Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1168: Resurrected Lukiel

"Xickel?!" Mengbius, whose arms were clasped together, was shocked, the light in his hand couldn't be emitted, and he looked at Xickel who was holding Lukiel with great anxiety.

"Take revenge on Jane!" Hickel shouted at Ultraman with red eyes, and Mambius yelled to launch the Mengbeam beam in his hand. Hickol came here with a belief in death. Yes, in order to avenge his friends and pull this dark demon into the abyss of hell.

"Damn it!!" Sai Luo roared, like a wounded beast, his chest bright like a two-wheeled crescent ice axe immediately launched a bright Sai Luo timer light.

"How come?" Dina squeezed out three words from between his teeth, and immediately let out Soljet's light from both arms.

"Uh," Gaia roared and staggered his hands up and down, and the photon streamline cut through the universe and flew out.

The transition light of Gauss's loop and the Zapeliao light of Tiga also launched, and the six rays of light collided in the front and merged into a huge spiral beam and rushed towards Lukiel.

"Hahahaha!" Hickel, who was holding Luke Ale tightly, looked at the expanding spiral beam in front of him, laughed out loud, and his voice was full of pleasure: "Jant... has revenge for you."

Lukiel's desperately struggling and explosive force tore Xike'er's arms abruptly, but it was too late, and the full-power Otter-fit light was close at hand, and there was no room to escape.

"No!" In Lukiel's desperate cry, the thick spiral beam completely enveloped him. The six Ultramans had no reservations, and all the energy in the body was emitted.

The combined rays of dazzling brilliance crazily rushed through the two people who were surrounded, while Lukiel was full of unwillingness and anger, and the black body dissipated layer by layer. This kind of bone-cutting pain made Lukiel let out a desperate cry, but no matter how hard he struggled, it was futile, and soon the black body dissipated.

Hickel carried a cheerful smile on his face, and his body dissipated. At this last moment, his life could not help but appear in his mind: 80,000 years ago, he took the death sickle, hiding his smile and turning into one. The ruthless law enforcement officers arrested the villains and criminals who caused chaos in the plasma galaxy into the prison, and chased the escaped hunters, in order to practice what happened to his father who was seriously injured and dying because of arresting a group of criminals. The oath before you: Use your life to protect the peace of the plasma galaxy until you die!

"I did it." Shikor looked at Lukiel, who had disappeared most of his body. The last smile appeared on his vague face, and his body completely dissipated, disappearing in this universe.

"Huh!" Six Ultraman put down their raised arms, the colored timers on their chests all flashed red lights, the energy in the body was almost completely dried up, and they were barely maintaining Ultraman's posture.

"Huh!" Zamxia flew over, holding the Death Scythe with a gap in the blade in his hand, and the six Ultraman looked at Hickel's relic with some sadness.

"He is a hero!" Zamsha took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, then hurled the sickle in his hand towards the plasma galaxy, looking at the death sickle in the distance, and said: "Just let him stay and protect with his life. In the plasma galaxy."

The six Ultraman nodded and stared at the disappeared Death Scythe. This time if Hickel hadn't desperately dragged Luki Ale, he would have been unable to destroy Luki Ale.

"His soul will always be guarded here, guarded in his beloved plasma galaxy." Zamsha murmured.

"Do you think you won?" An extremely vicious voice sounded, making the seven of them startled. They hurriedly raised their heads, and endless dark mist emerged from the dark spark gun suspended in the void of the universe, quickly condensing into the roadbed. El’s figure, then dozens of Ultraman dolls flew out of the dark spark gun, releasing endless dark mist to fill Luki Al’s silhouette, but Luki Al reappeared in Ultraman within a few seconds. In front of Zamsha.

"How is it possible?" Tiga looked at Lukiel, who was exactly the same as the one wiped out before, in disbelief.

"Hmph, what I said, I am a dark demon. As long as there is darkness in the plasma galaxy, I can be resurrected countless times." Lukiel opened his arms like a victor, with an incomparable tone in his tone. Proud: "Do you want to defeat me with this light? It's just wishful thinking."

"Damn it!" Sai Luo's chest was undulating quickly~www.NovelMTL.com~, raising his soft and feeble right arm, clenching the Sai Luo Integral Ice Axe in his hand, gritted his teeth and said: "I will be destroyed once I resurrect. You once, until you can't resurrect again."

"Really? Just rely on your trembling arms?" Lukiel smiled and looked at the six Ultramans: "The energy seems to be running out. That's it. Let me play a game with you, here. You run in three seconds, I only kill the four that are behind, and the others can survive. The guy who stopped me just now survived that way, but I followed the rules and killed the one who was behind. The one with the Seven Star Sword."

"Really?" Tiga nodded, then flew up and rushed up: "My answer is this!"

The other Ultraman and Zamsha also rushed up at the same time, which made Lukiel sneered: "It's really stubborn."

He grabbed the dark spark gun in front of him and slammed out a dark red energy blade, sweeping across the wide area in front of him, and swept out the six flying Ultramans at once.

Even Zamsha backed thousands of meters before stopping, and then Zamsha rushed up again. The six Ultraman energy is no longer much, and now he has plenty of fighting power. He must protect Hickel’s beliefs, eliminate this dark demon that is endangering the plasma galaxy, and restore the plasma galaxy to its past

"Boom!" Wuming Sword collided with the dark spark gun, splashing bright sparks, very conspicuous in the dark universe.

At the same time as the collision, Lukiel's chest red-red round hole immediately released a destructive light bullet, which hit Zamsha fiercely, and directly shot Zamsha away.

"Zamxia!" Mengbius hurriedly flew up, and Dina caught the retreating Zamxia together.

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