Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1230: Freedom battle

Beria simply raised his left arm to block him, and Siro's right leg collided heavily with his left arm, making a dull sound. After Siro’s full-fledged kick, Beria only slightly shook his body, then Beria turned his right arm and bounced out like lightning, and the black and red right fist hit the match. On Luo's chest, under this tremendous blow, Siro regressed more than ten steps before barely stopping.

Beria immediately took advantage of the victory and rushed towards Siro with a big stride, slamming a fist to Siro, and Siro hurriedly stretched out his hand to block, turned five fingers and grabbed Beria's left arm, but his own left arm. It was also restrained by Beria.

Beria and Siro stood in the flames like this, looking at each other only three or four meters apart, their eyes were full of anger. Everyone uses their greatest strength to suppress each other, but the two sides are almost evenly matched in strength, and no one can suppress each other.

"Beria, I will never let you go!" Sai Luo yelled, his fists burst out with violent flame power. The instant burst of power caught Beria by surprise, and was pushed and hit by Sai Luo. On the wall behind, a big hole was knocked out of the flame-burning steel wall, and the two people fell towards the huge palms.

‘Oh! Huh! Cerro and Beria separated in the air and landed on this huge palm. Beria looked at Siro with a grin, crossed his arms and stretched out three or four meters long red nails with sharp fingers.

Beria looked at Cerro triumphantly: "Be my slave!"

Cerro also recognized what Beria’s fingernails were. After Beria attacked the mirror knight, he used his nails to inject dark energy into the mirror knight's body, causing the righteous mirror knight to run away.

Ten sharp nails brought the hurricane stab towards Cerro. Cerro leaned back and escaped the stabbing of Beria’s nails. After lying on the ground, Cerro raised his legs and kicked one after another. Beria's chest directly kicked Beria back dozens of steps.

Immediately, a scaly fish stood up, and his hands were already placed on the ice axe above his head. The gap of the ice axe immediately flashed with an emerald light, and it flew out with the hand gesture of Cyro. To Beria.

Beria's nails on both hands swung vigorously, directly slamming the hitting Cyro ice axe aside, but in this gap, Cyro had already flew up, and a strong flame of light lingered on his right foot.

Facing the attacking Siro flying kick, Beria did not evade, but crossed his arms and greeted him abruptly.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the huge power of Cyro's kick was transmitted to Bella's body, causing Bella's feet to slide on the ground for kilometers and crash several buildings before finally stopping.

Beria slowly lowered his arms and looked at Siro with pride in his eyes: "I blocked it, are you doing so many tricks? It's totally useless!"

"Really?" Cerro gritted his teeth and looked at Beria. The hands holding the ice axe were already raised. The sharp edge of the ice axe shone with cold light, and it was already aimed at Beria on the opposite side.

"Huh! Try it out any more!" Beria wielded her long crimson nails and grinned, not putting Cyro in her eyes at all.

"Haha!" Sai Luo strode towards Beria holding the ice axe, and Beria rushed towards Sai Luo not to be outdone.

Above the two of them are the dense fleet and mechanical soldiers of the Beria Army, but now these fleets that once ravaged the universe are in trouble. Just after Cerro destroyed Beria’s control room, the edge of the galaxy flickered one after another, and a silver-white spacecraft appeared on the left wing of Beria’s fleet. The hull was streamlined and the surface was very smooth like a mirror. .

Millions of spaceships of the same size were lined up in a neat queue and marched towards the Beria legion with a number of 30 million. Lasers screamed through the universe and hit the Beria legion. Blooming flames burst out.

The Beria Army was not to be outdone, and immediately launched a counterattack. The two sides approached each other while firing lasers.

At this moment, a space channel appeared near the Mirror Star fleet, and then a golden spacecraft flew out of the space channel, and immediately launched an attack on the Beria fleet as soon as it appeared.

This seemed to be the beginning, one by one, stable spatial passages were constructed one after another, and spaceships with different architectural styles flew out of them, and they all plunged into the battle against the Beria Army.

And this scene is not only here, but also happening in other parts of the universe. Every place where the Beria legion is stationed ~www.NovelMTL.com~ are attacked by fleets from different civilizations. For a while, the Beria Galactic Empire Large-scale wars broke out in various galaxies. Countless spaceships were attacking each other. Every second, thousands of spaceships exploded. Countless soldiers sprinkled blood in the universe and gave themselves to the tyranny of Beria. s life.

However, the most fierce place is the place where the major civilizations concentrated heavy attacks on the planet Esmeralda. Not only is there the largest fleet of the Beria Army, but also more than 8 million dark cyclops. These mighty dark cyclops had ten or more. Even though the spaceships of major civilizations had reached 30 million ships, they were crushed and beaten by the Beria Army.

When Nexus came here, what he saw was chaos. The fleets of the spaceships from various civilizations and the Beria Legion had no formation at all. All kinds of spaceships were mixed together to attack each other. . I don't worry about any accidental injuries at all. After all, the Beria's fleet is really easy to identify, as long as it is a shell with Beria's signature.

There are hundreds of millions of lasers, particle beams, and electromagnetic guns in space every second. It has become a showcase for various weapons in the universe, and the damage caused by these powerful weapons is naturally very powerful. The total space junk in the universe is the best proof.

The space junk formed by these destroyed spaceships is increasing at a rate of tens of thousands of piles per second. However, no warship has withdrawn from this cruel battle. All civilizations desperately sent all their fleets out. , Some rushed here and some to attack other places in the Beria Galactic Empire, completely either completely destroying Beria or died in this battle. (To be continued...)

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