Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1173: Eternal life

Here, the battle between the Milky Way and Lukiel also fought, and Ultraman Galaxy flew up, and the Galaxy Sword in his hand slashed fiercely on the dark spark gun in Lukiel’s hand. The mighty force drove Luji El back hundreds of meters.

Luke El, who had finally managed to stabilize his body, was shaking with his arms holding the Dark Spark Gun, and his gaze at Ultraman Galaxy was full of horror. He didn't expect that this guy who appeared suddenly had such a powerful force. .

In addition, this Ultraman who claims to be the Milky Way is clear from the formation of six Seven-Star Swords that were broken, Lukiel has now begun to believe that this guy, like him, is a super life born from the plasma galaxy. This made Lukiel even more angry. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Plasma Galaxy gave birth to the Seven-Star Sword that restrained him, and he therefore spent hundreds of millions of years in the dark seal.

He finally escaped from the seal and turned a Seven-Star Sword into his own use, making it impossible to gather the Seven-Star Sword that restrained him. Not two days after this happiness, another Galaxy Ultraman came out, which was actually defeated by the birth of the Plasma Galaxy.

Lukiel gritted his teeth and asked word by word: "Why deny darkness? If the dark world does not exist forever, why did the plasma galaxy give birth to me?"

Ultraman Galaxy floated opposite Lukiel, looking at the extremely confused dark demon in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "When there is light, there is darkness. Light and darkness are opposite and symbiotic. Lukiel is impractical to abandon you. The eternal world of darkness. Join me to guard the peace of the plasma galaxy, which is what the plasma galaxy hopes for."

"Peace? Then do you know why there was a war in the plasma galaxy hundreds of millions of years ago?" Lukiel looked at Ultraman Galaxy with a sneer: "Because of the greed of those people, they are not satisfied with the plasma they have. Even though the plasma souls bestowed by the Milky Way are enough for them to survive, they still want to take more plasma souls from others."

"The thing that prevents the plasma galaxy from having permanent peace is greed and dissatisfaction, and the result is that the cycle of life consumes a lot of energy and material to grow up, and it will die after a short time, and then consume energy and Matter.” Lukiel declared loudly like a speech: “As long as all lives are brought straight, there will be no more death, let alone war. I want to create an eternal, static world, without death or nothing. Fighting, only eternity, only peace, this is the ideal world."

"You are wrong, such a world is wrong," the Milky Way kept shaking his head: "It is true that life is very small and short relative to the universe, but the death of life is the beginning of a new life, so life continues to continue. The real world is the real world."

"It seems that you don't understand anything except bragging. I am the incarnation of darkness. I understand the dark side of life..."

"I am the incarnation of the light. I understand the bright side of life. They are by no means unsalvable. Your method will never succeed."

"Really? It doesn't make sense."

"Boom!" The two huge figures collided again. This time both sides exhausted all their strength. The tip of the dark spark gun and the tip of the galaxy greatsword collided with each other, dark red and silver white energy. The collision caused the surrounding space to be broken into tiny cracks.

The energy of light and darkness is continuously transmitted from the bodies of Ultraman Galactic and Lukiel. Two different energies merge between the tip of the sword and the tip of the gun to form a rapidly rotating black and white bicolor light ball. With the collision of the Milky Way and Luji El energy, the accumulated energy finally reached its limit, and it exploded with a "boom!" With the expanding flame ball, two huge figures flew upside down for hundreds of kilometers at the same time.

Lukiel was panting violently, and even the dark spark gun in his hand was a little unstable. He has never encountered an opponent since his birth, even if the Seven Swordsman desperately used the power of the Seven Star Sword to seal him.

This Galaxy Ultraman had a tie with him, and he could not even gain a slight advantage. The two sides were evenly matched, as if they were fighting against each other, no one should have beaten anyone.

The Milky Way raised his right arm high, and the crystals all over his body immediately glowed with fiery red brilliance, and then these lights turned into blazing flames, condensed into several fireballs around Ultraman Galaxy. Following the galaxy's shout, several flame **** flew out and flew straight towards Luji El on the opposite side.

Lukiel yelled, and the dark spark gun in his hand swung one after another to disperse the fireballs. However, the energy carried in the fireball also made Lukiel regress, waiting until several fireballs were fired. After they all broke up, Lu Ji Aier had retreated several kilometers.

"Galactic Thunder!" The whole body of Ultraman Galaxy shines with golden brilliance. Starting from the head, the crystals from his arms and chest release strong lightning energy towards the surroundings, condensing into a huge lightning group, and then the lightning group condenses A strong electric beam struck Lukiel with the wave of the Milky Way arm ~www.NovelMTL.com~.

"Just want to beat me?" Lukiel's dark spark gun stabs forward, and a dark red light flies out and collides with the galaxy thunder light, splashing violent sparks, and both of them are mutually annihilated and dissipated. .

After Galaxy Ultraman issued this attack, he immediately retracted his arms and folded his arms in front of him. The crystals all over his body shone a strong purple light with the movements of the Milky Way. The endless energy gathered on the head of the Milky Way and condensed into a purple band. The Kaleidoscope whizzed towards Luki El.

"Don't think about it!" A light flashed in the big scarlet hole on Lu Ji Aier's chest, and a huge light bomb collided with the galaxy cutting, bursting out violent flashes.

The Milky Way is not discouraged at all, and a single blow is not enough. The crystals all over the body emit a pink light when the arms are raised. The endless energy is gathered on the arms of the Milky Way, and the hands together emit golden yellow super strong sunlight. The light went straight to Luke Aier.

Lukiel turned and held the dark spark gun in front of him. Under the push of strong light, his body couldn't help backing, but until the power of the light was exhausted, he could not break through Lukiel's defense, just let Luki Al's figure retreated several thousand meters.

PS: Xingsha feels that I can’t hold it anymore. I get up at 7:30 every day and go to the driving school. A coach takes 70 or 80 people and trains for 10 minutes in line for two hours. It takes more than seven or eight hours a day in the driving school. During this period of time, I stayed up every day at twelve o'clock or even one or two o'clock, and now my eyes are bloodshot. I'm too tired, let's slow down the update during this period of time. When Xingsha finishes the second course, I will have more time and more. I really can't hold it. Anyone who can hold on to Xingsha will not slow down the update. Look at the front. Since the book was written, the number of days Xingsha has been updated below the 4D update is very few, and now I really can't hold it. Let me rest!

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