Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1256: Missing persons

Perhaps it is more important to investigate why people in this world have such desperate numbness than to destroy the universe. If there is no hope in everyone in this world, then even if they are alive, they are just walking dead.

And under the same curtain of night, a group of people gathered together in the middle of the night. Some were in suits and leather shoes, some were well-dressed, and some had colorful hair... Although these dozens of men and women were wearing Different, their status in society is also different, but without exception, everyone's face is full of hope, with joy and expectation, their eyes are fixed on the night sky without blinking, for fear of missing something.

A bright light suddenly flashed in the sky, and then dozens of people at the seaside railing, which had been crowded with people, disappeared in the light, leaving only the gleaming lake water under the breeze under the light of the city lights. Shaking, everything fell into silence.

In the dimly lit room, Xingye was sitting in front of the computer, his fingers tapping the keyboard quickly, his eyes staring at the computer screen. Looking for information about the world, although the information exploded on the Internet is superficial, at least one can understand the basic situation of the world.

After the world has experienced two world wars, the entire earth has been divided into hundreds of countries attacking each other. Although there are no wars, small wars continue, and peace has never really come. However, one day five years ago, the three superpowers of the world signed a peace agreement and reached an opinion on the establishment of a coalition government. Then within three months, other countries also joined the coalition government. In the next five years , There hasn’t been any war on the earth again, and true peace has made this planet very peaceful.

After the war was eliminated and the coalition government was established, the earth broke out in the sixth technological revolution, and various high-techs sprung up. In the first year of the establishment of the coalition government, such TV airships were deployed in every corner of the world to convey the government's will and broadcast news.

The government’s external announcement explains this is that the use of these TV airships allows everyone to know the government’s will in time, thereby improving the efficiency of the government’s office. After four years, people have become accustomed to this suspended TV screen and used to listen to government announcements and news from there.

"Do you have the right to speak?" Xingye rubbed his temples and walked to the window, stretched out his hand to open the curtains, and stared at the outside TV airship flying along a fixed route at a speed of ten meters per second.

Nowadays, people have fully believed in the information broadcast on these TV airships, and they have the right to speak and information, which means that people are dominated by what they think is ‘true’ information.

Just like the so-called gas explosion reported by a TV airship, the truth will never be known, but how many facts are covered up like this? But I am afraid that many people in this world will not explore the truth of the facts, their numb heart and even the hope of life are about to disappear.

The host in the TV airship outside broadcasted the news in a flat tone: "Five years ago today, countries around the world signed the Earth Peace Treaty. The last war of mankind has ceased and war has truly been eliminated. Today's earth is peaceful, everyone Citizens enjoy a peaceful life..."

Arya turned to look at the starry night and said: "The earth may be really peaceful, right? At least this planet has not had wars and disputes in five years, but has the disputes in human hearts really subsided?"

"Peace on the surface..." Xingye couldn't help but shook his head, turned to stare at Aaliyah's face, and asked: "Aaliyah, why do you want to trace the truth hidden behind this world? Sometimes ignorant. Alive, maybe you won’t be so confused."

Arya stepped forward and put her hands on the glass, looked down at the street shining with neon lights, and whispered: "Living in a specious world like them, repeating the life of yesterday day after day. Does his life really make sense?"

"Meaning? What is the real life? I want to do what I do and realize my dream with confidence. Does this world really exist? What I want to do in my heart is what I really need Is it?" Xingye said with some emotion: "Alia, sometimes it’s just too much knowledge that makes people lose their way."


The dim room fell into silence again, and the two stood by the window looking at the prosperous city outside the window full of thoughts, these decadent humans, this dying world.

"Agent JIN, there was a UFO kidnapping incident in area K at 3 in the morning. A total of 22 people were missing. Please investigate this matter with Agent K immediately." Starry night came to this square near the lake early in the morning. According to the VC communicator, a large number of people mysteriously disappeared here last night.

Agent K leaned on the railing with an unhappy face, looked at the sparkling water and said, "I have always been in charge of this matter. Why did you come here too? Really~www.NovelMTL.com~Agent K He shook his head and began to narrate the contents of the mission and related information in a serious manner: "Last night was the third suspected kidnapping case that mysteriously disappeared. The first was in the eastern region a month ago. Five people were missing; the second was in October. Thirteen people were missing in the inner sea town area a few days ago; this is the third case, and the number of missing people is increasing. Moreover, the three disappearances occurred in the middle of the night. All the missing persons came from different places and did not know each other, but they seemed to make an appointment to go to the same area and then disappeared together. "

Xingye surveyed the surroundings and asked, "Is it the same this time?"

"Well," K nodded, and then revealed the VC communicator on his wrist to open the holographic projection. K clicked on a piece of information and said: "I have investigated all of these people. Some are company bosses, some are white-collar workers, some are chefs, and workers. ...Never had contact with each other, but they all gathered here in the early morning and then disappeared together."

K closed the data and opened a video: "This is the only more valuable data. It is a taxi's driving recorder and recorded the words of a missing woman."

"Please hurry up, the ship has arrived." A woman's anxious voice sounded from the VC communicator on K's wrist, and then the voice disappeared. That was the only useful sentence.

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