Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1338: Battle of the strong

'Aha! Saijia yelled and slammed his left fist forcefully, colliding with Hypajton, who rushed over at the fastest speed. "Δ" Liewen Net Ww "W. ΩLieWen. Cc’s flying in the air, Hypajaton, and Saiga, standing on the ground, stopped, their arms facing each other and stopped moving, as if the pause button had been pressed.

However, other places centered on the two people have set off stormy waves, ‘Boom! A loud bang sounded between the heavens and the earth. With Saijia and Hypajaton as the center, the surrounding land of more than ten kilometers cracked huge ravines at an extremely fast speed, densely densely packed with depths of hundreds of meters. The ravine cut the earth to pieces.

The fragmented ground of "Boom Rumble" couldn't bear the weight of the upper layer, and collapsed one after another. Within three or four seconds, the earth collapsed one after another, one after another, almost into one piece.

After all the collapses were over, there was only an area under the feet of Saijia that was no more than ten meters wide, which was still firmly supported, and the surrounding area was all collapsed successively, and the shallowest collapse was more than ten meters.

"Did you see it? This is the power of my Hypachterton." The Baxter star saw Hypachterton's blow and Saiga evenly divided, and the already nervous heart suddenly swelled again, and turned towards Saijia kept clamoring.

At this moment, a Saiga suddenly appeared behind Hypargerton, kicked Hypargerton’s abdomen, kicked Hypargerton out, and then Saijia displayed spatial movement one after another. After catching up with the beaten Hypargerton, he kicked Hypargerton again and flew into the air.

Then there was a flash of light on his body, and the space movement caught up with Hypargerton, who was flying to the sky again, and he punched Hypargerton and continued to fly into the air.

Sai Jia successively used space movement fists and attacked Hypargerton frantically. The speed had reached more than ten punches in a second, making Hypargerton overwhelmed, let alone counterattack, there was no time to breathe.

The Baxter people in Hypargerton were also uncomfortable. The successive attacks made Hypergerton tremble, and even the Baxter men swayed as if they were thrown into the washing machine.

Sai Jia attacked hundreds of punches one after another, each of them exhausted all the strength of his body. Under the continuous blows, the sturdy scales of Hyppajdon's body were sunken in many places, and some even cracked. There are several long gaps.

"Bang!" Saijia slammed a punch, hitting Hypachterton's chin, with a'crack', a crisp sound of bones, and he was smashed and flew involuntarily into the sky. go with.

‘Huh! 'Hypajdon hurriedly used teleport and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already thousands of meters away from Saijia. Then the wings of Hyppajdon shook and drove Hyppajdon to move quickly. Fly away from Saijia. At the moment Hypajton flew, a circle of sonic bursts appeared immediately when he broke through the sound barrier.

"Don't run!" Saijia flashed light all over, and chased him up faster than Hypajton. A sonic cloud with a diameter of two to three hundred meters appeared in the surrounding sky.

Saijia looked at Hypajaton, who was flying in the distance with extreme speed, and stroked the aura of Saijia on his left wrist with his right hand. The aura of Saijia immediately shone with a colorful light and transmitted to Saijia's right hand. Then Saijia waved his right hand vigorously, and the lingering colorful rays of light in his hand immediately converged into a Saijia light wheel that was somewhat similar to Dynah's eight-point light wheel.

Saijia Light Wheel pierced the sky with great speed, cutting away the clouds along the way, and attacking the Hypajton ahead. Haipajie Dunga felt the huge energy coming from behind and turned his head immediately, and saw this huge light wheel flying towards him with unstoppable momentum.

Hypajton immediately used teleportation to disappear in place, appearing thousands of meters away, and then raised his arms to condense a giant fireball in front of him, attacking Saijia in a light round, and wanted to send Saijia. The light wheel intercepted it.

The colorful light on Saijia body flashed, and the Saijia light wheel flying in front also flickered, and it split into three and flew in different directions, directly avoiding the attack of the giant fireball. Then he changed his trajectory again, and flew straight towards Hyppajdon.

"Damn fellow, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Baxter stared at Saiga, who was chasing after Hypachterton in a desperate manner. He just controlled Hypachterton and used all his power to teleport. The flying speed was so fast, but he couldn't get rid of the Ultraman behind him, who was full of colorful rays.

"What the **** is this?" The Baxter star was anxious and angry, but after filtering through his mind several times, he couldn't find a match.

Although Noah, Pete, Regedo, and Saijia crossed the universe in the Primordial Era, it is the time and space messenger Noah that is widely known, and the other three Otto fighters have very little spread. Like Noah, he can travel through the universe frequently.

Regardless of whether the Saijia Light Wheel attacked at the front of Hyppajdon at a very fast speed, even if he couldn't stop shooting the trillion-degree flame ball, he couldn't hit the extremely flexible Saijia Light Wheel~ www.NovelMTL.com~Hypajdon worked hard for more than ten seconds and shot a hundred or two hundred mega-degree fireballs, but he still did not hit any of the Saijia Light Wheels. Instead, the Saijia Light Wheels increased from seven to eight thousand. I chased a distance of one or two kilometers away, almost close at hand.

'call out! 'Hypajdon gave up his efforts, the wings on his back shook, and he continued to fly forward, but he started to use the S-shaped flight trajectory, and used teleport from time to time to fly towards the distant sky with the fastest speed. Go, Hypajton's speed soared from Mach 20 to Mach 33 in three to four seconds, reaching more than 10,000 meters per second.

"Well, haha!" Saijia was surrounded by a colorful stream of light. In this light, Saijia began to increase again, instantly increasing from Mach 25 to Mach 42, and this time is still accelerating. .

Whether it is Hypajton or Saijia, it seems that they are not affected by the air. The speed has exceeded the limit that the human eye can see. Only two extremely vague streamers can be seen roaring through the sky.

Everyone in Team-u who was busy in the camp suddenly heard an extremely sharp bursting sound, which became louder and louder from far to near, as if someone was blowing a whistle in their ears, and several people could not help but stop. His work raised his head and looked towards the sky.

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