Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1326: If you can't fly, you lose

Hypakerton’s attention was all on Nexus. Two huge sickles slashed through the air and slashed towards Nexus. At the same time, the only light left behind. The light body on his body and chest kept spitting out flame balls, one after another, flying toward Nexus madly. ΩWwΩW. "LieWen. Cc

Nexus was in the shape of a swift, flying back and forth in the air, causing all the roaring flame **** to pounce in the air, hitting the ground and mountains in the distance, bursting into flames one after another. , The dust that was set off was scattered around like a sandstorm.

Cyro, Dyna and Goss, who were'ignored' by Hypargerton, took advantage of this opportunity and flew to Hypargerton at an extremely fast speed. Cyro held the Cyro integrated ice axe firmly in both hands and transferred the energy in the body. A steady stream of injections into the Cyro Integral Ice Axe made the Cyro Integral Ice Axe sparkle with a dazzling silvery white light, and then Cyro threw the Cyro Integral Ice Axe with a strong throw.

The spinning Cyro Integral Ice Axe accurately hit the sickle joint of Hyppajdon's left arm. Compared with the huge sickle, the joint was particularly fragile and small. After Cyro Integral Ice Axe hit it, Fierce sparks splashed and persisted for only three or two seconds. Accompanied by a crisp sound of'click', Hyppajdon's joints were directly chopped in half by Cyro's integrated ice axe, and the huge sickle fell weakly, with a sharp blade. Easily cut the ground, straight into the handle.

At the moment when Cyro threw the Cyro Integral Ice Axe, Dinah flew to the right of Hypagerton, and at the same time, he folded his hands together, shooting out a blue sine high-heat light-Soljet light, hitting Hypager directly At the joint of the right arm, the high temperature quickly cut off the fragile joints.

The loss of the sickle in both arms made Hyppajdon scream frantically, no longer caring about Nexus at all, his small eyes stared at Dyna and Cyro angrily, and the only light body behind it flickered. Ready to shoot the Mega Flame Ball towards Siro and Dyna.

"It's too easy to be fooled." Gauss rushed down from the sky behind Hyppajdon, his hands lingering in the dazzling golden light, condensed into a crescent-shaped destroying light blade-the eclipse blade, from the air Lower and fiercely slashed on the light body that was about to burst out from the flame ball of trillion degrees.

The eclipse blade immediately detonated Hypargerton’s accumulated energy. With the earth-shattering explosion of the'boom', most of Hypargerton’s body was swallowed by the explosive flames, and the terrifying explosive force would Hyppajdon's body on the left was lifted more than ten meters above the ground, and it moved hundreds of meters to the right, almost overturned.

Nexus, who was flying at the extreme, turned abruptly, and at the same time crossed his arms, and moved towards the left and right. The arms of the Nexus bow and arrow gleamed with dazzling light, condensed into two half-moon shapes. The Light Blade whizzed towards the tentacles who were pursuing Nexus.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!" A sharp piercing sound rang out, and the lambda blade cut off the tentacles one after another like cutting melons and vegetables. The thousand-meter-long tentacles can only take three or four seconds. No matter, it was cut into dozens of segments and smashed to the ground indiscriminately. Hypargerton cried out in pain, the remaining segments of tentacles hurriedly retracted into the thick carapace, and the lambda blade that followed closely slashed on Hypargerton's carapace, splashing violent sparks on the carapace. Two shallow white marks are left on it.

Then Dinah and Gauss raised their arms at the same time, hovering in midair on the left and right sides of Hyppajdon, shooting out Soljet and Kezmuum rays, sweeping across several small light bodies in Hyppajdon’s abdomen. The terrifying energy impact directly exploded the fragile light body into fragments, turning it into several black holes.

Nexus was suspended at an altitude of 600 meters above the ground, looking down at Hypajton, who had lost all means of long-range attack on the ground. If it were on the ground, the current Hypajton was still terrifying, and even Niksus didn't have much confidence to defeat it alone, but the fat body of this guy restricted it to run rampant on the ground.

It's like a tank on the ground can definitely crush a gunship, but the gunship is just like playing in the air to clean up the tank.

And now it is like this, Hypajton on the ground raised his little head and screamed frantically at the four Ultramans in the air, and his blade-like feet madly scratched the ground, pulling one after another from the ground. There was a deep gully, but he had lost the trillion-degree flame ball and tentacles. He had no way to attack the Ultraman in the air. He could only use his voice to express his dissatisfaction.

"It's a pitiful guy who can't fly." Nexus raised his head and looked at the Baxter starship in the distance: "Is this the strongest monster you have worked so hard to make? It is indeed very powerful, but too weak. That’s right. Such a powerful monster can only be easily controlled by erasing its wisdom. It’s a pity that there is no wise monster. It’s really a lie.”

"Damn it, why did Ultraman spoil my good deeds?" Baxter's furious roar came from the sky: "Why help humans so desperately? Greedy and cowardly humans are simply worthless creatures."

"Why protect humans? Huh~www.NovelMTL.com~ This doesn't require any reason at all." Sai Luo raised his left arm high, and the Paraghi shield on his wrist flashed with dazzling light, turning into a few lines. The streamer condenses a huge silver bow and arrow on Sai Luo's left hand-the ultimate Sai Luo bow.

Nexus, Dyner, and Goss flew towards Cyro, and the three Ultramans raised their arms at the same time in front of the colored timers on their chests. The energy rays of gold, silver and blue came from three The colored timer on Ultraman's chest flowed out, instilled on the Ultimate Cyro bow and arrow on Cyro's left arm.

Under the full energy of the four Ultramans, the ultimate siro bow and arrow lit up with a bright silver-white light, and the two diamond-shaped gems inlaid on it gradually lit up.

Siro slowly pulled up the radiant bowstring with his right hand and shouted: "Since a long, long time ago, we have been fighting together like this, that's all."

With the sound of Siro's anger, Siro released the light string in his hand and shot the ultimate Siro shot that had gathered energy to the limit. The ultimate Siro shot that rotated like a drill bit rolled up the surrounding airflow, as if The tornado hit Hyppajdon's chest hard. A storm of energy visible to the naked eye exploded on the ultimate Celo shooting, and the terrifying force pushed Hypagerton to retreat uncontrollably, and the scale armor at the impact point was also sunken under this huge force, and was constantly broken.

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