Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1166: Stellar light

"Hahaha," Lukiel laughed and said fiercely: "I am the dark demon God Lukiel, the dark aggregate of the plasma galaxy. I represent hatred, jealousy, and betrayal. As long as the plasma galaxy still exists, I will not Extinct."

As Luke Aier stared at Ultraman in front of him: "Can you eliminate these dark sides? As long as they don't die, I am immortal."

Luki Ai Yangtian roared: "Why did you think the seven of them sealed me? It's because they can't kill me, let alone eliminate these dark sides. And now they can't gather Seven Star Swords, and they can't seal me. "

"What are you talking about?" The eight people on the opposite side were all taken aback, even Shikor was no exception. It was the first time he heard of Luki Ayer.

"Cut, I don't believe it!" Sai Luo had already rushed up first, and the others were not to be outdone. They followed him and rushed towards Luki El from all directions, no matter who the opponent is, they will be eliminated. , Then needless to say too much.

Cerro took the lead and used the Cerro Integral Ice Axe to slash the dark spark gun in Lu Ji Aier's hands. Lu Ji Aer was very clear on Songshan Lake to catch this move, and his body did not even shift. , Completely regards the power of Siro as nothing.

Before Lukiel could do anything, the death sickle on the side had been cut, and the sharp blade slashed towards Lukiel with the belief in revenge.

Lukiel pushed Cyro back with a strong push, and then set up the Dark Spark Gun to block the Death Scythe, but behind and to the left, Gauss's Army Sword and Dreambius' Ship Star Sword had also pierced over.

‘Huh! Lukiel flicked the dark spark gun and pushed the death sickle aside, colliding with the pierced army sword and the ship star sword.

"Swish!" The acupuncture sword, the Samuel sword and the seven trout sword were joined together and slashed towards Luji Aier, so that Luji Aier had to turn around to block these three swords, and the hastily confrontation gave Luji Al couldn't help but back hundreds of meters.

Before he could stand firm, Cyro's Integral Ice Axe and Death Scythe had already attacked, so Luki Ayer had to fight right away without even taking a breath.

Although it was the first time that the eight people really cooperated in the battle, they were in a tacit understanding of each other as if they were partners who had been fighting together all the year round. You come and I don’t give Lu Keel any time to react at all, it just needs to be continuous. Attack the tired Luki El.

Even though the eight people are among the most powerful in the vast universe, plus six seven-star swords, Cyro's combined ice axe that has been blessed by plasma sparks, and the death scythe handed down from the Galactic Guardian era, even if they face a thousand Ten thousand universe fleet is also enough to fight.

And now Luki Ayer was in a very passive position, and he was overwhelmed by the continuous attacks, and he couldn't spare the time and energy to fight back. Even a slight distraction would slow down his defensive rhythm, and then he was directly attacked by the eight who found a flaw.

'call out! ’Nexus, who was shining with golden light, rushed to the direction of the star, the huge robot and Lukiel were chasing after him, with a distance of more than 10,000 meters between the two.

There was a crisp mechanical running sound from the huge robot, and the solid shell moved to expose hundreds of holes, and then hundreds of lasers were emitted from it and attacked towards the Nexus in front.

However, these lasers were discovered by Nexus just as soon as they flew out. They immediately changed the trajectory of the direct flight. They stopped, flipped, pulled up, and dived like a surfer on the wave. Passing by one after another, no matter how dense the laser is, you can find a gap and then dodge.

The huge star ahead has occupied all of Nexus's field of vision, and the edge of the star cannot even be seen without turning his head ninety degrees. Nexus flew to a distance of less than 100 million kilometers from this huge star before stopping.

Nexus looked at the star radiating infinite light and heat, then turned around, and the huge robot and Zaki behind him also stopped.

"Why don't you run away? Keep running!" Zaki said viciously. His heart was full of comfort. One day he could chase the'nightmare'. This is incredible. Now Zaki They all feel like they are in a dream.

"Run? No, I'm a strategic retreat!" Nexus chuckled lightly, shook his head, and turned his mouth to the back: "Lukiel's situation doesn't seem to be very good, you don't want to go to a support A moment? Otherwise that guy will be defeated."

Zaki and the Lebrard star people looked back. In the distant sky, Lukiel's army was entangled by the Million Fleet ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It is estimated that there is no way to destroy those fleets in a short time. Lukiel himself was surrounded by eight strong men and attacked in turn. Although Lukiel still seemed to be able to defend with ease, he could tell at a glance that the guy had more than enough defense and insufficient offense, but he was defending for a long time. If you lose, your defense will be broken sooner or later.

"What the **** does that guy have to do with us," the Lebrard star said ruthlessly: "but don't worry, we will kill you before he dies, so that Ultraman will not have the opportunity to support you."

Zaki looked at Nexus with a smile: "This is the God of War that the Rayblad Stars spent countless hours building. You just tasted it, right? This is your burial place."

"Indeed, now, I really can't beat this big guy." Nexus nodded and said with a smile: "But why do you think I want to fly here? Because it's close to the sun, the light Is the strongest."

"Hmph, if you have the ability to fly in, the light is strong there." Zaki said, raising the black and red right hand: "If you can't fly in, then die here."

"The strongest light" Nixus tilted his head and let out a long sigh of relief. Then he got serious and clenched his fists together. The golden light lingering all over his body was instantly peeled from Nixus, and then Nixus Si yelled: "Darkness is the weakest."

The stripped light immediately condensed into a few golden auras, circling around Nexus steadily, and then the explosion of "Huh! Huh!" sounded, and the huge star at the back immediately blew up. In the fierce solar wind, raging flames flew from the stars, and hundreds of flame pillars flew straight towards the place where Nexus was located, as if they had a target. (To be continued...)

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