Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1152: The story that Zaki and Lukiel have to tell

"Cut! It's really a waste. You will suffer when you stop." Zaki walked over with a face full of disdain. He walked twice around Luke Al, who was almost unable to move, and slowly squatted down, carrying Smiled at Luki Air, whose face was distorted from pain.

"Actually... it's not that troublesome at all." Zaki said, putting his hand on Luki Ayer's, and said with a hint of tune: "As long as you make up your mind, just use that hard."

Speaking of Zaki holding Lukiel’s right hand tightly, he slammed hard against Lukiel’s horrified eyes, and Lukiel screamed frantically with a'pump'. The sound was like a wild beast, and his chest was directly covered. A big hole was pulled out, revealing a substance like red blood inside the body, which quickly filled the big hole, and there was a tendency to spread out.

Lukiel hurriedly raised his hand to release the dark aura, but instantly sealed the bright red aura in the big hole in his chest. However, no matter how hard Lukiel tried, he could not restore the big circular hole in his chest. The strength carried in the short blades of the seven-star sword would erode the surrounding body tissues. Originally Lukiel prepared After pulling out the short blade, then slowly drive out these forces. As a result, Zaki came here to do a violent removal, even the corrupt body tissues were pulled out, forming a blood-red circle on Luke El's body, which seemed to understand your heart like an Ultraman timer.

"Ha! Ha!" Lu Ji Ai collapsed directly on the ground, breathing violently for a long time before finally regaining some strength, then looked at Zaki standing in the room with annoyance.

Zaki didn't realize it at all. The black hilt was swaying in his hand, and the sword was wrapped in black material from Luki El. It can be seen that there is a silver thread in the middle of the black material that looks like a cobweb, and this part of the black material is eroded like briquettes.

"How? I said it, just make up your mind." Zaki smiled and said casually, leaving the black dagger in his hand on the ground: "Don't you think this is enough?"

"Kang Dang!" The short blade fell on the ground with a crisp sound, causing Lukiel's heart to beat uncomfortably, and his eyes could not help but look at the short blade falling on the ground.

Lukiel raised his head and his eyes didn't mean any gratitude. On the contrary, he was very angry, and his eyes simply wanted to devour Zaki. The whole body trembled with anger, especially when I saw the big scarlet hole in my chest, I wanted to tear Zaki to pieces and fill it in.

Lukiel didn't speak, but absorbed the dark energy from the monster doll with all his strength, and the black mist surrounded Lukiel's trembling body slowly calming down. The wasted energy gradually recovered. Lukiel slowly got up and looked down at the dagger on the ground. A suction force appeared out of thin air in his right hand and sucked the dagger into his hand, and then slightly With a jitter, endless black flames gushed out and enveloped the dagger-like dagger, burning the black matter on it completely.

Lukiel glanced down at the black dagger-like dagger in his hand. The symbols and patterns that lingered on it had completely turned black and red, but the raised part of the ten-centimeter-long sword was originally silver. Now Has been dyed red by the crimson energy in Lukiel's body.

"How did you come in?" Lu Ji Aier looked at Zaki with a gloomy expression. He even forcibly emptied the Galactic Union Headquarters in order to be foolproof, despite exposure, and mobilized all commandable fleets to surround the Galactic Union Headquarters. He would rather make such a big movement, but also do it just for safety, but Zaki still ran in without causing any alarm.

Zaki haha ​​laughed and looked at Luke El with contempt: "Do you think that arrangement can stop me? It's too naive, but I'm Zaki, the greatest Zaki."

"Humph." Lukiel slowly raised his right arm, the dagger in his palm had begun to glow with a dark red light, looking at Zaki with a bad look.

Zaki kept shaking his head and sighed: "I helped you, do you just thank me like that? Or you think you can beat us both."

As Zaki snapped his fingers, the light blue energy glow surging, condensing a silver-colored figure, it is the Rayblad star. Compared with the previous Rayblad star, the current Rayblad star has a little bit. The appearance of material life is now, the body is much firmer than before, and his shiny eyes are staring at Luki Ale without emotion.

"You see that so much plasma energy is still effective when fed~www.NovelMTL.com~ Zaki looked at the Lebrard star like a commodity: "At least he looks like a human. "

The Lebrard star turned his head slowly, staring at Zaki with no emotion, his right hand had already raised his palm with a strong energy reaction, and he threw a light bullet at Zaki.

"It's just a joke," Zaki escaped easily and said with a grin: "Besides, if you want to fight, you should go to the other side. It seems that half of the plasma energy has not been paid."

"Boom!" The light bomb hit the corner of the room, blasting the steel wall out of a huge hole, and then exploded, disturbing the tidy corridor.

"Huh, you should ask those Ultramans, if it weren't for them to be nosy, my subordinates would not be killed or injured so much," Lukiel said through gritted teeth. The original plan was good. Collecting plasma energy is not only satisfactory. The Rayblad star can also keep some for himself.

Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes. My most important part of collecting plasma energy from the Kingdom of Light was destroyed, and then the Samuel Sword, which he was determined to win, was taken away by Ultraman, and he even wiped out nearly a quarter of him. Fleet. Even the Broken Army Sword originally held in his hand was snatched away. If it hadn’t been discovered that these Ultraman were collecting Seven Star Swords and had five, Lukiel would never use the plasma that should have been given to the Rayblad Stars. Energy.

As a result, the Lebrard star is very dissatisfied, and even joined Zaki to come here, although Zaki didn’t know why he didn’t take advantage of this opportunity to destroy Zaki, but Lukiel no longer wanted to feel that his life was controlled by the other party. , And the sense of helplessness he could only watch.

PS: I was testing my driver's license recently, and the training time was less than one-tenth of the queue time. . . . . Xingsha try his best to code words.

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