Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1343: bid farewell

"Great." Everyone cheered loudly. Binay and Fuzi cried with excitement and couldn't help crying with each other. They have always been under too much pressure, living in the suburbs tremblingly, not knowing what. At times, fierce monsters would attack here, and they would not dare to tell the children about all kinds of things and could only bear it silently in the bottom of my heart. A group of people who were still not grown up children took care of a group of younger children. From time to time, I have to take great risks to find food and daily necessities in dangerous cities. Everything is too difficult, but now everything is worth it, because I finally won, so I don’t have to worry about disappearing like those humans. .

After exchanging each other for a long time, the excitement of everyone was calmed down, but the children were still wrapped around Asuka, listening to Asuka telling the story of the battle, every time the thrills came, the children would involuntarily let out a sound of surprise.

"Captain, Captain," Fuzi waved the headset in his hand with a face of surprise, and shouted at everyone: "Listen to this."

"What is it?" Anna took the headset in doubt and put it on her head. She was stunned when she first heard it, because the radio-enabled headset came out with a messy broadcast sound: "...Please don't Panicked, the disaster has passed, and the government is restoring order. Please return to their homes, power plants, water plants... and other related employees, please return to their posts as soon as possible to contribute to the restoration of social order... "

Anna turned her head in a daze, and looked at everyone with an incredible expression: "Everyone... are back."

"Huh?! Captain, what did you say?" He looked around in confusion, as if everyone had already returned.

"It's the humans on this planet," Starry Night stepped forward and explained: "All the humans swallowed by Hypagerton have returned. Everyone's parents, relatives, and friends have all returned. A book??? ??·?? To book??·"

Xingye's voice fell, and the broken camp suddenly fell silent. Both team-u and the children turned their heads to look at Xingye, and it took a long time to digest the shocking news.

"Mom, is she back?" A little girl with two braids stood up and walked towards the starry night hopefully.

Xingye knelt down, touched the little girl's head, and said softly: "I'm back, everyone is back, and won't leave again."

"Well, eh!" The little girl nodded her head, but the tears kept streaming down, not knowing whether it was tears of excitement or tears of longing.

Standing on the hillside, Musashi looked at the restored city in the distance, and said with a smile: "This planet, we saved it."

"Yeah!" Da Hewang nodded vigorously, her fists were clenched together, and her heart was full of joy: "I finally... guarded it. It's really... great."

Although all humans on this planet have experienced a catastrophe, and cities and everything have been abandoned for a long time, people still use hard work to quickly restore this planet to its original state.

The dust on the streets and buildings was cleaned up. Power plants started to supply electricity, water plants started to supply water, and food plants started to provide all kinds of food... everything was on track in a short period of time, but one month The planet was completely restored to its pre-disaster order at the time of the year. The traffic reappeared on the roads, the streets were filled with bustling people, the city regained its brilliance, and the planet was restored to life.

Starry night and the four co-authored team-u took the children to find their parents one by one, and sent the children back to their homes in person. Every parting is sad, but fortunately everyone is there. In a city, although parting, it is still easy to meet again.

When the last child was sent home, the four of Xingye and the seven girls of team-u were also relieved. Standing on the sky bridge, Anna looked at the crowds below and said with emotion: "Everything seems to be a nightmare. Now that I wake up from the dream, everything is back to normal."

"Such a nightmare will never happen again," Asuka said with emotion: "This planet is not dead, and it will continue to survive in this universe."

Buzi looked at Asuka with a trace of dismay: "You... are you leaving?"

"Yeah!" Musashi nodded slightly: "This planet no longer needs Ultraman. I want to return to Juran and continue to build that hopeful planet."

"Yeah!" He didn't say anything, but the loss on his face couldn't be concealed. At the most dangerous moment, Ultraman came. This is something they will never forget in their lives, even if they know that this planet is Ultraman. The only people Man saved were seven of them and the children, but they will remember all their lives that at the moment when this planet died, it was these four warriors who came and saved this planet.

"I'm going to stay here." Da Hewang on one side suddenly said, causing everyone to look at him.

Dahe took a step forward and looked at the distant sky with a smile and said faintly: "I want to witness the future of this planet with my own eyes and start a new life here."

"Have you really decided? Dahe." Sai Luo in the Paraghi bracelet confirmed aloud ~www.NovelMTL.com~Hmm! "Dahe nodded seriously, and said with a trace of perseverance: "Siro, you are my best partner." "

"Dahe, so are you."

"Goodbye, everyone." Xingye nodded towards the seven girls of team-u: "You are the strongest girl I have ever seen, and your future must be full of hope."

"Goodbye, Asuka!"

"Goodbye, Musashi!"

"Goodbye, Starry Night!" The girls waved their arms reluctantly, and some of them wept sadly.

Starry night, Asuka, and Musashi radiated dazzling light, and immediately turned into three streams of light flying towards outer space, and the Palaji bracelet on Dahewang’s left wrist also turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky. .

"Goodbye everyone," Anna ran to the edge of the overpass and yelled at the sky: "And thank you!" The crowd under the overpass looked at the girl who suddenly shouted in surprise. They didn't even know that Anna was saying goodbye. Although getting along is short-lived, the friendship is equally deep.

"Goodbye, Siro!" Dahe looked at his empty left wrist, and waved his arms to the sky: "I will protect this planet that everyone is desperately protecting."

The four streamers disappeared into everyone's vision at an extremely fast speed, and finally turned into four stars hanging in the sky, and it took a long time to completely dim. Everyone looked at the stars in the sky reluctantly, and then reluctantly put down their arms after a long time. But his eyes were still watching where the four heroes disappeared.

Anna sighed and cleaned up her mood, cheered up, and said with a smile: "Well, everyone, we have to go, let's start our new life."

"Yeah!" Da Hewang nodded vigorously: "I also want to start my new life on this planet, it must be very beautiful here." (To be continued...)

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