster of light bloomed in the universe, shining the universe into daylight with much more dazzling light than the sun.

An impact that was more terrifying than a nuclear explosion made Noah and Dark Zaki back hundreds of kilometers in different directions at the same time. Noah stretched out his arms, his body was glowing with silver light, and finally stopped. Under the figure of retreat.

Just stopped, Noah rushed to the dark Zaki again with a flash of light on his body, and the silver-white right fist slammed into the dark Zaki fiercely. But before he touched the dark Zaki, he was evaded by the dark Zaki using a teleport, causing Noah to punch a hole in the void, just bombarding the void with a big hole. Noah missed a hit, and immediately flew towards Dark Zaki.

"Haha!" Noah suddenly appeared in front of the dark Zaki with a spatial movement, and his right fist slammed into the face of the dark Zaki, a force that could be called a terrifying punch and sent the dark Zaki flying. After going out, he directly ran into the asteroid behind him, which was several tens of kilometers in size, and knocked the meteorite through.

The horrible impact carried by the dark Zaki that flew upside down immediately smashed the small meteorite to pieces. In the sky of rubble, the dark Zaki stabilized his figure, and flew up with a teleport spanning hundreds of A kilometer away, followed by a punch in Noah’s abdomen, Noah flew out, smashed a dozen meteorites in succession, and stopped the backward body on a meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. shape.

But even so, the rock formation under Noah's feet also shattered a large piece, and his feet fell into the rock to his knees, and within a few thousand meters of the place where he was standing, he turned into a horrific impact of four to five hundred. A large hole with a depth of meters.

Noah raised his head and looked towards the sky. Dark Zaki was suspended hundreds of kilometers from here, his arms raised and began to gather the energy in the body, and strong dark energy lingered around his body.

"Well, haha!" Noah stretched out his arms, and the energy in his body surged out, sweeping the asteroid like a storm. Pulled by Noah's energy, the asteroid began to autobiography at an extremely fast speed.

When the dark light of Dark Zaki arrived, the asteroid had already rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, turning Noah from the front to the back. Immediately, the dark light bombarded the asteroid. With successive explosions sounded, even the rock layer hundreds of kilometers thick could not withstand the dark light of the dark Zaki. It took only five or six seconds before and after. This asteroid was pierced by the dark light of Dark Zaki.

Under the scourge of the terrifying dark energy, most of the rocks were vaporized, and only a small amount of rubble was scattered around under the impetus of the explosion.

After Noah turned the asteroid to block the sight of Dark Zaki, he immediately launched a space movement and disappeared in place. Noah just disappeared, and the dark light of Dark Zaki struck over, blowing the asteroid into pieces. .

Before Dark Zaki put down his light-emitting arms~www.NovelMTL.com~ Noah, full of silver-white brilliance, appeared beside Dark Zaki, raising his silver right fist and hitting the darkness fiercely. Zaki’s face smashed the darkness of Zaki away.

"Do you think you can compete with me by devouring Hypajton?" Noah hovered in the void of the universe and shouted at the darkness Zaki: "You need to be like a Baxter, first find enough money for 1.8 million Monster, eat them all."

"Damn it!" Dark Zaki immediately used teleport to disappear in place, and appeared directly next to Noah. The black and red right leg bounced and kicked towards Noah like a whip.

Not to be outdone, Noah raised his right foot and kicked with Dark Zaki. The strong recoil of the collision made both sides retreat at the same time. After stabilizing their bodies, Zaki and Noah flew forward in unison. While advancing quickly, the two sides also constantly attacked each other, and the fierce collision made the universe turbulent.

The two sides started chasing each other again. Both Noah and Dark Zaki were moving at extremely fast speeds. This made the opponent unable to lock themselves, so that they could not use space power, and they could also find each other while moving at high speed. Flaws, so as to find a chance to kill with one blow.

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