Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1233: Arc Beria

Endless Emerald ore energy poured into Bella’s body, causing Bella’s body to swell wildly like an inflated balloon. The size of the body rose more than ten times in the blink of an eye, and the rate of increase. Still accelerating.

"Beria..." Cerro's arms were in front of him, and he walked hard step by step towards the position where Beria was just now. In the violent energy storm, Cerro's every step was extremely difficult. Behind is a long series of deep footprints on the steel floor.

Cerro only took more than ten steps. The emerald energy storm in front of him suddenly disappeared. Cerro hurriedly raised his head to look at the location of Beria, and the sight in his eyes made Cerro stunned immediately.

The mountains of Emeraru mines in this huge warehouse have lost their brilliance, and they have all turned into piles of dim waste stones, and the emerald-colored ore before that is completely invisible. Looks like.

And what shocked Siro was the huge figure standing among the numerous huge mines. A huge monster with a height of more than 300 meters stood there, with its slender light yellow eyes staring at Siro, everywhere on his body. It is a vein like blood vessels. Behind them stood dozens of long Aimeiraru ore randomly, and the long black tails gently waved, splashing the rubble from the mines.

"Siro..." Beria's voice came out of the huge monster's mouth, and then the arc Beria opened his mouth wide and spewed a huge beam of light to hit Siro.

The powerful energy response made Cyro react, and hurriedly dodged to the side, but Cyro just flew, and the turbulent beam flew over, even though Cyro had already avoided the direct impact of the beam. Hit by the strong shock wave carried by the light beam, Siro in mid-air was overturned by the shock wave, tumbled and fell to one side.

But before Siro fell on the ground, a large hand that looked like an old bark attacked from the side and grabbed Siro, who had not yet fallen to the ground, in the palm of his hand.

"Hahaha! I caught you!" Belle Beria smiled triumphantly, his thick legs bent, and with a strong leap, his huge body immediately hit the ceiling above his head.

‘Boom! 'With a loud noise, a big hole was directly knocked out of the ceiling, and the falling rocks slammed on Siro’s head indiscriminately, but Siro, who was held tightly, could not dodge, and could only passively bear the stone. Smashing of blocks.

‘Boom! Arc Beria's heavy body hit the rocky ground heavily, and the solid rocky ground was immediately smashed into a footprint of more than ten meters deep, causing Arc Beria's feet to sink deep into it.

Arc Beria raised his head and opened a huge mouth full of sharp teeth. The Emeraru energy pillar behind it flickered one after another, and the endless Emeraru energy gathered and turned into a dark red final death Sum The light hit the entangled fleet in the distance.

The terrifying light traversed the universe, exploding tens of thousands of fleets into pieces in an instant. As Beria's head turned, the light of the Ultimate Death Sum swept across the fleet in the void of the universe.

The battleships were blown into flames in the sky. Not only did Beria's own fleets belong to the lords, but Beria didn't care at all. No matter who it was, they blew them up in one go.

However, in more than ten seconds, a large cosmic void of a million fleet was swept away by Arc Beria. Beria closed her mouth with satisfaction, turned her head to look at Siro who was holding him in his right hand, and said in a bragging tone: "Did you see it? This powerful force, this universe is mine. "

"Beria... uh... don't think about it!" Cerro struggled hard, but Arc Beria's right hand didn't even loosen the slightest, making Cerro annoyed: "This guy has such a A tremendous strength."

"Uh, haha!" Arc Beria tightened the five fingers of his right hand, causing Siro to scream in pain, feeling that the bones of his whole body were squeezed together, but he was completely unable to break free of Beria's right hand.

'call out! call out! 'The Mirror Knight and Jambert, who had already transformed into a combat form, rushed over at an extremely fast speed. They just saw this huge monster and the one pinched in his hands just after solving their opponents Ghosn and Aianron. G.

Just as the Mirror Knight and Jambert were about to approach Beria, Beria waved his hand casually, as if to drive a fly, directly knocked the Mirror Knight and Jambert out, and rolled in the air for a long time before hitting the ground. on.

'boom! boom! 'Beria's left fist couldn't help but slammed on Siro, who was held by his right hand, listening to Siro's screams very happily~www.NovelMTL.com~ The light of the ultimate death in his mouth kept on, Blast the space fleet into pieces. However, after a while, the battleship group that spread the entire void of the universe was swept out of a large open area by Beria.

Behind the fleet, Noah and Zaki once again hit each other. The powerful energy shock wave collapsed a large cosmic void. Although it quickly recovered, the collapsed cosmic void became spotless, with all the dust. All were completely shattered into quarks larger than atoms in the collapse of space.

Noah's clenched right fist trembled slightly. He and Zaki had already faced each other dozens of punches, and the two were completely equal. Noah had tried his best, but he still couldn't beat Zaki back even by one step.

And Zaki was also surprised. Originally, he thought that he had absorbed so many dark souls and restored 30% of his previous strength, which should have surpassed Noah, who had lost the wings of time and space. He did not expect that Noah was not weaker than him at all.

"Damn it." Noah's Yuguang glimpsed that the huge palm had released Esmeralda, allowing the planet to resume its rotation again. In the palm of his hand, what a huge monster held in his hand turned out to be Siro, and Siro did not even have the slightest power to fight back in the hands of this monster.

You must know that the current Cerro possesses power far surpassing the Otto brothers. In front of this huge monster, there is no power to fight back, or even crush. This monster is already much stronger than the Peleidola that appeared in the monster cemetery. Even though the Mirror Knight and Jambert have rushed up, the two of them add up to a drop in the bucket.

Noah was thinking about it, Jambert and the Mirror Knight had been beaten out by Arc Beria, and the huge monster had grabbed Siro's head and started to pull Siro. ·K·s·b·

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