Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1307: The spaceship that steals the soul of the monster

In the Helios, Starry Night is watching some of the data downloaded from the Bitstar’s central computer, although due to time and lack of computing power, only a small part of the data has been downloaded. , But still has reference value. ???

   Xingye did not care about the materials such as science and technology, humanities and society, but let the small group call out the materials of the universe destroying the universe recorded by the creator of Bitstar.

   But only a few words are mentioned about this cosmic person. Most of the records are terrifying, irresistible... and similar words. The only image is extremely blurred.

And it looks like it was accidentally captured by a camera in a ruined planet. What appears in the picture is a continuous broken wall, with no edge at a glance. The endless ruins are bursting with black smoke. Skyrim.

And above the burning ruins, you can vaguely see a cosmic man in lacquered red armor, and in the sky are disc spaceships that shuttle back and forth. The picture comes to an abrupt end here, and the front and back add up to no more than three. Only seconds.

   Xingye rubbed his temples with a headache, and it was impossible to determine how the universe was destroyed based on these things. No matter how powerful the invading cosmic people were, they would not destroy a universe.

But there is still good news. At least a lot of high-tech materials have been downloaded. The steel planet Bitstar was built by hundreds of civilizations. The level of science and technology contained in it is exceptionally high. Many scientific and technological materials are even more advanced than the Kingdom of Light. A lot more advanced.

At this moment, the Otto brothers who were flying in the forefront stopped, and at the same time turned to look at the cosmic void on the side. The dazzling Otto signature flew from the depths of the universe and hovered over the Otto brothers. In front of him, Zuo Fei stepped forward and injected light into the Otto signature, allowing Otto's signature to unfold, and an Otto warrior's voice was heard: "An unknown spacecraft appeared in the monster's graveyard, plundering the soul of the monster, requesting support! "

"Pillaging the souls of monsters?" Brothers Otto were surprised. This is a terrible thing, and it can make the Otto soldiers in charge of the monster cemetery send out a distress signal. This shows that the spacecraft is either very powerful or large in number. The Alt soldiers in the cemetery couldn't stand it and had to send out a distress signal.

   "Monster cemetery, someone is trying to fight the monster soul sleeping there." Zuofi's tone was extremely severe.

   "Never let the other party succeed." Saiwen nodded in agreement.

Starry Night stood by the window of the Helios, saw the Otter’s signature message received by the Otto brothers, touched Mayumi’s show, and whispered, “You and the trot will return to the Land of Light, I Go to the monster cemetery to see."

   "Hmm!" Mayumi nodded obediently, Xingye smiled, and a dazzling light appeared all over his body, turning into a streamer and flew out of the Helios towards Brother Otto.

   Mayumi sponsored the ship window, reluctantly looking at the figure of Nexus going away, the damaged Helios flew towards the light country not far away under the control of the minor.

"Let's go." Altman turned to Nexus, then turned around, and flew in the direction of the monster's graveyard at the fastest speed. Six streamers shuttled through the void of the universe, but it took a while. I saw the gate of the monster cemetery in front of the compound structure.

Six Ultramans rushed into this space door unabatedly, and disappeared in this door with waves. When they reappeared, the dark red world was reflected in the eyes of Nexus. .

   Although there is no dust in the monster cemetery from the last time against Beria, this small universe shows a dark red color like apocalypse for some reason, and the Kingdom of Light has not yet found the cause of the discoloration.

   After all, this small universe was brought by the Rayblad star. This endless void is buried with countless secrets about monsters. Even the Rayblad star dare not say a thorough understanding of this small universe.

"Since the Beria Incident, the Kingdom of Light has been exploring and studying this small universe." Jack, who flew next to Nexus, couldn't help explaining the movement of the monster cemetery: "We have expanded the scope of our tour. Tens of times, but I still haven't found the edge of this small universe. Monster souls are floating everywhere in this small universe. It is impossible to count how many monster souls exist here."

"Why are there so many monster souls here?" Nexus looked at the dense monster souls floating around, and couldn't help asking, what is so special about this small universe that would attract so many monster souls to sleep. Here. Even if monsters are killed outside, they will appear back here and fall asleep.

I can’t bear to think about it. The disk spacecraft that Otter’s signature has already appeared in front of me. It is a huge spacecraft with a diameter of 2,000 meters, in a circular ring shape, and dozens of small fighters are going crazy. Chasing several Ultramans, laser beams roared around, blowing small meteorites into pieces.

   And that huge spaceship shuttles among the monster souls in the sky, and a hemispherical mask below it is like a vacuum cleaner to collect the powerful monster souls.

   "That's it!" Altman waved his right arm, and immediately launched an eight-point light wheel, passing through the monster souls suspended in mid-air, whizzing and cutting towards this huge spaceship.

   Just not getting close, the eight-point light wheel was discovered by this huge spacecraft, and a torrent of lightning struck the eight-point light wheel, directly blasting the eight-point light wheel to pieces.

The golden pattern on Nexus' body flashed ~www.NovelMTL.com~ instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared above the huge spaceship more than 100 kilometers away from the place, and the silver iron fist was swung down vigorously. , Hit the top of the spacecraft severely.

With a loud bang, the spacecraft staggered down a hundred meters before it barely stopped. Nexus flew up and attacked again, but he just flew up and was originally chasing those a few Austrians. Dozens of small fighter planes of special fighters returned immediately and flew towards Nexus. Lasers roared towards Nexus.

   The golden pattern on Nexus flashed once again and disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it was already behind those small fighters. At the same time that Nexus appeared, his hands had been put together to release a cross storm, sweeping the void of the universe, and blasting small fighters to pieces.

When Nexus turned his head, he saw a layer of ripples that looked like a light film appeared on the entire body of the large spacecraft, which wrapped the spacecraft inside like a ball, and then the large spacecraft suddenly disappeared. , Obviously left here through the universe.

"Why can anyone open the space channel now?" Nexus rushed forward without hesitation. Two beams of light had been released from his hands to bombard the place where the large spacecraft had just disappeared, taking advantage of the space channel just closed, forcibly Tore it apart with violence, and chased it towards the disappeared spaceship: "Play this in front of me, you are not qualified."

   "Nexus..." Saiwen only had time to shout and saw Nexus disappear into the monster cemetery. 8

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