Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1170: Noah shows up again

Cerro folded his arms together and said with surprise: "That is the housework of the Plasma Galaxy itself. This galaxy will give birth to a new Ultraman."

Tiga shook his head and said with a hint of caution: "I think this Ultraman Galaxy is the same as Lukiel, as long as the two of them are still in the plasma galaxy, they are immortal, and at the same time their power is endless, because They are representatives of the light and darkness of the plasma galaxy."

"That is to say, we can't help here, so let's clean up those fleets!" Dina said in a leisurely manner, turning around, and looking at the distant cosmic void: "The reinforcements seem to be unable to hold on. ."

The other Ultraman and Zamsha also turned their heads. Under the attack of the two million well-trained regular fleet, the one-million-dollar army was completely one-sided. The courage of these miscellaneous troops faded away again and again. As the war progressed, the courage of these miscellaneous troops had worn off, and then the situation of being chased and beaten could no longer hold up.

"These are all partners who fight for peace." Zamxia said as he stretched out his hand to hold Xingzhan Wan, who hadn't used it for a long time, and flew towards Lukiel's fleet.

"Well, it seems that there is nothing to do with me here." Sai Luo glanced boredly at the windy Milky Way that was playing against Lu Ji El, and then rushed towards Lu Ji El's fleet.

After all, the Seven Star Sword is no longer there, and the combined light that has just exhausted all of its strength has wiped out Lu Ji Ai, and the result has been resurrected in a blink of an eye, and can only hope for this Ultraman named Yinhe.

In front of the star, under the gaze of the huge robot and Zaki, hundreds of flame pillars flying out of the star are like flame rings, rotating quickly around Nexus, and then rushing straight into Nai. The body of Xusus.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The light emitted by a star that is so huge is covered. The darkness of the universe was swept away at this moment, leaving only the sky full of light.

In the flames, Nexus was bathed in endless light, and the golden light of his whole body had converged, revealing a silver-white body with black lines on the silver surface. The Y-shaped energy core on the chest exudes a crimson light, which is very conspicuous in the hundreds of fire-dragon-like flame pillars surrounding him.

"No...No...Noah!" Zaki's tone was very jerky, and the whole person stood there, staring in horror at this silver giant who was familiar to the memory as a nightmare.

Noah quietly hovered in a flame cage formed by hundreds of ring-shaped flame pillars, staring at Zaki and the robot in front of him with bright eyes. He obviously did nothing but made Zaki shake like chaff and shiver. Even the words are incomplete.

"Noah? How is it possible?" The Lebrard star is also Spartan. Didn't it say that Noah has disappeared?

Zaki returned to his senses without any hesitation. He immediately turned and turned into a streamer and flew away from Noah. There was no such enjoyment as chasing Noah in his heart, only full of panic.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Zaki desperately accelerated, just to escape the nightmare-like figure in the shortest time.

At this moment, Zaki's eyes flashed, and then he saw the silver giant suddenly appear in front of him, with shiny eyes staring at him, without a trace of emotion.

The memory of running away from Noah's hands with terror and fear for countless times suddenly appeared in Zaki's mind, the kind of helplessness who didn't know the way forward, let alone whether Noah would chase in the next second.

"Uh!" Zaki slammed his right fist and slammed at Noah in front of him. He didn't seek to kill the enemy, but only wanted to block Noah for a while, so that he could get away even a little time.

Noah raised his right hand with five fingers close together and directly grabbed the right fist that Zaki had hit with all his strength, as if he was pinching an ant in a relaxed manner.

"Bang!" Noah slammed his left arm, his forearm swept across the army and hit Zaki's abdomen. The huge force directly smashed Zaki out, bending his body like a bow and retreating thousands of people. Kilometers, like a meteor, it hit the Reblad's robot.

Even though the Lebrard’s robot has a huge mass, it is still violently retreated by Zaki, and Zaki’s whole person is deeply embedded in the body of the robot, bursting with sparks from the broken steel. , Obviously the circuit inside was also broken.

"Ka! Ka!" The robot didn't care about the small Zaki like an ant~www.NovelMTL.com~. Instead, the robot raised its arms and pointed directly at Noah in front of him. The sound of machinery running all over his body rang out, a laser cannon. It came out and aimed at Noah floating in the void of the universe.

"Who! Whoo! Whoo!" The dense laser beams crossed the long cosmic void almost next to each other and rushed towards Noah, whose momentum even if there was a planet in front of them, was enough to smash it.

Noah raised his arms, one up and down and then slowly turning, the endless cosmic energy gathered and condensed into a huge energy shield to block Noah's body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A laser beam hit the energy shield and exploded one after another, rising up dazzling flames, but in an instant Noah was covered by a sea of ​​flames spreading more than ten kilometers.

If you look at it from the back, you will see a shocking scene. Noah is supporting an energy shield that is no more than two hundred meters wide in the void of the universe, but on the other side of the energy shield, it spreads more than ten kilometers. The sea of ​​flames. In this way, it is as incredible as a rock on the river bed is blocking the surging water of a sky-crossing river.

The Rayblad star man manipulated the robot to launch lasers without energy. In just half a minute, he launched as many as a million laser beams. I am afraid that the target is a planet whose surface is also carpeted. The bombing has covered two waves.

However, under the gaze of the Lebrard star, the energy shield was still standing there firmly, no matter what the thousands of lasers attacked, it was as smooth as a rock.

Noah put his hands on the energy shield, his eyes looked at the robot firing laser beams through the huge sea of ​​flames in front of him. Especially Zaki, who was stuck in the robot, had already struggled to crawl out.

‘Huh! Noah suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in the sky above the huge robot, raised his silver right fist and smashed it down.

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