Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1304: Star Killer

  Nexus also stopped attacking and looked at the picture that was played. Although the picture was silent, they could still feel that it must be a magnificent historical picture. Fastest update

   When the universe was on the verge of destruction, these civilizations abandoned their prejudices, gathered together, and worked hard for the continuation of civilization. Even though many beings know that they may not have any chance to board the steel planet that represents hope, they are still willing to work hard for the continuation of civilization.

While fearing that the crisis of destruction may come before the completion of Bitstar’s construction, while continuing to work hard to build a life-bearing planet, he was frightened and finally completed the construction of Bitstar, and then faced a choice and abandon that were more cruel than death , Only less than one-thousandth of life can board Bitstar, and the others will disappear with this universe.

"Life from different planets and races live in harmony, helping each other and encouraging each other to build Bitstar." The star killer's tone is full of joy: "Everyone is working hard for Bitstar for a long time. To survive and work hard."

The picture that appeared on the screen turned into an endless land, with lush trees growing everywhere, and the trickling water flowing from the high mountains and converging with each other, forming a river, nourishing the forests and farmland along the way, giving life to life here. People on the land bring hope of life. The artificial sun in the sky shines on the earth, bringing light and heat to the earth. One by one tall buildings rose from the ground, and Bitstar changed from a barren to a land full of vitality.

Then the picture turned, and the image that appeared on the ground was full of columns of flames and black smoke that burst into the sky. The city was full of raging fires, and tall buildings collapsed in the flames, and Bitstar became The location of the battlefield. Even many of the Optimus pillars supporting Bitstar and its outer shell were broken in this war, and Bitstar was on the verge of extinction.

The star-killer's voice sounded, and his words were full of hatred: "But this kind of peace did not last long. After all the construction was completed, a war of fighting against each other began between lives, and the war filled the entire Bitstar. , This star of hope has completely lost peace."

  The angry voice of the Star Destroyer Killer resounded throughout Bitstar: "Obviously, there are enough resources for everyone to survive until they find a suitable planet. Why do they attack each other?"

   Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one can answer this question, just staring blankly at the war-torn Bitstar on the screen.

"Finally, I finally understood that this is because of the innate greed of organic life forms, and their greed will cause disputes," the star killer stepped outside: "The meaning of my existence is to maintain Bitstar, organic life. The war of bodies has already endangered Bitstar. I used the artificial sun to destroy all organic life forms, so that Bitstar can continue to survive. Only if the organic life forms in the universe are destroyed, then the universe will not die."

   "What is your theory?" Cyro didn't understand it very much. Just because Bitstar was shrouded in war, it would destroy all the organic life forms in the universe.

"Organic life forms are defective beings. They are cancer cells that destroy the universe. Only the universe occupied by our robots will allow the universe to exist forever." The star killer stepped out of the control room and came to the sun, looking directly Looking at Nexus and the others standing in the endless robot army in the distance.

This star-destroying killer form looks like Dessfaza that Nexus has dealt with, but there is no translucent mask on the head, and it is impossible to see what is inside even under the light. Kind of.

   "Speaking of speaking, I originally wanted to build your robot empire," Sai Luo sneered: "I just shattered another guy's unrealistic dream of the universe empire, and you appeared."

   "But your mechanical empire seems to be pretty close," Nexus looked at the robots around him: "Just in terms of numbers, it can't be compared with others."

   "Daydreaming in the sun? Really wishful thinking." The red lotus flame had already rushed up with the flame stick, and all the surrounding robots moved at the same time, stepping towards Nexus and the others.

"It's still going to be hit." Nexus's whole body flashed light, and instantly disappeared in the same place. He appeared next to the star destroyer standing next to the building, and his right fist was raised high and slammed to the destroyer. Star killer.

   The Star Killer was completely unprepared. He was hit by a punch and staggered to the left, crashing the railing directly, and fell to the ground.

   "I will smash this dream of yours." Nexus flew down, and the flying kick with his right foot smashed towards the star destroyer below.

   The Star Destroyer Killer raised his hands to block him, and Fei Kick fiercely kicked the Star Destroyer’s arms.

With a loud sound of'bang', in the fierce sparks, the star-killer was beaten back by this huge force, and his legs wrapped in silver-white scale armor slid hundreds of meters on the ground before he barely stopped. ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Obliterate, organic life form! "Following the words of the Star Destroyer Killer, a laser beam was emitted from the hollow head of the Star Destroyer Assassin, directly hitting the nearby Nexus.

Nexus turned his waist vigorously, and his body immediately spun. The laser almost rubbed Naxus's shoulder and bombarded the building behind him, exploding a huge hollow in the building, revealing the inside. The structure of steel.

Before Nexus hits the ground, the star-killing killer who fired the laser has already punched over. Under the pull of mechanical torque, the mechanical fist cut through the air with a turbulent momentum, compressing the air into visible ripples. .

Nexus hurriedly raised his left arm in front of him, and let the mechanical fist hit the left arm of Nexus. With a loud "bang", Nexus flew upside down under this powerful attack. After going three or four hundred meters, Nexus turned over and landed on the ground, his feet on the ground! Teng! It took dozens of steps back before stopping.

The jet system behind the star-killer on the opposite side was operating, braving the hot flames, instantly increasing the speed of the star-killer by more than ten times, pulling out a series of phantoms behind him, and rushing towards Naik at a very fast speed. Sess.

Nexus did not retreat, but moved forward, striding with both legs and striding towards the star-killing killer who rushed forward. The distance between the two sides was five or six hundred meters in only three or two seconds. The golden and silver ones The iron fist protruded at the same time and hit the opponent forcefully. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.) rw

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