Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1221: 0 million army

Seven couldn't help clenching his fists, and the plasma spark bracelet synchronization device had been completely extinguished, which meant that Siro had used the reserve energy three times, and even the energy used for the last time home.

Seven said firmly: "I believe Cyro must be fine, he will never lose to Beria."

The message carried in Beria’s Otter’s signature was also broadcast: "Remember me? I want to kill you. Say hello to you. My army will arrive soon. Let’s have a fight, O. ..Te...man!"

"To protect our homeland, we must not let the Beria Army enter the Kingdom of Light, the Space Guard, and set off!" Zuofei said that he had taken the lead from the platform of the Plasma Spark Tower and flew towards the Kingdom of Light. Followed by Ultraman, Seven, Jack, Ace, Tyro... and the Space Guard soldiers gathered, one by one, Ultraman soared into the sky and flew towards the outside of the light. .

Million Ultra fighters lined up in an orderly manner around the kingdom of light, forming a line of defense after another to enclose the kingdom of light to prevent the dark cyclops from being attacked by the dark cyclops and entering the kingdom of light last time. in.

Less than five minutes after Beria’s Otto signature was launched, and even the Otto fighter’s defense line was laid out, the Otto brothers saw countless streams of light trailing their energy tails and rushed towards them at a super fast speed. The Kingdom of Light is exactly the same as the mechanical spacecraft that raided the Kingdom of Light last time.

"Attention everyone, start attacking!" Zuo Fei gave an order and gathered energy at the same time, emitting full-power M87 light.

"Haha!" Each of the Ultra warriors immediately began to gather energy and emitted their most powerful rays of light. Countless colorful rays of light pierced the void of the universe and rushed toward the countless cosmic shuttles.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Successive explosions were particularly conspicuous in the dark cosmic void. The turbulent explosion flames spread for tens of thousands of kilometers. Many of the space shuttles of the Beria Corps should not explode into fragments before they get close.

But more cosmic shuttles flew over, and Ganaku opened one after another, and a number of dark cyclops flew out of it, and in the blink of an eye they spread all over the void of the universe, and rushed to the Otto ahead without fear. The warrior, at the same time, sent back dark cluster rays.

After the battle between the Stars of Aberra and the Kingdom of Light, another large-scale war broke out in the universe, and the nature of this war should probably be classified as a civil war.

And in this universe, Lan watched with great pain and anger at the space shuttles on the screen being filled with energy, and then flew out and went to raid the Kingdom of Light. In just three minutes, this number was as high as 100. Wan's Dark Cyclops Legion has been teleported and headed for the Kingdom of Light.

"Don't dream, there are still many Ultra fighters in the country of light, and they will never lose to your legion," Lan gritted her teeth and shouted at Beria: "The country of light will never It will be destroyed, and it will stay bright."

"Really?" Beria looked at the angry Lan, her joy in her heart increased, and she tilted her head to the left: "Look at this."

Lan turned around in the direction Beria had signaled, and looked at the display screen hanging on the right wall. After taking a look at Lan, Lan's eyes suddenly widened, and the whole person was stunned.

On this display screen, countless densely packed dark cyclops lined up neatly in the void of the universe. There were nine million-level legions just now, and below these dark cyclops were It is a series of space shuttles.

"You seem to have misunderstood. The millionth unit of the Dark Cyclops just belongs to the 10th Legion. The official number should be the 10 millionth unit." Beria looked at Lan completely stunned with joy. "In order to entertain you, I took great pains. I suspended the construction of all space warships and imperial mechanics, and even slowed the pace of conquering the universe, just to build these tens of millions of dark cyclops. Ultraman Cerro , Even the Ultra Warriors of the Space Guard can't resist so many dark cyclops, don't you think?"

Lan's angry whole person was trembling, of course he knew this. The number of residents in the Kingdom of Light is tens of billions, but there are not even 10 million Ultraman who are truly affiliated with the Space Guard. This also includes the subordinate departments of the Space Security Force: the Space Intelligence Agency, the Space Security Agency, the Seven Nebula Branches, and the Silver Crusade, and other weak Ultraman.

There are only one million Ultra fighters who truly have powerful combat capabilities under the command of the Warriors Headquarters. However, the Dark Cyclops possesses extremely powerful combat capabilities. I am afraid that an average Ultra fighter needs two or three to deal with one.

Ten million dark Cyclops...The Kingdom of Light can't resist even the last Ultraman.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) What's the matter in the Kingdom of Light, something comes at me."

Beria turned around and looked at Lan, who was already so angry with pity, that his tone was full of joy: "I would like to thank you very well. If it weren't for you, how could I have come to this universe? , To build such a huge empire. I want to repay you, so how could I kill you. I want you to see the destruction of the Kingdom of Light with your own eyes, and all the Ultramans are possessed one by one like you Killed the beautiful dark cyclops. Savor the despair and anger, uh ha ha ha!"

If the eyes can kill people, Lan's angry eyes have killed Beria countless times. He finally understands why Beria wants to build a dark cyclops with the same figure as himself, that is, he wants to use the country of light. Pride destroys the Kingdom of Light, Beria's heart has been completely distorted~www.NovelMTL.com~ Damn it! "Lanya is about to be crushed, but now he can't even break the glass cover around him, let alone stop Beria. He hasn't just watched the Dark Cyclops Legion that went to destroy the Kingdom of Light. Nothing can be done except starting.

For the first time, Siro felt his own weakness and loneliness. Without his strength, he could do nothing. Somehow came the words Saiwen had warned him in his mind: "Siro, you have to understand that no matter how strong a person is, he is still very weak compared to the universe. The real strength is to have a life and death partner, who can be Entrust him with your back, and you will be desperate to rescue you in your most critical moment..."

Finally, Sai Wen said meaningfully: "You will understand one day, Siro, I hope you can find such a partner."

However, Siro has always felt that the younger generation of the Kingdom of Light is not comparable to his own, and that he is strong enough to solve all the problems, and the task of finding a combat partner is gone. Now, the starry night rang in Cyro's heart. The plasma galaxy was like this. He just sent a signal that he needed help. Winglet, Musashi, and I dreamed immediately from other universes, not thinking about anything, let alone. Ask if it is dangerous. Just because your partner needs help, you can rush over at all costs.

"If it was me..." Lan whispered. He has nothing to do now, and he doesn't know what to do. For the first time, Sai Luo feels that he needs help from partners like Starry Night and Musashi, but Sai Luo except Starry Night Besides, I don’t know who to call for help at all, and even the starry night in this universe doesn’t know where to look.

"Who will help me?" Lan put his hands on the transparent cover of unknown material, and looked helplessly at the dark cosmic void outside, completely at a loss.

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