Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1206: Red lotus flame

The captain at the head pretended to hold his binoculars and looked at the Royal Spaceship in the distance. In fact, he opened his left eye and looked at the front display: "There are still people who dare to enter our seas, and we simply don’t put our pirates of flame in In my eyes."

"It doesn't seem to belong to the Beria army," the deputy captain on the side looked at the royal spaceship's information, and said to the captain: "It seems to be the Royal spaceship of Esmeralda."

"Esmeralda? Haven't they been occupied by the Beria army?" The captain was taken aback.

The fiery red creature stood up and stood on the bow of the Aban Pioneer spacecraft, pointing to the royal spaceship not far away and shouting loudly: "Where did the thief come from, dare to break into our territory, Look at my flame warrior-the red lotus flame roasts you into a chicken to eat. If you are afraid, get out."

Red Lotus Flame said, clenching his right fist, and an extremely dazzling flame gleamed out of his fist. The ruby-like hair also ignited a dazzling flame, which looked very dazzling and terrifying.

"Called a hen?" Jambert was taken aback and then angry: "A rude fanatic, how dare you call me that."

Amerana listened to Jambert’s angry voice with a smile, and said softly: “Let’s say hello first, after all, we still need to learn about the Palagi’s Shield from them. Jambert, Connect to the communication system of the other party."

"No," Lan said with full confidence: "Leave this to me."

"Huh?!" Emerald Lana was taken aback, and then she saw Lan stepping towards the back, and after a few steps, she immediately turned around, and at the same time stretched her left arm. Under the gaze of Xiao Zhi and Emerald Lana, the plasma spark bracelet on Lan's right wrist suddenly flashed with dazzling colorful light, in which a diamond-shaped gem directly turned into Ottesello glasses.

China is the same light gold as Siro’s eyes, with a red shaft between the eyes and a green gemstone on the upper end. The three colors of silver, red and blue are evenly distributed around the glasses.

Arashi grabbed one end of the Ottesello glasses, then bent his arms to put the glasses on his eyes.

‘Jiang! 'The dim golden lens immediately gleamed with brilliant golden light, and a ring of red, blue and silver tri-color halos swiftly swirled around Lan, while two silver-white ice axes flew out of the silver light, surrounding Lan whirled, the red, blue and silver halo successively covered Lan's body, becoming the figure of Sai Luo, and the ice axe flew back and stuck on the top of Sai Luo's head.

The dazzling light came and went quickly, Xiaozhi and Emerald lowered their arms, and they were shocked to find that Lan had disappeared, and a giant in red, blue and silver was floating there on the big screen outside the spaceship.

Amy Lana looked at Cerro with incomparable surprise: "This is Ultraman Cerro! It's not the same as the digging of Ultraman Nexus."

"Big Brother Sailuo!" Xiao Zhi exclaimed excitedly, wishing the entire universe to know that this majestic giant was his eldest brother.

"Huh!" Sai Luo raised his right hand and wiped the corner of his mouth, floating in a place less than ten kilometers away from the red lotus flame, staring at the huge spaceship and the red giant.

"Hey," Gulian Flame looked at Cyro carefully, and said uncertainly: "Are you the dark cyclops of the Beria Legion? Have they released a new model?"

"This young master is not a fake, remember my name, I am Cerro, Ultraman Cerro!" Cerro was very proud to say, and he did not forget to look at the Royal Spaceship behind him. Amelana can see her handsome.

Sai Luo, who was patronizing handsome, just turned his head and saw a fist braving flames. It was constantly enlarged in his eyes. Before he could react, Sai Luo was hit by the red lotus flame with a punch on his face. It was huge. The power of Siro made Siro fly far away and hit a huge boulder island suspended in the methane sea in the distance.

With a bang, Siro directly hit the island that was several kilometers long and sank several meters, splashing endless liquid methane.

Siro glided on the rock for more than a thousand meters before finally stopping. He stood up and said angrily, "I am not an enemy, I have something to say."

"Stop talking nonsense!" The red lotus flame rushed down immediately, so the replay usually slammed the right fist braving the flame at Siro.

Siro hurriedly dodged sideways. The red lotus flames slammed into the rock with a heavy fist, smashing the rocky ground into a huge pit, and the splashing gravel fell into the surrounding methane sea, suspended completely on the sea. Does not sink to the bottom.

Gulian Flames missed a hit and immediately raised his leg and kicked Siro fiercely, making Siro hurriedly erected his arms to block him in front of him~www.NovelMTL.com~ The huge power of the whip leg directly drove Siro Kicked out, flipped a circle in the air before barely landing on the ground,'tengtengteng' backed ten steps before stopping.

"Really? Then I will convince you first, and then talk." Sai Luo was also angry, stepped his legs and clenched his fists in a fighting starting position, and said softly: "I'm on it. "

Only after the words were spoken, Siro leaped forward, pulling out a series of phantoms behind him. Red Lotus Flame felt a flower in front of him, and he didn't see anything clearly. Sai Luo, who was hundreds of meters away, suddenly appeared in front of him, and hit the chin of Red Lotus Flame with a punch.

'call out! Red Lotus Flame felt a pain in his jaw and flew out, hitting a huge rock above it heavily, directly smashing the huge rock into fragments, and inserting it into another huge rock unabated.

Siro jumped in the air and turned over 180 degrees, and stood upside down on the huge rock above. If it is on a planet, this is completely challenging gravity, but there is no such up and down in the universe. Of the difference, now Siro is standing steadily on the rock, jokingly looking at the red lotus flame embedded in the rock: "How about? Are you willing to speak well?"

"Asshole!" Gulian Flame spread his arms unconvincingly, and pushed the rock beside him abruptly, jumped out of the rock very flexibly, and stood there looking at the leisurely Siro with a trace of irritation. He said stubbornly: "I didn't use my full strength just now. Now I'm going to use my full strength. Don't cry out pain if you get hit."

Speaking of the raging flames lingering on the red lotus flame fists, he opened the two bodies and rushed towards Siro with a big stride, still shouting the name of the move: "Look at my flame punch!"

"Is that just a little bit of power?" Sai Luo also raised his right fist, and the energy in his body was continuously transmitted out, transforming into a flame that enveloped Sai Luo's right fist.

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