Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1218: The missing siro

"Haha!" Noah yelled, and stretched his hands forward, the endless silver-white energy light instantly turned into a burst of lightning and struck the dense Beria army ahead.

Dozens of lightning strikes directly on the hulls of dozens of space battleships. In a flash of effort, these dozens of space battleships were smashed into dust and disappeared without a trace. This was just the beginning. A bolt of lightning struck the space battleship. As it smashed the space battleship, it immediately spread into more than 30 tracks, splitting it on the surrounding space battleships and mechanical soldiers. And every lightning bolt split into more than 30 lightning bolts immediately after hitting the target. However, within two or three seconds, the lightning bolts were divided into hundreds of lightning bolts, and they were still scattered crazily.

The Emerald and Xiao Zhi in the Royal Spaceship are a little desperate. The densely packed spaceships and mechanical soldiers on the big screen are countless, but in more than ten seconds, the Royal Spaceship has been pushed to its limit, I am afraid Next, it will be hit by the Beria army's attack and turn into a fire in the universe.

At this moment, a bright lightning appeared on the big screen. After hitting a mechanical soldier, it immediately dispersed and smashed dozens of nearby space battleships into dust, and then continued to scatter and attack the Beria army. Battleship and mechanical soldiers.

As an artificial intelligence, Jambert was also stunned. In his probe, the universe was filled with dazzling lightnings and flame flowers blooming one after another.

The outside situation also appeared on the big screen. Silver lightning traversed the void of the universe, splitting space battleships and mechanical soldiers into pieces. Each jump of lightning can clear all space battleships in a large area. And mechanical soldiers.

"What happened?" Jambert's words were full of horror and surprise, and the optical detector began to rotate, and the picture on the big screen also rotated, showing the picture of the flashing head.

I saw a silver giant floating in the cosmic void, and endless lightning flashed from his hands. One blasted space battleships and mechanical soldiers to pieces. It took only three or four seconds, a full five or six. The fleet of one hundred thousand Beria regiments was wiped out.

"It's amazing!" Amy Lana was completely stunned, and she was stunned for a long time only to think of what she said.

"Wait a minute, this is..." Amerana suddenly remembered the stone statue in the temple, which is almost exactly the same as this hidden silver-white giant suspended in the void of the universe, except that there is a pair of stone stones behind it. The wings are nothing.

Noah lowered his arms gently, the scarlet energy core on his chest had already flickered, and the Saiga Miracle Bracelet on his left wrist had also become dimmed. The fleet that wiped out nearly tens of millions at once seemed to be very arrogant and powerful, but the energy consumption was also very huge.

"This is Ultraman Noah?! No way!" Emerald didn't know what to say. They found the Paraggi's shield but disappeared, holding Paraggi's. The deity of the shield-Noah Ultraman is now appearing in front of them alive, which is simply incredible.

"There is no Siro? Why?" Noah felt that his consciousness was a little fuzzy, but still felt that there was no Siro in the Royal Spaceship. He shook his head vigorously to clear up his consciousness. It is not time to rest. .

‘Om! A strange wave swept across the void of the universe, making Noah suddenly raised his head and turned to look behind him. In Noah's field of vision, the place where the mirror star collapsed was now distorted in space.

"Where...what the hell?" Noah said, the universe behind it was twisted, and then Stone Wings flew out of the universe. Noah glowed with silvery white light, and his huge body turned into a ray of silver. The white streamer merged into the Wing of Stone.

'call! The silver brilliance shone on the stone wings. In this light, the stone skin on the surface of the stone wings immediately turned silvery white, and then flew in the direction of the mirror star under the control system of the starry night consciousness.

"What is this?" Amerana's eyes widened and tried to see this UFO clearly, but Stone Wings had suddenly accelerated and disappeared within Jambert's detection range.

The Royal Spaceship stopped accelerating and began to slow down slowly until it came to a complete stop, preparing to cool the overheated engine and energy transmission system.

"Siro, he will be fine." Amy Lana was sitting on the seat, looking absently at the big screen, and muttering constantly in her mouth.

"Brother Cerro..." Xiao Zhi also leaned against the corner with a sad face, and said very reproachfully: "It's all me. If it weren't for me to find the shield of Palagi, Brother Cerro would not... ."

"Everyone is right. Whether it is Siro or Xiaozhi, it is to eliminate Beria," Jambert comforted the sad two: "Siro's disappearance, the destruction of the mirror star, Esmeralda's The fall... it was all caused by Beria~www.NovelMTL.com~ Only when Beria is eliminated can the universe restore its former peace and tranquility."

Xiao Zhi sat there very frustrated, bowed his head: "The legend of the Paraggi's Shield is fake. There is no Paraggi's Shield. Brother Siro is gone, and there is no way to defeat Beria... ..."

"No, Palaji's Shield is real." The Mirror Knight's voice suddenly sounded, and then a three-dimensional silver-white mirror suddenly appeared next to the Royal Spaceship. Then the Mirror Knight jumped out of the mirror and floated in the Royal Universe. Next to the boat.

The Mirror Knight lowered his head guiltily, and said to Amelana: "Sorry, I didn't find Siro."

Amelana's hands in her long sleeves couldn't help but clenched, her eyes were red immediately, but she resisted, took a deep breath and calmed her emotions before she said, "Mirror Knight, you said Palagi's Shield It's real...Then why did Palaji's Shield disappear after putting the fragments in?"

Xiao Zhi also raised his head to look at the mirror knight on the big screen, and asked eagerly: "Why does the Paraggi's Shield disappear? Could it be that the fragments of the Paraggi's Shield that Dad gave me, and what he said to my brother and me? Is it fake?"

"No," the mirror knight hesitated for a moment before he said, "the temple indeed once enshrines the Palaji shield used by Noah Ultraman who saved the universe hundreds of millions of years ago."

PS: Recommend a book "Raging Qin Shi", you can read it if you like Qin Shi.

By the way, every chapter I say is 2,000 words, and occasionally there are chapters with more than 2,000 words. Didn’t I shorten the number of words in the chapter? ? ? Why am I short? I must be jealous of my handsome, um, it must be so!

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