Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1297: Jambert out of control

   The double-edged axe in Jambert's hand swung repeatedly to disperse the laser beams that struck one after another. The flames that burst out in succession reflected the night sky, and even the thick fog could not block the light of the flame. Fastest update

   Helios flashed constantly all over, and every flashing light represented a laser beam flying out. With the help of the laser light when it was launched, a deep gap could be clearly seen on the right wing of Helios. Almost cut the right wing of the Helios in half, the broken wires kept sparking out, and the original beautiful fluid form was now completely destroyed. The Helios also slowed down a lot, but the power of the laser slowed down Jambert's pursuit speed, making Jambert unable to catch up for a while.

   The two plasma cannons on the top of the Helios had already risen, aimed at Jambert, and began to gather energy. At this moment, the flaming steel flying fist descended from the sky at a very fast speed, hitting the main gun of the Helios at a very fast speed, and instantly smashed the gun barrel.

At the same time, the flames behind the steel flying fist became more vigorous, and the powerful driving force was transmitted to the Helios, causing the Helios to fall involuntarily downwards, and the originally broken right wing finally burst open. .

   The iron flying fist seemed to run out of energy, and the flame behind it gradually dimmed and flew back to Jambert's right wrist.

The Helios has completely lost its balance. Even if it has a jet system to help stabilize the fuselage, its speed has been completely reduced. If it is in the universe, it will be okay. After all, only the propulsion is enough to make Helios. The number flew at a very fast speed. But now it is inside the celestial sphere, with the presence of gas, and the damaged structure of the Helios is no longer able to advance at full speed. Even its stable flight in the air relies on the undamaged anti-gravity system.

   "The right wing is completely damaged and the balance cannot be stabilized. The anti-gravity system has been activated, and the main gun is damaged and no fatal blow is possible." Anxiety flashed across the Xiaozuo's face.

"I'm here to talk to Jambert, I can stop him from attacking." Amerana yelled anxiously to the ensemble, but the ensemble stood indifferently, still testing Hurley on her own. The situation of the Russia and how to launch another attack.

"Small, contact the opposite James...Jambert." Mayumi saw Emerald's anxious look, and said to her, the strum turned her head slowly, and nodded silently: " Start the communication system and start the connection."

   "Thank you! I'll let Jambert stop attacking." Amelana said gratefully, but after more than ten seconds of work, Xiaozuo nodded: "The link is complete and you can talk."

   "Jambert..." Amy Lana said hurriedly, but a gloomy voice sounded in the control room just after she opened her mouth: "Erase, organic life form."

"Huh?!" Emerald Lana was taken aback, the voice was indeed Jambert's, but why did Jambert say so? Emerald Lana wanted to shout again after too much time, "Jambert, this is not The enemy, stop attacking immediately."

"Erase, organic life form!" However, the reply was still a repeated voice, and Jambert on the screen did not mean to stop the attack at all. The **** of his shoulders had been opened, revealing the missile launch hole inside. The missiles blew white smoke and rushed toward the Helios with a whistling speed.

   Before the missiles approached, they were intercepted one by one by the laser emitted by the Helios, without missing a single one.

"Are you sure this is your robot? It looks out of control." Captain Hyuga shook his head in disappointment. Emerald looked at Jambert who was continuing to attack the spacecraft in disbelief: "Why? Why doesn't Jambert obey my orders?"

   "It's a robot after all. It's normal to malfunction." Captain Hyuga comforted, although he also knew that such comfort had no effect.

   The anxiety on Amelana’s face has not been relieved at all. I can’t believe that this is the loyal Jambert who is chasing them, muttering: "Jambert...why?"

It has only been more than ten seconds since Helios and Jambert came into contact with each other. The altitude of both sides has landed from an altitude of 3,000 meters to a place of less than three or four hundred meters. On the ground, Nexus and Cerro The fierce battle between them and the robot is clearly visible.

"Another robot." Lei had just retracted Gomora and King Elei when he saw the robot attacking the Helios in the air. After looking around, Cyro, Mirror Knight and Red Lotus Flame were still with the robot. Entangled, and Nexus was also entangled by a brand new robot, and he was the only one left.

"Litla, go!" Lei immediately raised the ex fighting instrument in his hand. Following Lei's command, the ex fighting instrument slid left and right, and Litra's card flew out from the card slot of the ex fighting instrument. Passing by, it turned into a streamer and flew high in the sky, condensing the figure of Litra like a phoenix.

"Ah!" Litra opened his mouth and let out a cry, and the colorful feathers trembled ~www.NovelMTL.com~ like a dazzling rainbow cut through the night sky and rushed towards Jambert, and flames sprayed from Litra's mouth. Out, bombarded Jambert one after another.

Litra flying around and attacking Jambert made Jambert look away from the Helios, and the binocular electronic instrument scanned Litra, repeating the sentence: "Destroy , Organic life form!"

"The spacecraft is seriously damaged, unable to continue flying, and is ready to land." After calculating the damage to the Helios, the troupe reluctantly shook his head, all the searchlights were turned on, and began to look for a suitable landing. location.

   "Roast chicken?" Honglian Flame clasped the robot's arm with both hands, watching in astonishment as he chased and killed the human-controlled monster.

   "Hey, Jambert, you made a mistake. It's a friend, not an enemy." Cyro's ice axe chopped the robot aside, raising his head and shouting at Jambert.

   But no matter what they yelled, Jambert, who had become a spaceship, was unmoved. The jets all over his body opened, chasing Litra across the sky.

"Is the Helios destroyed? Damn it!" Nexus turned his head and saw the severely damaged Helios slowly landing on the ground. He was a little angry. After all, the Helios was just It’s nothing more than a spacecraft. When it was built, safety and the divergence of plasma sparks were more important than a dedicated combat spacecraft. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.) rw

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