Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1285: The disappearing steel planet

"Is this the huge steel planet?" Nexus was suspended in the void of the universe, looking at the huge steel planet in disbelief. Seeing this huge planet with his own eyes was better than seeing it in an image. It’s too much to shock.

It is only 30,000 kilometers in diameter, and the whole body emits a slight silver-gray light. The entire planet is made of metal of unknown material, and it can withstand the gravitational collapse of such a large planet. We must know that the weight of such a huge planet is definitely in billions of megatons. Such a heavy planet will produce a lot of gravitational force. It is enough to counter the gravitational force.

Even though Nexus and it are separated by millions of kilometers, you can still feel the huge planet. After leaving the earth, Starry Night looked for this huge steel planet all the way, shuttled through the long universe, and finally found it here. .

However, it was a step too late. Behind this huge steel planet, millions of kilometers away, is a gravel area spreading millions of kilometers of light, and the planets of this star system are also adjusting their orbits, obviously because of a The absence of planets has caused the gravitational imbalance of the entire star system, which is rebalancing gravity. It is not difficult to see that this steel planet destroys a planet.

"Damn it, who wanted you to do this?" Nexus flew up and flew towards this huge steel planet without fear. Here you can clearly see the giant steel planet. There are circles of iron hoops, and there are criss-crossing like cobwebs on the surface.

However, the metal plates of this planet are not exactly the same color. The metal colors in many places are different, and even the casting process is different. It is obviously the huge steel planet made by several civilizations.

‘Crack! Click! The steel planet spinning at a slow speed made a mechanical turning sound, and the surface of the originally smooth planet protruded from barrels, firing lasers at Nexus.

Nexus flew dodge to watch, shuttled back and forth in the gap of the laser beams, no matter how dense the laser was, it couldn't hit the fast-moving Nexus.

‘Om! 'The huge planet trembles slightly, and then it starts to speed up and fly forward. Although it seems that the acceleration is very slow, it actually reaches 100 kilometers per second. This is simply too much for a huge steel planet. It's shocking.

What is even more shocking is that Nexus has not found any jet devices on this huge planet at all, and is completely unable to understand how the planet moves, but this does not affect Nexus's attack on the steel planet.

At this moment, Nexus felt that the space-time in front of the planet began to tremble in an orderly manner, and he was taken aback for a moment. Then he thought that this was about opening the space channel and looked at this huge planet in surprise. Move such a large planet to another time and space? Are you kidding me? !

At this moment, the whole planet shook suddenly and disappeared in front of Nexus in an instant, leaving only the empty universe. Nexus stunned, just disappeared? It’s too fast. It’s very dangerous for such a huge planet to travel through time and space. If something goes wrong and causes damage to the planet, the gravitational force of the planet’s internal balance will collapse, and then the entire planet will be destroyed.

"Don't even want to run!" Nexus immediately raised his arms and crossed them together, and then raised them high and released two dazzling beams of light to converge in front to form a huge space channel. He hesitated to rush in, and then the space channel closed, disappearing and invisible.

Nexus shuttled through the dazzling space channel at high speed, but he had already rushed out of this space channel in a short while, but what appeared in front of him was still an empty universe, even a grain of dust. Hard to find.

This is a void zone between galaxies. The nearest galaxy is more than one million light-years away. It is a luxury to find even a dust of dust here. The matter is too sparse.

Nexus felt it carefully, and the void could still vaguely distinguish the particles left after the time and space shuttled, but it was just these who were completely unable to locate where the huge steel planet went, and wanted to be in countless parallels. It is impossible to find this steel planet in time and space.

Nexus stood there for a long time before sighing, gave up searching, raised his head and put his hands together to release two beams of light, which collided in front of him to create a huge space channel. Then Nexus Feishen rushed in and disappeared.

When Nexus flew out of this space channel, a planet shining with emerald light appeared in front of him-the kingdom of light.

Slowing down and slowly flying into the Kingdom of Light, the residents of the Kingdom of Light on the huge floating continent came and went, living peacefully in this peaceful world. A lot of Ultra fighters were shuttled back and forth, flying here, at that time, they almost felt a kind of peace from the heart.

Nexus turned into a streamer and landed on a building only a few kilometers away from the plasma spark tower, condensing the figure of a starry night. Xingye stretched out, and then walked towards the two-story small house built on the roof of this building~www.NovelMTL.com~ opened the door and walked into the living room, Xingye saw Mayumi sitting there, right Looking at the computer in front of him attentively. As if feeling a little, Mayumi raised her head without warning, and suddenly saw the starry night standing at the door.

"Starry night." Mayumi jumped up directly, ran over with joy on her face, hugged Xingye, her arms tightly locked Xingye's waist, for fear that Xingye would suddenly disappear.

"I'm back." Starry night hugged Mayumi backhand, and whispered in the girl's ear, Mayumi nodded her head uncontrollably.

The warm moments are always short. The sound of breaking through the sky sounded from far to near. Starry night put down Mayumi and looked out. A red streamer rushed over and fell on the roof, revealing the figures of star clusters.

"You are back." The Star Cluster asked with concern: "It's great."

"Did something happen?"

"Well, Beria is not dead, he appeared in another universe, and sent millions of dark cyclops to attack the Kingdom of Light. If it weren't for the King of Otto's timely action, I'm afraid the Kingdom of Light would have fallen. "The words of the stars are full of joy.

"I saw Siro in that universe," Xingye motioned to the star clusters to sit down: "He is fine now. He has found a partner who can fight together in that universe. He wants to eliminate the remnants of the Beria Legion there. Then, leave again."

"Really?" Zhuxing Cluster's wrinkled face showed a happy smile, and slowly nodded, and his words were full of relief: "Great, I finally grew up."

Cerro always likes to fight alone. Even though he has been to the Plasma Galaxy with Nexus and the others, he still fights alone after that, not very much with other Ultra fighters, and now finally finds a fighting partner. Up.

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