Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1208: The big bang that broke through the universe

Tens of thousands of mechanical soldiers from the vanguard of the Beria Army rushed forward at full speed against the attacks of Siro and Red Lotus flames. The laser transmitters on both arms continuously fired red lasers, directly hitting the most conspicuous pirate of flame. The Aban Pioneer.

The pirates of flames were not to be outdone, and their firepower was fully opened. All the turrets kept firing lasers, blasting the flying mechanical soldiers into fragments, but there were too many mechanical soldiers. There were three if one bombed one. Add it.

The Aban Pioneer was hit by hundreds of lasers within a few seconds of the battle, making potholes one after another in the hull, causing the Aban Pioneer's huge fleet to sway from side to side, and the pirates inside also screamed again and again.

"Flame Wishful Wand!" Red Lotus Flame yelled, and the flame on his right hand stretched towards both sides and instantly condensed a flame wand burning with flames, and Honglian Flame waved the Flame Wishful Wand in his hand one after another.

A mechanical soldier was hit by a flame rod, and the hard steel armor was directly melted into molten iron by the scorching heat. No mechanical soldier could resist the attack of the red lotus flame.

"Haha!" Sai Luo ice axe stuck on both sides of the chest timer, the energy in his body turned into a turbulent light sweeping the void of the universe, and countless spaceships and mechanical soldiers were already scattered by the light before they approached. Piles of useless parts.

Cerro and Red Lotus Flame had already tried their best, but they were desperate to find that the number of the Beria army was increasing. The spaceships and mechanical soldiers they had destroyed were not as fast as the other party's supplement. The huge space channel that opened behind Beria's army constantly spewed out the fleet, the number and speed of it was simply jaw-dropping.

"Beria's army is still increasing in number. It is too dangerous. Her Royal Highness must leave immediately." Jambert said eagerly, red lights representing emergency signals flashed in the cab.

"No, Cerro is still fighting the Beria Legion, how can we leave first by ourselves?" Emerald categorically refused.

"But your Royal Highness..."

"Ding dong! Ding dong!" Sai Luo caught the flying back Otto Javelin again, and every time he attacked, he output energy without any hesitation, causing the energy in Sai Luo to be consumed rapidly, and the colored timer on his chest flashed There was a red light indicating insufficient energy.

Gulian Flame looked at the flashing colored timer on Cyro's chest strangely, and asked with concern: "Hey, are you all right? What is flashing?"

"Damn it, why don't you run out of energy so soon." Sai Luo was very angry, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Ghosn, the dark staff officer, stood in the distance looking at the tens of thousands of vanguard troops that were eliminated by the pirates of Cyro, the Red Lotus Flame and the Flame, and nodded with a smile: "Oh yo, it's amazing, in this case... all The army strikes!"

Following the words of the Dark Staff Ghosn, the 3 million-level fleet and mechanical soldiers moved together, lined up in a neat formation and flew towards Sai Luo and Red Lotus flames.

"Damn it!" Sai Luo looked at the overwhelming spaceships and mechanical soldiers, intentionally killing the enemy and unable to return to the sky. If it is this number of spaceships in his own universe, he can still play kite tactics and slowly wear it away, but here The universe itself can't replenish energy at all, let alone a fleet of millions, even a fleet of 100,000 can consume the energy of Cyro.

Red Lotus Flame looked at the countless fleets in front of him, and immediately became firm, the flame in his hand disappeared and invisible, and then shouted at Sai Luo: "Hey, Sai Luo, leave here quickly."

"Huh?!" Sai Luo didn't react to his surprise, and the Red Lotus Flame turned his head and looked at the other side: "Captain, you guys quickly start the space jump and leave here."

"Don't you think..." The captain's eyes widened suddenly. Before he had time to say anything, he saw the red lotus flame's right arm swiping across his chest from top to bottom, and the red lotus flame's chest immediately lit up. The dazzling flame heart, endless flames spread out, completely enveloping the red lotus flame in the blazing flames.

The red lotus flame laughed loudly from the flames: "I want to make a big news, don't try to steal my limelight."

"Nani?" Sai Luo was taken aback, and then he saw the red lotus flame rushing directly to the bottom of the sea, and was buried by endless methane in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the captain knew that there was no way to stop it, and shouted with anger in his tone: "Start the space transition, leave here immediately."

Then the captain yelled at Siro: "Only the red lotus flame can detonate this sea area. It is about to explode soon. Get out of here..." Before his words fell, the Aban Pioneer had already launched a space leap. Disappeared in place.

Sai Luo immediately put away the Otto Javelin, and flew towards the Royal Spaceship at the fastest speed. People had already conveyed it before they even reached the idea: "Emerald, let Jambert leave here immediately, this The sea is about to explode."

"Explosion?!" Amerana covered her small mouth in surprise, and ordered Jambert without any doubt: "Jambert, get out of here."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" Jambert immediately started the engine that was already ready, and flew away from the Beria Legion at the fastest speed. Cerro followed closely behind the Royal Spaceship, turning his head from time to time. Behind the dense Beria army.

The flame of the red lotus flame that shuttles at a super fast speed in the methane sea is getting brighter and brighter~www.NovelMTL.com~ The liquid methane wherever it passes is burned, like a flame tunnel, straight towards Fly away from the center of the magnetic field that maintains the balance of this sea of ​​methane.

The red lotus flame turned his head and glanced at the top. Although separated by the thick methane, it was vaguely visible that the densely packed Beria fleet, which looked like black clouds, had covered most of the methane sea area, and the red lotus flame was full of hatred loudly. Yelled: "Scumbags of the Beria Legion, watch me blow you all up."

"FIRE!" The Red Lotus flame shouted, and the flames all over his body burst out instantly, spreading rapidly toward the surroundings.

The dark staff Ghosn looked at the flame pirates defeated by himself with great pride. At this moment, he suddenly discovered the center of the methane sea area in front of him, which lit up a spot brighter than the small sun, and then this The light spot spreads at an ultra-fast speed, but it spreads to a quarter of the methane sea area in the blink of an eye.

"What's that?" Ghosn couldn't help but stunned. Before he could think about what it was, the sea of ​​methane in front of him burst out with endless flames, and the billions of tons of methane gathered here exploded in an instant. The power is completely ruining the world.

A spaceship and mechanical soldiers were directly blown into pieces without any resistance, and then gasified into particles. In less than half a second, the fleet of two to three million was completely wiped out. The flames of the explosion spread rapidly toward the surroundings, and the light and heat emitted at this moment was stronger than the largest star in the universe, and this light could be seen even at the end of the universe.

"Ah! Damn it!" Ghosn, the dark staff officer, looked at the fleet extinguished in the flames of the explosion with horror and despair. He rushed into the space channel behind him and immediately closed the space channel to isolate the explosion flame. outer.

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