Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1239: Paraj's Shield

Saijia’s miraculous power is now in the Saijia Miracle Bracelet on Starry Night’s left wrist. However, Sai Luo can integrate Saijia’s miraculous power. From this point of view, he may be related to Saijia, and the inner relationship is true. You can only ask Saijia himself, after all, no one except Saijia himself knows how he disappeared.

Starry night raised his arms and gathered all the miraculous light covering the sea of ​​light. With the movements of the starry night, countless colorful light spots formed a tree of light that reached a height of kilometers.

The wide canopy, the sturdy tree body and the tangled roots are lifelike. At first glance, they look real, with colorful lights dotted on it, like colorful lights, which look extraordinarily beautiful.

Although the tree of life in this universe has dissipated hundreds of millions of years ago in order to save the dying universe and re-sown the seeds of life, the miraculous light that converged from the bodies of all life in this universe was once again heavy. Now it looks like the original tree of life.

"This is...what?" Sai Luo in the sea of ​​consciousness stared at the towering giant tree made up of huge golden light that suddenly appeared in front of him. He didn't understand why the scrolls were gathered together. Will become a giant tree.

Then a Y-shaped crimson energy core appeared behind the giant tree, clearly reflected in Cerro's eyes, and the energy core burst out with a shining light, like a small sun. The endless colorful light condenses into an extremely large silver giant, and the wings of time and space behind are surrounded by the light shining by the power of colorful time and space.

"Ultraman Noah..." Cerro stared blankly at the huge giant in front of him. In front of Noah, Cerro was not as big as Noah's palm, and even the towering tree was no bigger than Noah. The body is only one-sixth the size.

In the sea of ​​light, Xingye slowly opened his hands, and behind him, the endless sea of ​​light condensed the silver figure of Nexus, and his body was covered with an incomparably shining light armor. Following the movement of the starry night in front of him, Nexus slowly raised his hands, and the light armor on his body spread out and flew towards the huge tree of life.

The tree of life formed by the combination of endless miraculous lights shrank rapidly, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the armor of light, and it was integrated into the armor of light with the blink of an eye.

‘Huh! As if the lead bloom was washed away, the light on the surface of the Light Armor also faded, and the light of the Tree of Life covered the Light Armor, dyed with a silver-white glow, which looked exceptionally shining.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Noah lowered his head to look at Siro below, raised his arms, and as Noah's arms danced, the surrounding golden light was attracted by the colorful light beams on the wings of time and space and quickly gathered. Form a strip of golden light.

Numerous golden bands of light swiftly revolved around Cyro, gradually wrapping Cyro in it, and at the same time, a beam of colorful light lingering on the wings of time and space behind Noah also rushed towards Cyro.

"What a powerful force!" Sai Luo felt an immense amount of energy pouring into his body, giving Sai Luo the feeling of being full but still stuffing his stomach with food.


Noah opened his hands, and the towering giant tree on his chest slowly flew towards Cyro, and then he squeezed into this huge Y-shaped symbol, and immediately merged with Cyro.

I saw that the tattered barrier of light that had been swallowed by Arc Beria’s ultimate Death Sum's rays suddenly burst out with incomparably shining golden light, and in a flash, Arc Beria's huge Ultimate Death Sum light Torn to pieces.

"What is this?" Arc Beria stepped forward two steps, looking at the huge Y-shaped golden light shield blocking the front in dismay. The Ultimate Death Seum beam he had just launched was already at its maximum power, and it was actually blocked by the sudden appearance of the golden light shield.

The dazzling golden light that looked like a star gradually dimmed, revealing the four people behind by the extremely large Y-shaped golden light shield.

"Hey, why doesn't it hurt anymore?" Red Lotus Flame looked at her body in surprise. It was still painful just now, but under the ray of light, the pain disappeared all at once. Now even a wound Not found.

"This is..." The Mirror Knight looked at Cyro on the left in surprise. The light that had just illuminated the void of the entire universe was emitted from Cyro. The shining light now gradually dimmed, slowly revealing the game. Luo's figure ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Sai Luo's upper body is dressed in a silver-white armor, the color is exactly the same as that of Noah's body, the Y-shaped style is somewhat similar to the light armor of Nexus, with different points It is that behind this armor, there are two ultimate wings that are similar to the wings of time and space, and each is inlaid with a huge sapphire.

And Siro's right arm had a silver-white ultimate sword, and the two blue gems also inlaid on it, gleaming with extremely dazzling light, it took a long time to dim.

"Huh!" Sai Luo suddenly waved the sharp sword in his hand, launching all the energy of the sword, and the dazzling lightsaber instantly stretched for thousands of kilometers and cut it on the huge palm where Arc Beria was standing. This huge palm was cut in half.

'boom! boom! boom! There was a violent explosion wherever the sharp sword passed, and the huge palm was blown to pieces in the blink of an eye. It was unpretentious, and it was totally unreliable.

"What a joke!" Arc Beria stared at Siro with great irritation, surrounded by turbulent flames, but was ignored by Arc Beria. The fortress he worked so hard to build was destroyed by Cerro. I don't know how long it will take to build a new one. More importantly, Cerro's blow made Arc Beria feel the threat of death.

"I'm invincible." Arc Beria yelled frantically, completely denying that the death threat he just felt was real.

Cerro gritted his teeth and stared at Arc Beria, and roared extremely angrily: "This time, you must end you!"

Following Cerro’s words, the ultimate armor on his body instantly spread out towards the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, they regrouped to form a huge silver bow and arrow, and then the long bow was opened to both sides for a hundred. Twenty degrees.

PS: Two changes are made today. Ke Er is dead, and I feel a bit bad.

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